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As one or two of you may know, I'm working on a Kirby game on RPG Maker MV, and one thing I wanted to do was make it so that depending on what copy ability you had equipped on Kirby, you could press the interact button to do something special that'd do a thing to the environment (Bomb ability would place a bomb a la Legend of Zelda, Fire would let you light fuses and melt ice blocks by breathing fire, etc.)

I haven't found much helpful stuff on the subject of this type of ability, so, I'm starting to think it's impossible without really complex custom plugins and java scripting, so, should I just ditch the idea or is there still a way to do it?

If anyone can be of help, thanks in advance.
Guardian of the Description Thread
I dunno about using the action/interact button. Maybe a different button.

Either way, I figure this could be done via an event, probably on each map. It would occur as a parallel process, and would call a common event. The common event in question would check to see if whatever-button-you're-using was pressed. If so, it would go through a bunch of conditional branches, checking on what power has been absorbed. What power has been absorbed could be stored as a game-variable.

As to what happens when it detects a power, well, it might be possible, but I'm more than certain it would involve some complex coding. The examples you're listing sound like they need to detect objects/events that they can interact with. This is on a similar level to the Wand of Blasting. That was complex enough (at least in my personal opinion) to do in Ace.

If you are curious, though, you can check out these three games.
Guardian of the Description Thread
On second thought, it might not have to be as complicated as the Wand of Blasting? I dunno. Like, if players are only doing things to the tile/object/event in front of them (which might explain why you want it tied to the action button), maybe it events just trigger a Common Event if something can be done to them to begin with?

I dunno. Mind might not be on 100% straight right now.

MV can have a common event with parallel processing that acts on every map, so long as its switch is on. If you like, you can look at the game I made with Fomar, "The Path we Travelled". When you get the dog in your party, you can sniff the air to find hidden treasure (which is done with a parallel event like this).
You can check what equipment is on using the conditional branch command.

For the fire ability, you don't need any of this. Just make the ice blocks map events triggered by action button.
In that event (which can be a common event), check for the fire ability being equipped. If so, play animation (breathing fire / ice melting) and control a self switch to replace the ice block with an empty tile / puddle of water.

As well as map events, you can use the region layer. From a common event you can check which region the player is in, and do different things.

For bombs, you can have an invisible map event that is moved to the player's location when they drop a bomb (using self switch and set event position). Then use a timer to explode the bomb after a few seconds.
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