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I just discovered what the slot feature does, it adds option for dual wield. For some reason most of my characters still attack one with the first weapon, but one of them attacks three times. The one that attacks three types had a spear (1 atk) and a knife (2 atks), all other chars have weapons (1 atk). Another problem is that the sv-actor only plays the animation for the first weapon type, not the second weapon type.
Three attacks: do you have the "attack times" trait set on one of the weapons being wielded?
SV actor playing the first weapon type animation: That's a bug/feature that can only be fixed with a plugin - it's been written to always use the first weapon in the core scripts.
Three attacks: do you have the "attack times" trait set on one of the weapons being wielded?
SV actor playing the first weapon type animation: That's a bug/feature that can only be fixed with a plugin - it's been written to always use the first weapon in the core scripts.

Yes, one of the weapons has an "attack times +1", that was the character that attacked three times. The other characters still only attacked once. The other characters should still attack twice.

I just found out that the attack animation changes. It also increases the damage by about 50%. However, I wanted it to make me attack twice, not just do more damage. I guess I should just use 'attack +1' and 'seal shield' instead? It wouldn't be as much fun that way.

Can you link me to such plugins?
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