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Arglebarglefrickinfrackin' trying to figure out a new engine under time duress.

Is there a way to get into the base javascript whatever and adjust the encounter rate formula or do I need a plugin for that? Like I don't want to download a whole plugin just to accomplish what I could do in Ace by changing one line of code but...I will. Because I assume the default encounter rate algorithm is stupid because it has been for the LAST NINE ITERATIONS OF THIS ENGINE.

Thank you!!
The base javascript is in the game under js (look in the rpg_* files for all the game system stuff). In this case, rpg_objects.js.

There's no script editor built in, use notepad++ if you have no preferences (it has the same ctrl+shift+f shortcut to search in all files as the VXAce script editor)

Yes it's the same stupid formula as the previous iterations:
Game_Player.prototype.makeEncounterCount = function() {
    var n = $gameMap.encounterStep();
    this._encounterCount = Math.randomInt(n) + Math.randomInt(n) + 1;

Now you can change it directly there, or you can copy the function into a new file in the plugins directory (then activate it in the editor).
With javascript, that's it - it will load your plugin after the core script and redefine the function to do what you want.

(Sorry this response is too late for the event)
Download Notepad++ and use that to open the .js files.
Some much calmer day I want to make a thread about how I don't understand programming at all. Because MV looks and acts almost EXACTLY like MV with the most minor of tweaks, but is built upon a completely different language base totally alien to the entire franchise until now.
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