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This is NOT primarily a help thread or a place for people to suggest workarounds, scripts, or plugins, to solve the problem. Don't get me wrong, that kind of thing is totally allowed and encouraged it's just...the main point of this thread is just bitching.

I remember hating that VX only allowed one tileset by relegating tilesets to the System folder inside Graphics, it seemed like such an enormous step backwards from earlier versions of the engine that had allowed you to have as many tilesets as you want. I'm sure there were workarounds and scripts for it at the time, but I was massively relieved when I got Ace and was allowed to use as many tilesets as I want again.

A better example, probably: why does Ace let you change each character's Max Level, but then not have that Max Level reflected in the parameter or experience curve configuration? I mean, realistically, the vast majority of games made in this engine, even the tiny percent that actually get FINISHED, are not going to be the kind of sprawling epic that actually takes you from Level 1 to Level Fucking 99. I generally set my level cap to 30, or to 60 if it's intended to be a full length project; even less or no levels at all for shorter/non-RPG projects (obviously). But anyway, to actually accommodate the max level you want in a game, you need to do a fair bit of awkward guess and check and really deform the parameter curves, repeatedly entering an incrementally less arbitrary value for Level 99 and fast/slow to see what that brings the maximum parameter to at the ACTUAL level cap of your game.

Example: Night City has a Level Cap of 30. I wanted my MC to go from 400 Max HP at Level 1 to 1600 at Level 30. To do that I had to trial-and-error my way to a Level 99 MHP of 2700 with the acceleration slider pushed all the way to fast to get the basic numerical progression I wanted, then 'cheat' a little bit to get round numbers at the start and end. It wasn't a big problem by any means, but with the number of projects I start, it's a pain.

ok, now u?
A better example, probably: why does Ace let you change each character's Max Level, but then not have that Max Level reflected in the parameter or experience curve configuration? I mean, realistically, the vast majority of games made in this engine, even the tiny percent that actually get FINISHED, are not going to be the kind of sprawling epic that actually takes you from Level 1 to Level Fucking 99. I generally set my level cap to 30, or to 60 if it's intended to be a full length project; even less or no levels at all for shorter/non-RPG projects (obviously). But anyway, to actually accommodate the max level you want in a game, you need to do a fair bit of awkward guess and check and really deform the parameter curves, repeatedly entering an incrementally less arbitrary value for Level 99 and fast/slow to see what that brings the maximum parameter to at the ACTUAL level cap of your game.

I have the same complaint. For what it's worth, though, the numbers and stats in jRPGs have never made any sense to me, at least not on any past Dragon Quest 3. And I can't say it's because I'm more familiar with western RPGs because I was well into Final Fantasy 7 and Chrono Trigger for a whole year before discovering Baldur's Gate.
Admittedly my experience with RPG Maker has been kind of sporadic. I jumped from XP to FES. I know FES is obviously going be a step down from the PC version but I really miss being able to assign directions on the collision screen. Like most other limitations I can work around, but that one just really bugs me.
It blows my mind that even in MV you couldn't change your games resolution without plugins. There is also little to no control over your UI (outside of modifying the window .png which isn't really what you should have to do, same with plugins,and some people say it can be done with event scripting, that's not something you should need to do for something as important as UI). The animation tools are still a mess as well.
I would love better exporting. It would be swell to be able to export just these parts of code and database you need in your game. For example, when I'm working on a small story-driven game I don't need my game to include a battle system in its code.

The nitpick with experience courves is good too. I'm rarely heading over level 10 as I prefer for every level up to be a game changer.
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