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Net Neutrality: ISPs ought to deliver all online content to consumers in the same way, without granting preferential treatment to any particular content, or restricting or denying any content they deem unfavorable.

Illustration: Bakhtiar Zein/Alamy

The vote to destroy the internet happens on Thursday. Way to fucking ruin it for everyone, USA.

"FCC explains how net neutrality will be protected without net neutrality rules
Net neutrality will depend almost entirely on ISPs’ promises."

and yeah, slow lanes and shitty service and unfair tilting of the business landscape are all really shitty things and are reason enough to have net neutrality, but this story from Canada illustrates the most important reason why we need net neutrality (and helps explains why Canada is so very much pro-NN) ( The CRTC is the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, basically Canadian FCC)

I just wanted to add a bit of history here so that people understand why the CRTC cracks down so hard on net neutrality.

In 2005, workers for the telecommunications company Telus were on strike. Some of these workers set up a website that including discussions suggesting jamming Telus's phone lines and showed pictures of people who crossed the union picket lines. Note that whether or not you think that's a shitty thing to do, it was a legal thing to do.

Telus responded by completely blocking their subscribers from accessing that website.

In doing that, Telus (a major telecom here) violated net neutrality in the most spectacular way possible by blocking a website because they disagreed with the protected speech it was engaging in. That led the CRTC to start taking net neutrality very seriously, and it made opposition to that push virtually impossible by completely undermining the most frequently repeated argument against net neutrality ("we don't need it because nobody's violating it anyways") and demonstrating why it's important all in one fell swoop.

Unfortunately for the US, that's not really a lesson they've undergone. The violation that kicked off discussion of the subject there was far less offensive to most people (the ISP had blocked VOIP traffic rather than censoring speech they disagreed with) and the telecom involved was a small local outfit rather than a large national one, so there's no solid and obvious precedent there that can be used to clearly demonstrate the problem.

I know how much Americans love their 1st amendment. I can't believe it has come to this.
They told me I was mad when I said I was going to create a spidertable. Who’s laughing now!!!
The guys in power believe that giving a business ANY restriction is immoral, because they did not pay attention to history. That is why this is happening.
Though the repeal seems to be a done deal and will most likely happen, I don't imagine that ISPs are going to immediately start sectioning off websites into packages like the Portugal example, since this would cause a huge amount of backlash and lost business. More than likely, neutrality will be undermined in ways that aren't visible or noticeable to most of the public. And if the Portugal model does happen, it likely will be very gradual.

And even if the repeal happens, that's not going to be the absolute end of everything. There will be pushback, and I guarantee that there will be court battles.

December 14th won't be the immediate end of the internet. It's just when the real fight begins,.
There will be Free Speech Zones Lanes where customers will have the freedom to use to spread their freedom messages while ISPs will have the freedom to ignore them and the freedom to gouge customers (both home customers and tech startups) as they choose. True American freedom!

also have some cartoons, everybody loves cartoons, right?

The guys in power believe that giving a business ANY restriction is immoral, because they did not pay attention to history - more money for us, - fuck you. That is why this is happening.

fixed that for you
The TM is for Totally Magical.
Call Congress now: 202-759-7766

also have some cartoons, everybody loves cartoons, right?

Fixed that link for you.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
Basically if the US govt says it's good for you then do the exact opposite of it and you'll be fine

That's not always true. It's when they really push it hard that you know you're being screwed.
Circumstance penalty for being the bard.
December 14th won't be the immediate end of the internet. It's just when the real fight begins,.

As a general rule, once the government says you can start charging people for something, it's very rare for it to ever be made free again.
Net Neutrality FCC vote is one more topic that shows that our government is not here for us, but for themselves, which goes against the declaration of independence itself, for our government was built by our founding fathers BY the people, OF the people, FOR the people!

honestly if i was president i would fire everyone of their sorry asses and hire new guys and gals who are willing to serve the people rather than serve themselves.
It's like toothpicks against a tank
Scary stuff. Gee, I wonder if we will learn that government and corporation lines have been all but completely blurred and that politics are just a shell game to keep us distracted, hating each other while they pull shit like this. ...Probably not.
Canada in 20-30 years will look very close to uh, some Muslim place where people are being chopped up, women are being beaten and so on.

This may concern the organizers Canada's biggest pride parade, and the rest of the LGBTTIQQ2SA(see what I mean about too much PC) community of Canada.

I don't know what else to say other than this sounds ridiculous.
Basically if the US govt says it's good for you then do the exact opposite of it and you'll be fine
That's not always true. It's when they really push it hard that you know you're being screwed.
True but I'd rather be in the US than Canada any day of the week.

I find I don't really care much about Canada, I feel Canada may be creating a problem by being so PC and I think maybe at some point in the future we'll have to clean up their big problem though

Canada in 20-30 years will look very close to uh, some Muslim place where people are being chopped up, women are being beaten and so on.

This may concern the organizers Canada's biggest pride parade, and the rest of the LGBTTIQQ2SA(see what I mean about too much PC) community of Canada.

So more or less Canada is right about how to handle neutrality, but the way Canada handles neutrality only works in an imaginary space because neutrality isn't working out so great for Canada on a societal level, in reality
I wouldn't worry about us. I am worried about US though. A culture of fear on that scale is a recipe for disaster.

Scary stuff. Gee, I wonder if we will learn that government and corporation lines have been all but completely blurred and that politics are just a shell game to keep us distracted, hating each other while they pull shit like this. ...Probably not.
Yeah, things really went to shit with Reagan and has been going downhill since.

holy shit, they managed to NOT elect a pedophile in Alabama. Maybe things are turning around?
User was warned for this post
Canada in 20-30 years will look very close to uh, some Muslim place where people are being chopped up, women are being beaten and so on.

