
Okay, i was going to let my art topic die, but i did a picture im quite proud of so i decided to make a new, less festive topic :)
Give her glasses, a long stick, bigger chest and a panda in her hair :P

Seriously nice work here Boobledeeboo but that girl is blocking the dragon's head!
an aristocrat of rpgmaker culture
This is really nice, her boots are so cool!
Needs more boobles

sorry couldn't resist :p you do some impressive work, booble!
Needs more boobles
hahahaha that was so poor it was good
her boots are so cool!
right?? its a combination of a pair i own and some i saw in the shops :)
realistically, her toes are being crushed
The position looks unnatural... Or maybe the arm is just out of proportion. Hard to say honestly.
the arm is out of proportion, it's too short. i notice these things myself, but i dont even correct them because im so goddamned lazy.
can't make a bad game if you don't finish any games
I don't see how any topic with fine ladies can be less than festive.
You have a very illustrative (for lack of a better word) style. Have you ever considered doing book illustrations?
Gamers don't die, they respawn.
Wish I had some good criticism to say, but since I am no artist I'll stick with the usual: that looks awesome!
Haha no, not really. I haven't considered much to be honest, i don't feel like i'm good enough to do anything yet.
But i'm complimented by that, and i'll think about it :)
Looks awesome. I am also no artist although I try since I found Gimp, but I myself spare my ''artworks'' for my games.
So the only thing I can say is also:
Needs more boobles
Really like the colouring style, it's quite pleasant to look at. The arms do seem a bit awkward, though - in the first one, it's (as already said) a bit too small and in a strange bend, and the second one's arm just seems overly skinny to the elbow. But definitely many great things going on here overall. Good luck to ya!
can't make a bad game if you don't finish any games
All of these girls are very attractive, booble. :D
RMN sex symbol
These girls are like hauntingly beautiful.. Whatever that means. The eyes are the best feature in my opinion though. Maybe my Avatar could be of some inspiration?
haha would you like me to do a take on your avatar, Tau? I guess i could, why not! I'll probs have it finished today if i'm quick.
And thanks for all the kind comments guys :)
can't make a bad game if you don't finish any games
dammit tau, stealin' ma plans

lilim :<
i...i guess i could do lilim as well if i have the time?
can't make a bad game if you don't finish any games
Nah, it's cool. You seem to function much better working from your own ideas anyway (or at least combining various footwear you've seen into toe-crushing contraptions).