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Okay... time for explination first.

I tried closing down rm2k3, and it wasn't closing down like it should be, instead it gave me the not responding thing... I just did a force shut down thing... a few hours later, I opened up my game... and I noticed a lot of my stuff was black... and the RPG_RT.Idb was 0 Megabytes, I looked at a slightly older folder of mine... and it had a higher numbuer of MB... did the force shut down cause my RPG_RT Idb go stupid or something else...

And is there a way to recover it? I lost a hefty amount of data... and I would NOT like to make it all again...
yeah, I explained this IN DETAIL at GW some months ago. Basically, your database has been wiped, and it's not coming back, unless you had a backup. Tough luck man :(
But how did it happen, that's all I wanna know now... I'm pissed as fucking hell that I lost a lot of my database, but I want to know to prevent it in the future.
can't make a bad game if you don't finish any games
Let your database finish saving next time. The DB auto-saves every time you close it. If your database is ginormous, it'll take a while.
Let your database finish saving next time. The DB auto-saves every time you close it. If your database is ginormous, it'll take a while.

Indeed. A LARGE DB, (one of mine was 25MB) takes LONG to save, (it took nearly 1 minute) and during that time, it looks as if it's hanged. but it's not. Just wait for it.
This put production behind by at least half a month now... great... now I got to re-animate, remake the monsters, parties... ughh... this only serves as a lesson in the future... but doesn't mean I'm still gonna like remaking this crap again. Thanks for the assistance.
is it too late for ironhide facepalm
this is a lesson in being actually patient with computers. :P owning a seven year old PC has taught me that patience and calmness in the face of lockups often meet with reward.
Apply button is great for saving changes in the database without closing. I use it a lot when I change something on one page then go to another. And if it's slow, give it time.
Very sorry for your loss. RM2k3 ate a world map of mine in a closing screw up, pretty much killed that game.
( ̄▽ ̄)ノ De-facto operator of the unofficial RMN IRC channel.
this is a lesson in being actually patient with computers. :P
This is actually a good lesson in keeping proper, updated backups. Not to add insult to injury, but the simple act of keeping two proper backups (one the backup of your latest work, the other the version before your latest work just in case the latest backup is corrupted) almost ensures you don't lose as much crucial stuff.

Hope things turn out for the better for you, J-Man. =x
Good lord. The power went out at my house and my laptop died. When I opened RM2k3, all the switches common events, hero data, etc etc EVERYTHING got wiped. I made a gamedisk about a week ago, and subbed the ini, ldb, and lmt files into my project folder and everything seems to be back in order except for a few switch names. Anything else I should worry about?
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