This may concern the organizers Canada's biggest pride parade, and the rest of the LGBTTIQQ2SA(see what I mean about too much PC) community of Canada.
I don't know what else to say other than this sounds ridiculous.
Are you sure? Because Canada approves of things like FGM which is pretty controversial and has even removed speaking against it in all documentation for people coming from overseas.

It's very reasonable Canada's LGBT folks should be worried, since Muslims have a tenancy to kill and abuse LGBT people in Muslim-dominant societies?

The only time it's acceptable under Islam is when a man is with a boy... vile!

Have you seen France lately, or any other country that has a high population of Muslims?

Have you seen London, where the mayor and majority of the population is Muslim?

In London, the Mayor says you need to adjust to terrorism happening often because it's part of multiculturalism. Very sick.

I wouldn't worry about us. I am worried about US though. A culture of fear on that scale is a recipe for disaster.

We share the same land-mass, do you understand the ethnic and cultural shift that has occurred in your country over the last 20-30 years already?

Do you understand why it is significant?

Your people will for sure, certainly be outbred by Muslims who in actuality are ignorant and do not know how to live properly due to a bad culture and bad genetic code as over 65% of Muslims are actually inbred.

It's unfortunate but they don't know how to integrate so well in society and once they reach a majority they begin to impose Islam on the people around them because Islam is a Religion as well as Political.

Yeah, things really went to shit with Reagan and has been going downhill since.

The US economy has been doing better than ever, we have in the US more jobs than ever and our country is just doing great since we don't have bloodsuckers selling us out and making strange deals behind the backs of the people...

Like selling a whopping 25% of our Uranium to another country for just a minimal amount of personal profit.

You'll sit here and say you're worried about the US as beloved Justin T espouses admiration or at least respect for FGM.

In comparison Canadian leaders have like no morality to allow the disfigurement of little girls.

Do you not know what FGM is?

Are you aware that pedophilia is acceptable in Islam, and that they are inseparable?

Either way your brain is cooked if you think Canada has some kind of moral high-ground

Dude, seriously. Hate speech? c'mon.

Anyway, this is about a free and open internet.
Your responses are more predictable than the next episode of Scorpion. But in the future try not labeling an entire population as genetically inferior.
Current congress will do nothing about this, and certainly not the FCC. During the last feedback period millions of comments were posted in opposition to net neutrality, except that saying those comments had a dubious origin is pretty generous. Here's a Slate article I dug up:

The Pew Research Center released a study Wednesday that raised questions about the legitimacy of many of the 21.7 million comments from the public on the FCC’s website regarding net neutrality.

The FCC had a public commenting period from April 27–August 30 on regulatory revisions that would effectively end net neutrality, the principle behind Obama-era provisions that prevent internet service providers from controlling the speeds at which websites load for users.

Jessica Rosenworcel, an FCC commissioner, told Slate earlier this month about her concerns that a majority of the public comments were fake—and that most of these fake comments expressed opposition to net neutrality. She told Slate’s technology writer April Glaser, “I think it’s important for the agency to get out from behind its computers and actually meet with the public on these matters face to face.”

Pew says its study found that 94 percent of the submissions were posted multiple times, 57 percent came from temporary or duplicate email addresses, and only six percent were original. There were nine instances in which over 75,000 comments were posted at the exact same second, and often the content was very similar if not identical. The seven most repeated comments made up 38 percent of all the posts, and a mere three percent were shown to have gone through the FCC’s email-verification procedure.
(emphasis mine)

So I'd bet the FCC spiked their own feedback system and used the failure to excuse any need for further feedback while Ajit and whoever's giving him his golden parachute when his tenure's up jerking it off to ending net neutrality.

Arstechnica has an article why Ajit is saying public opinion doesn't matter that also suggests something similar:
A senior FCC official spoke with reporters about Pai's anti-net neutrality plan in a phone briefing yesterday and explained why the FCC is not swayed by public opinion on net neutrality.

The vast majority of comments consisted of form letters from both pro- and anti-net neutrality groups and generally did not introduce new facts into the record or make serious legal arguments, the official from Pai's office said. In general, the comments stated opinions or made assertions and did not have much bearing on Pai's decision, the official said. The official spoke with reporters on the condition that he not be named and that his comments can be paraphrased but not quoted directly.

The official noted that many of the comments are fraudulent. He said that there were 7.5 million identical comments that came from 45,000 unique names and addresses, apparently due to a scammer who repeatedly submitted the same comment under a series of different names.

The message from this FCC official seemed to be that a huge percentage of the comments can be safely ignored. But the docket is filled with these comments because the FCC took no significant steps to prevent fraud and did not delete even the most obviously fraudulent comments from the record.

Allowing the docket to be filled with junk made it easier for Pai's office to argue that the comments should not be seen as a legitimate expression of public opinion.

Pai's office has also refused to provide evidence for an investigation into fraudulent comments, New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said yesterday. Schneiderman said that there was "a massive scheme that fraudulently used real Americans' identities" in order to "drown out the views of real people and businesses."

The best case scenario is for the repeal to get mired in lawsuits that gets the repeal put on hold for as long as possible. Add net neutrality to the Dems platform for 2018 and 2020 and protect it with legislation instead of executive categorization that can be undone just as easily as we've had with the current congress.

e: also fuck all nazis
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