
WHOA wow wow. two tails? that is a sexy idea...
strangeluv's undergrad major was "wyesse"

To some people, there is more to life than cash. So I am sure to those who were responsible/realistic about planning their course of action and picked a less lucrative career are probably happy doing what they enjoy.

There is no money in Chemistry but I like doing Chemistry so I am doing a Ph.D in Chemistry. So long as I have enough money to hang out with my friends and make rent, I couldn't care less.
You aren't looking hard enough. There is a LOT of money in chemistry. At least in the Canadian prairies.

Bring a toque, though.
A guy walks into a bar and his alcoholism is destroying his family.
please, poor people are miserable and everyone knows it.
lol. nice to see the life wisdom quotient of the rmn populace is still of exceptional potency.

hide your money y'all theres poor people on RMN
witcha broke ass
money might not be everything but it can buy everything ~kef
A guy walks into a bar and his alcoholism is destroying his family.
Hookers and blow, is there really anything else of value in life?
This is it. This is the happiest guy. But then he'll realize Poli Sci is like one of those useless majors. Good luck with that, buddy.

Like most social sciences, they don't give you automatic jobs and the jobs available related to the degrees are only for the best in the field. The program and university are quite elite, and reputation counts for quite a bit here. The clear paths it leads to (based on previous graduates) are diplomacy (working at an embassy), government bureaucracy (for Japanese graduates) and journalism. I've also been researching a few UN organizations, NGOs and Asian think tanks. Friends who got similar degrees said their jobs came from connections with professors and their dean after being top of their class.

I appreciate the concern, but it's nothing I haven't thought about a million times, and I think it's usually only a problem for people who have a sense of entitlement ("Well, got my Masters! Time to sit back and watch the job offers to be a political scientist pour in! I deserve it!"). Hell, when I got my Bachelor's, half of the people I knew were like that, and it was in Sociology.
member of the bull moose party
I think it also depends what aspect of Chemistry FG is into. If he enjoys researching at universities and teaching, money is going to be harder to come by.
Yellow Magic
Could I BE any more Chandler Bing from Friends (TM)?
Chemical Engineering (which surprisingly has very little to do with chemistry - I found this out the hard way) is where the money's at. Dullest subject ever though. Boy I can't wait to learn about pipe design!!! *slitwrist*

Thankfully I can take more Chemistry modules at the expense of horrible engineering ones (Fluid Mechanics is absolutely revolting) next year if transferring to Computing's not an option...still, I really wish I had thought about my career plans more carefully...
I'm pretty happy with how my life is turning out. I don't like to say 'turned out' because I'm only 23 fucking years old and I have the rest of my life ahead of me to do all sorts of cool shit. So far its alright, a few goals met and a few setbacks as well. There are a few goals I want to meet and I think I'm doing alright in getting there. I have a loving family, friends, my health is great, things with the opposite sex are cool (and while I've had some shitty relationships, nothing ever got too bad), I sleep well, I have enough to eat, fulfilling inner/spiritual life, so on and so forth. As far as nonmaterial stuff goes I'm set. I'm working to get what I want in terms of 'stuff' that I want, things I want to do, and places I want to be, and I'm pretty confident in my ability to get there.

Things are coming along. I'm a constant work in progress.

please, poor people are miserable and everyone knows it.
lol. nice to see the life wisdom quotient of the rmn populace is still of exceptional potency.
hide your money y'all theres poor people on RMN
witcha broke ass

im rich bitch
an aristocrat of rpgmaker culture
("Well, got my Masters! Time to sit back and watch the job offers to be a political scientist pour in! I deserve it!").

You would deserve it, unfortunately modern human civilization is a broken mess and you won't get what you deserve without deserving it ten times over.
money might not be everything but it can buy everything ~kef

it cannot buy my heart kef

how can you buy something you already own
Yellow Magic
Could I BE any more Chandler Bing from Friends (TM)?
Ironic how things have gone steadily downhill since my first post in this topic. Note to self: optimism doesn't work ever
Interesting topic...

Well I am happy with how my life is developing, aside from some debts, which shall be paid with how things are getting better and better, things are just fine.

I´ve quit two university courses for lack of money back then and despite of that I am working with what I like and earning enough to make a living for wife and me (no kids and no plans for that) pay off debts gradually and still buy some stuff I like here and there.

What do I work with? Pixelartist freelancer, sounds silly but with time and experience things are working out just fine and I still get to practice to make better graphics on my own project so it is fun, good learning experience (nice to see how market works too) and is gradually paying better.

Wife is mostly fun and really devoted and caring, could never complain about that. She respects my hobbies with games, building mech plastic models and so on, respects my job and stayed by my side supportively even in hard times with my job. Surely we do have our issues but I guess it comes from gender, background and age diferences (I am 10 years older than her).

