
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
Mafia - Behind the Mask

This is a semi-open setup mafia game, intended for 12 players: 9 town, 3 scum, no independents. Before I disclose the setup, however, I will need you all to sign up with a superhero name of your choice. Marvel, DC, custom, anything goes! Create your own for all I care!

What is Mafia?
Mafia (Russian: Ма́фия, also known as Werewolf) is a party game created in the USSR by Dimitry Davidoff in 1986, modelling a battle between an informed minority (the mafia) and an uninformed majority (the townspeople). Players are secretly assigned roles: either mafia, who know each other; or townspeople, who know only the number of mafia amongst them. In the game's night phase the mafia covertly "murder" a townsperson. During the day phase, all of the surviving players debate the identities of the mafia and vote to eliminate a suspect. Play continues until all of the mafia have been eliminated, or until the mafia outnumber the townspeople. A typical game starts with seven townspeople and two mafiosi.

Standard Roles and Rules:
Before the game begins, each player is sent a PM assigning him or her a role. The contents of the PM cannot be shared with other players. All roles are assigned randomly. There are three basic types of roles that you can get: Town, Mafia and Independent.

If you are part of the Town, then your objective as a group is to stay alive and try to find out who the Mafia are. Since you cannot communicate with other players outside of this thread, you must work together and weed out who is lying and who is not. Townies who die still win when the rest of the town wins.

The Mafia (aka Scum) on the other hand, have a significant advantage over the Town. They can communicate with other scum members outside the thread during night phase. During the night, they can come together, discuss, and kill a townie. If all goes according to their plan (which it might not), then that townie will be dead -thus cannot post or vote- for the rest of the game.

As an Independent, your job is to survive until the end of the game. Depending on your role, this may constitute killing of all Town-aligned players and Mafia and being the only player left alive or simply staying alive regardless of whether the Town or Mafia win, and having a separate win condition. An independent may or may not be in the game.

If all Mafia are killed, then The Town Wins!
If enough Town-aligned people are killed that the amount of Mafia is greater than or equal to the amount of Town-aligned people, The Mafia Wins!
If an Independent successfully survives and satisfies their win condition, they Win!

Game Structure:
The game starts out in something called a day phase. In this phase, all players who are not dead may participate in discussion as well as vote for who gets lynched (note that you can also vote for no one getting lynched). The day phase will continue until a set deadline has passed or when deciding vote is reached.
Once the day phase is finished, the night phase begins. No one may talk in the thread during this phase, meaning that only players with night actions play a significant role. Night actions are abilities possessed by special roles that can be used to alter the game during the night phase. All night actions, including the scum's kill, will be sent to me via PM(unless otherwise stated). Once the night phase deadline is reached or when all actions are sent in, I will PM everyone involved with their results and then a new day phase will begin. If anyone dies, then that person will be revealed.

Rinse and repeat until the game is over...

The Rules:
1. VOTING: Voting should look like this:
#Lynch Jeroen_Sol or #NoLynch
And if you wish to change your vote, first cancel your first vote like this:
It needs to be bold and with a # in front of it, to make it easier for me to make vote counts.

2. PARTICIPATE: It's not too fun when half of the players are always missing in action and only have a few posts. Try to post a few times during each day phase and contribute to the discussion in some way. This is also very important for the town's survival. If you don't participate, you are at high risk of being modkilled or replaced.

3. DON'T CHEAT: Although it'd be difficult for me to find out, just don't do it anyway. You'd be ruining the fun of the game. And if I DO find out...

4. IF YOU ARE DEAD, STAY DEAD: This game does not involve zombies. If you die, then don't post anymore. This of course doesn't apply if your role specifically allows you to speak while dead.

5. EDIT RULE: NEVER EVER EDIT POSTS. If you think your post has awful grammar, just make a new one to correct it.

6. DO NOT QUOTE PMs: Never quote from a PM I send you. Creating false PMs is also forbidden. You may paraphrase information from PMs, but never literally quote them.

- 1: If nobody dies two day and night phases in a row due to any faction withholding kills, the game ends in favour of whichever faction(s) did not withhold their kill in those two day and night phases, or was the last to do so if all factions did.
- 2: If a nolynch happens at MYLO (non-scum = scum + 2), scum must attempt to kill the following night phase.

Game-specific Roles and Rules:

There are two notable changes from regular mafia in this game. The first is the Masked Thread. This thread is only accessible during night phase. Everyone may only post under their superhero name in the thread. These superhero names are the ones that everyone signed up with, but they have been redistributed under the following constraint: Nobody has the same superhero name they signed up with. Any night action must be declared in the masked thread.
On top of this, a doublevoter can be elected each night using #Elect. Voting happens the same way as it does in the main thread, with a no-elect happening if no hammer is reached by the end of the night. Each superhero name has one vote. The doublevote power lasts until the end of the next day phase.

Night phase is split into two halves of 24 hours, with some roles declaring their night action in the first half, while others declare it in the second half.

The second change from normal mafia is that this game has no nightkill. Instead, all scum have access to the #Unmask action. If scum successfully matches a player with their superhero name, that player dies immediately. Format: #Unmask Jeroen_Sol Superman
The number of times scum can collectively attempt #Unmask per night depends on the number of living players that night, and is given by the following chart:

List of roles (town, scum, either):

1x Name Switcher
During day phase/twilight, via PM, may target two town players. From the next night onwards, these two players will have both their roles and superhero names switched. They will remain switched for the rest of the game. 1-shot.

2x Mason
May communicate privately out of thread in mason chat.

1x Tracker
May #Track a player each night to learn who they targeted with a night action/unmask that night. Declares their action in the first 24 hours of night phase.

1x Watcher
May #Watch a player each night to learn who they were targeted by with a night action/unmask that night. Declares their action in the first 24 hours of night phase.

