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Does anyone here have any idea of how to patch out the battle UI? Like, literally just move the Actor Status window('s rm2k3 equivalent) 100 pixels or so offscreen

With the Maniacs patch now giving access to BATTLE common events that occur EVERY FRAME, it's very easy for anyone to make their own custom RM2k3 battle UI and override the default one.

This is very useful for lots of reasons: You can very accurately display status effects now, for example. You can even display the characters' statuses in real time. You can easily make an Enemy Status Window just like the actor one. Etc.

But... Right now, if you do that, you're forced to use the Battle UI Mode 3, so you can completely occlude the previous UI and not have any trouble with overlapping with the command / skill windows. If it was possible to hide the UI, though, you could display the new, picture-based UI on a layer BELOW the actual battle UI, and when a character's turn comes on their window would properly occlude the (fake, picture-based) Actor Status window.

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