Maybe I wish I could see my friends outside the internet more often, but I am happy that at least I have a lot of good and reliable friends who are there for me even in distance, people who supported me for real when I traveled far to face my woman´s family and bring her with me.

Guess the only issues I gotta workout within myself are to befine my directives better and invest more time on my ideas because I feel they can take me far and many of my clients actually say that.
tick tock tick tock tick tock TICK TOCK TICK TOCK TICK TOCK TICK TOCK

This is facts.
I'm...okay, right now. Still trying to get into a decent med school though my chances are much better this year. Seriously...5000 applicants for 100 positions...and people wonder why doctors are so old when they leave med school.

Other than that, I have no MAJOR complaints...just the usual headaches.
is it too late for ironhide facepalm
post=Feldschlacht IV
bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks

summarized for white audiences
Hey Tau. I'm glad you have the perspective that you do. I have done some things I regretted too and so have most of the people I know. Life is change, and if you try to resist the change it will only make things worse. It sounds like you are starting to see life and who you could be differently. I have allowed myself to change and struggle through my own hardships, and I am happy with where life is going. I'm not really happy because of superficial circumstances (although those things affect me to be sure), but I am happy because I know myself better than I think most people my age do and I can be responsible and healthy about life. But it isn't easy, and I'm not trying to brag at all. Change just takes time and the commitment to make things change. I just want to assure you that it is worth it in the end. I think one of the goals and mysteries of life is self-discovery.

It sounds like you've thought about why you did the things you did, and that is great! Some things to ask yourself are "What was I trying to accomplish when I slept with this person or did x thing?" "What need was I trying to meet?" Kinda like how Emanzi identified that they joined a gang so they wouldn't be lonely. A lot of time we try to fill deficiencies in our life with other things that aren't related. It is good to identify what you were looking for -acceptance, distraction, love, etc- and then have grace for yourself about the negative ways you went about trying to get those things. And then, of course, train yourself to make better choices in the future.

@Nightblade and anyone else with a similar situation: You sound a lot like how I used to be. I used to always push people away with my problems and convince myself that no one liked me; that I was disgusting and worthless. This kind of thing happens all the time with abused children though, and you aren't nearly as bad as you think you are. Healing from that kind of childhood is HELL and I know that firsthand. I am 26 now, and one of the reasons I was able to start dealing with everything that has happened to me is that my dad is out of the picture completely. He died some 6 or 7 years ago now. I would strongly urge you to get out of your parents' house as soon as you can. It is crappy and not really fair, but you are gonna have to really take control of everything that happened to you. There is something to be said for owning all the pain that other people inflicted on you, and working through it.

The other reason I was able to heal was because I had support. I found a few friends to talk with, I went to therapy and it helped a lot. And just so you know, I was a freakin mess beforehand. I used to cut myself all the time. It took my 8 years to stop. I've also tried to commit suicide a handful of times. I flunked out of school, lost my friends, was homeless for awhile. I have very similar experiences where my dad would beat the pets and freak out over the slightest things. So I can relate. Perhaps you should join a forum for childhood abuse, and maybe seek therapy. In any event, it is good that you are able to talk about these things at all. Not everyone is very kind or understanding, and it that can make it intimidating to open up about yourself like this.

Actually, there are a lot of things in my life that I don't like, but most of them I cannot change as they are the past. I struggle daily with being bipolar and having violent mood swings, and I'm the mother of two very special girls that really deserve more of my attention than they get. I'm extremely lucky that the man I married has been more than understanding with me through all of this, as most people get scared and run away. When things don't go right, I have bad habit of either going into a spasm or totally freezing up. I don't know how to handle myself a lot, and that leads to many people not able to be around me very long. People I know online tend to say they think differently of me, but I think that's because instead of in normal conversation I can type out what's on my mind - expand it carefully and re-read it before I post it anywhere. While talking, I don't tend to think on my responses as much because people don't like it when you can't come up with anything to say to them. Needless to say, this has built up in me a phobia of meeting new people, and it leaves me feeling kinda lonely. The only people I know that don't have a problem with my lack of social skills are my little girls.

I have to say that I like being a stay-at-home mom with them, though. We read stories and color and they watch me play video games like normal kids watch cartoons. Anna just turned three and she loves Pokemon. <3 Her favorite movie is Mulan. Jade doesn't talk at all, but she loves to play... they are what makes me feel my life is worth it. My dad used to say that every day he could get up and hug his kids is a good day, and now I understand that.

Many of the choices I made in my life were bad. I've done some pretty mean things over the years. But overall, life isn't that bad, it could just use a few improvements.