1x Beholder
May #Behold a player each night to receive a summary of their night action result. For example, the result "While tracking PlatinumAshes, you discover that he targeted Jeroen_Sol" would be summarized to "Jeroen_Sol". Declares their action in the first 24 hours of night phase.

1x Roleblocker
May #Roleblock a player each night to prevent them from using their night action. Cannot block #Unmask. Declares their action in the second 24 hours of night phase.

1x Rolestopper
May #Rolestop a player each night to block all night actions used on them that night. Cannot block #Unmask. Declares their action in the second 24 hours of night phase.

1x Impostor
Does not have their own superhero name. During day phase/twilight, via PM, may choose a living superhero name. The impostor may post under that name in Masked Thread during the next night phase. The player belonging to that superhero name may not post in Masked Thread that night. Impostor does not learn the target's role, and as such, cannot perform any night actions. However, the impostor can #Elect, and #Unmask if impostor is scum. Impostor cannot take the same name on consecutive nights. If impostor is town, can only be unmasked with #Unmask Player Impostor, and not with whatever name they are posting under that night.

3x Vanilla/Goon
No special actions

Sample role PM:
You are Superman, a Vanilla Town!


You win when all scum are eliminated.



01 - CAVE_DOG_IS_BACK, Number 5, Town Watcher, unmasked N3.
02 - oddRABBIT, DaemonWoman, Town Vanilla, survived.
03 - Gourd_Clae, Town Impostor, formerly Starsight, Town Mason, unmasked N3.
04 - Liberty, Starsight, Town Mason, formerly Town Impostor, unmasked N3.
05 - Fomar0153, Cyclops, Town Beholder, survived.
06 - AlaskanEmily, Endlight, Town Vanilla, survived.
07 - demonlord5000, Mumen Rider, Town Mason, unmasked N2.
08 - pianotm, Merlin, Town Vanilla, unmasked N3.
09 - OzzyTheOne, Sailor Saturn, Scum Tracker, lynched D2.
10 - psy_wombats, Paperinik, Town Roleblocker, survived.
11 - Shinan, DJ Hyperfresh, Scum Rolestopper, lynched D3.
12 - kittenfood, Rorschach, Scum Name Switcher, lynched D4.

01 - Sailor Saturn, OzzyTheOne, Scum Tracker, lynched D2.
02 - Endlight, AlaskanEmily, Town Vanilla, survived.
03 - Rorschach, kittenfood, Scum Name Switcher, lynched D4.
04 - Starsight, Liberty, formerly Gourd_Clae, Town Mason, unmasked N3.
05 - Number 5, CAVE_DOG_IS_BACK, Town Watcher, unmasked N3.
06 - DaemonWoman, OddRABBIT, Town Vanilla, survived.
07 - Merlin, pianotm, Town Vanilla, unmasked N3.
08 - Cerulean Spectre, Scum Alter Ego, disappeared D4.
09 - Mumen Rider, demonlord5000, Town Mason, unmasked N2.
10 - Cyclops, Fomar0153, Town Beholder, survived.
11 - Paperinik, psy_wombats, Town Roleblocker, survived.
12 - DJ Hyperfresh, Shinan, Scum Rolestopper, lynched D3.

Replacements: Cap_H (from October 30th onwards)
Ok sign me up, I guess I'll go with Number 5 (from the Umbrella Academy) or if he doesn't count then Nightcrawler from the X-Men.
On sunny days, I go out walking
I'm Sailor Saturn. Also this is my first mafia game.
I feel bored. How odd.
I'll play as "Endlight". Simple enough name, right?
I shall be... Rorschach
Starsight reporting for duty, sir!
I shall be DaemonWoman, the BSD-themed superhero. See, I even set my profile picture to match!
I am now certain that you are not scum and are just town trying to play scum as hard as possible.
# service AlaskanEmily stop
I am now certain that you are not scum and are just town trying to play scum as hard as possible.
I can't play in this game since Jeroen and I created and balanced certain parts of it together.

But still, I'm Pepsi Man
I also probably can't be super active until after Oct 18th, but if the game starts before then I will do my best.
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
Game will start whenever we get 12 players, which at this rate won't be before the 18th. I'll start PMing more people tomorrow.
I am now certain that you are not scum and are just town trying to play scum as hard as possible.
But seriously though

Jeroen, can I break the rules and join as a the Globgogabgalab?
I am now certain that you are not scum and are just town trying to play scum as hard as possible.
Hmmmmmmm simply delicous

I'm still mobile bound but I'll play if you cant get enough.

Codename: Merlin
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
But seriously though

Jeroen, can I break the rules and join as a the Globgogabgalab?

If I don't get enough players otherwise, I will rework the setup so you have no inside knowledge over the rest of the players and let you join.

Demon, I'm counting that as a sign-up because I still need 6 people.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
Damn it.

Fine. I'm signing up as my Pathfinder 3.5 Magical Girl character, Cerulean Spectre.
I am now certain that you are not scum and are just town trying to play scum as hard as possible.
I'm still mobile bound but I'll play if you cant get enough.

Codename: Merlin


But seriously though

Jeroen, can I break the rules and join as a the Globgogabgalab?
If I don't get enough players otherwise, I will rework the setup so you have no inside knowledge over the rest of the players and let you join.

Demon, I'm counting that as a sign-up because I still need 6 people.

I was actually kidding, but if that's possible I wouldn't mind it
Future Ruler of Gam Mak

The bicyclest for justice, Mumen Rider, is here!

I am now certain that you are not scum and are just town trying to play scum as hard as possible.
Oh fuck yes Muuuumen Ridaaaaaaaa
I am now certain that you are not scum and are just town trying to play scum as hard as possible.
We're all counting on you, Mumen Rida