
I've always had a problem getting a girl to notice to me. Hell not one girl has noticed me. I am 20 and this is embarrassing for me. Girls have always said I am too ugly to date. I have asked out different types of girls except fat girls, because I am not attracted to them. Friends and family always try to tell me that I am not ugly, but I know they are just being nice. By the way I am a tall guy at 6'1, but slender at 157lbs.

I think part of my problem is I look like a 14 year old teen at the age of 20. Hell I may look younger than that. I have not developed any manly features at all. If you seen my pictures as a kid then you would not realize much difference except for my glasses. I look like a child.

In high school during my senior year a underclassmen thought I was a freshmen. At my job on campus people thought I was a freshmen as well, and I am not. Some of my mom's coworkers thought I was 14 when I was 19 years old.

Is this normal not to develop any manly features at my age?

To make things worst I also have deformed ears. This is not a joke. I am very serious.
orig would like to talk to you
Yellow Magic
Could I BE any more Chandler Bing from Friends (TM)?
grow a beard. not a big one, just enough to show that you've gone through puberty.
I am trying to grow a bread. It is taking so long.
Maybe you have that...deficiency thing where you look younger than you are. Actually, no i'm pretty sure you would know if you had that.
If you think that your issue with finding girls is that you look too young, you're probably mistaken. Just remember, so many girls like confident men. If you think you have nothing going for yourself, then other people will start to believe it as well. Hell, act like a big headed idiot, at least you'll get more attention.

But you know what, you've got your life ahead of you to find a nice woman. :)
I don't have confident problems. I talk to girls, and ask them out. They always say no because they are not attracted to me.

I will Google that deficiency.

I just researched the deficiency you mention and it is Kallman's syndrome. It delays puberty. I was an early boomer. I started puberty in the fifth grade.
oh dear :(
uh i dont think its actually a 'deficiency' of sorts, i'm not really sure what it is.
i just overheard a girl once complaining about it, and how she was always mistaken for a child when she was actually 17.
How about we get together sometime?
oh dear :(
uh i dont think its actually a 'deficiency' of sorts, i'm not really sure what it is.
i just overheard a girl once complaining about it, and how she was always mistaken for a child when she was actually 17.

I used to go to school with a guy who was 20-ish but looked about 12. He wasn't just small, he really looked like a kid. I never asked him about it because I'm sure he was probably sick of explaining it by that point in his life, but he also always had a reasonably attractive lady on his arm so it apparently didn't affect his love life too much :D

On a more encouraging note:

Some masculine features like muscle and facial hair growth can continue for years after puberty "ends", hell I'm 25 and I still see my beard getting a little thicker every few months (I am ready for that to stop though tbh shaving is a bit of a pain for us lazy guys). Once my dad told me that he couldn't even grow a full beard until he was in his 30s or something :x

Also, biological research has uncovered many possible links between delayed physical development and longevity so you should probably just count your blessings, wait it out for a few years and see what happens :P not that you really have any other option.

Sounds like you're trying to make the best of it which is really all you can do in any case.
To make things worst I also have deformed ears. This is not a joke. I am very serious.
Grow long hair. If anyone asks about your ears tell them you were a bare-knuckle prizefighter.
I'm a black guy so growing long hair will take a very long time.
Work out. Dress better. Develop an air of confidence. Don't place the opposite sex on a high pedestal.

Vague advice I know, but it's up to you to suss it out.
I do dress well. I wear nice clothes. I have confidence to speak to women.
So what's the problem?
I don't know anymore. I have tried many changes in clothes. I am outgoing. I am smart and funny. I can make anyone laugh. I was kinda popular in high school. My humor is better in person than online.

Some of my friends have told me that I go out of my league. So I ask out different type of girls, and they still tell me that I am going out of my league. I asked my friends what league I am in. They either avoid my question, tell me to ask out a mentally challenged girl, or tell me to talk to a fat girl.
Yellow Magic
Could I BE any more Chandler Bing from Friends (TM)?
I am trying to grow a bread. It is taking so long.

See now there's your problem
I guess the only thing you can do is

1Wait a few years and wait what happens


2Go out with fat girls
Life ain't all about being beautiful, bro.
plz send msg for internet grl shmoozing tipz
I do dress well. I wear nice clothes. I have confidence to speak to women.

If you're confident and you're not scared to talk to women then don't worry about your situation.

Don't worry about your looks, worrrying about them wont change anything.
Work with what looks you've got!

If a girl you're interested in tells you your ugly than shes not worth your time bro.

Listen, this is just an helpful tip, but it sounds like when your interested in a girl you just walk up to the chick
and start trying to hook up and ask her out.


Don't worry about it man you'll eventually find somebody.......probably sooner then you expect.

Your looks are something you can't change.....so why worry about them?