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I have some stat boosting spells, like Strength Up, Defense Up, etc.
They don't give the premade status (like the ones which double your stat) but instead they increase the stat slightly.

The way I did them is like a cure spell but instead of checking the HP box I check a statistic. So basically you can use the spell several times if you want to maximize the effect.

Strength Up and Speed Up spells work great because the engine has a preset rule which makes it impossible for the stat to go beyond double. (If my base strength is 100 I won't be able to go beyond 200 even if I do the spell over and over).

But with Defense and Intelligence I can increase these stats up to 1998!
Why 1998? I guess this is the double of 999 which is the max for all statistics.

This is a big issue for me, because this is game breaking. It took me ten years to see this problem... It only happen when the player is in the later part of the game, that's why I didn't realize it before.

It feels like a bug of the engine, why some statistics are a rule and other don't? Is there any way to fix this? Or maybe patch this?

By the way I'm working on the unofficial 2k3 version. (and I couldn't change to the official one since the project work with custom patches and plugins).

Thanks in advance!
That is indeed a problem. I don't have any clean solution, but off the top of my head you could record how many times the ability has been used and then simply disable it if it has been used too often. This isn't really a "solution" so much as a game play mechanic, but it would remove the exploit.

To check if the ability has been used, you can use "if player uses x command" where the command is the sub-menu for abilities. Then reference the MP of the character before and after the use. So long as the MP consumption of the ability is unique, you'll be able to identify how many times it has been used. If you need more detail as to the exact mechanics of this, let me know.

Once your counter for the number of uses has been met, replace the skill with a duplicate that can't be used my the character (you can accomplish this easily by attaching a weapon type to the duplicate skill's elements that isn't used by the character).

If you wanted to get all fancy with things, you could also record everyone's stats before the battle begins and then, after each turn, check to see if the stats exceed a predetermined maximum. If they do, reset the stats back down to the appropriate value. And then, after the battle, reset the stats back to their original values (this has some issues with level ups, so if you choose this route, we'll have to work through how to handle that). This option is far more work than the first, but will get the system to work exactly as intended.
There's 140 charaters in this game. Tracking the stats or the number of use seems really long to implement. And the MP cost is not unique, there's various spells that can buff stats too. :s

Since the project has been in the work for a decade it will be quite hard to change anything which is data related.

If I can't get any good fix, I will have to do some sacrifice and change the spells for Defense boost and Intelligence boost to something more basic, like in a Final Fantasy game, the spell will just double the stat one time and that's it (the normal way to boost stats in battle in RPG maker).

Also I wonder if the official 2k3 editor on Steam has the same bug... It,s not something I can use for my project but just a general thought. It's really an issue.

Anyway thanks for the help! Really appreciated!
With a standard stat progression in 2k3, the doubling a state temporarily usually isn't that unbalanced.

The part that took me a while to get used to was the bloody turn count.
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