
Working on Character Portraits to combine the Face, produced with MV faceset generator, with a suiting body, which is reeaally hard since I never drew more than Stick figures or at best an somewhat unrecognisable apple in school (Took drama/theater classes instead of art as soon as I could.)

Also in the midst of overworking the second part of my intro and including a bar brawl minigame.
I've been trying to design a pathfinding mechanism for my planned SRPG battle system but I can't work out what I need.

The idea is that a player will be able to select a character and instantly see all the locations they can move to (think Fire Emblem) - but it needs to allow for blocked tiles and tiles that cost more to cross them so it's not simply a case of drawing their total movement in each direction. Also, on selecting any of those available tiles I want it to have them move there via the shortest possible route - so will need to have stored the shortest routes to each option.

I haven't done pathfinding in a while so I'm a little lost, I hope I get there eventually...
I'm currently working on game mechanics for a platformer game in Unity.
I don't know if it will become a complete game one day, I'm not satisfied with the jumping behaviour of my character yet.
The Interface is still prototype, but almost all game elements work.
Need some more enemies now...

I'm beginning work on a puzzle game graphically inspired by Lavender but game play inspired by resident evil.

Item based puzzles with a limited amount of inventory slots, I'm not sure if i want to incorporate combat yet or not, at the moment it isn't planned.

Also torn between the game being set in an old castle or a huge space ship.

I've just started drawing up some of the assets ill need to begin with in order to get the game systems laid down.

here is a mock up:
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
kkoangel you got a bit of chipper & sons feel going on there... is that the intention
No, not really. Didn't know chipper + sons

I try to create a cartoon style platformer and combine 3D and 2D elements
Currently trying to find a way to add colissions into theolized battle system for RPG maker vx ACE. I have no idea where to start :P!

Edit: Nope... all my attemps were failed.
Currently trying to find a way to add colissions into theolized battle system for RPG maker vx ACE. I have no idea where to start :P!

Edit: Nope... all my attemps were failed.
Currently trying to find a way to add colissions into theolized battle system for RPG maker vx ACE. I have no idea where to start :P!

Edit: Nope... all my attemps were failed.
Depending what the system is this could be quite hard or quite easy...

I don't know Ruby at all but here's a suggestion of what it wculd look like in javascript to show the logic:

function collided_at(x,y)

for (var i = 0; i<actors.length;++i)
if((actors[i].x <= x && actors[i].width+actors[i].x >= x) &&
(actors[i].y <= y && actors[i].height+actors[i].y >= y))
return true;
return false;

You'd then call that function before moving someone to a location to see if it would be collided - note it assumes you have your characters in as an array of objects called actors and each one has x, y, width and height properties.

This obviously only works for checking collisions with other characters, if you need to check collisions with objects as well you'd need to loop through them too.
Engineering to infinity!
-This NPC got a hat:

-Figured out how to upgrade the nwjs renderer without losing the encryption.
Engineering to infinity!

Made an animation for a Drive Art.
I have been working on new menus, rewritten them from scratch. tho I had one already working. When you create UIs you nearly go nuts, literally. Or maybe just me, I was losing patience. But after 3 weeks of grind I have em done. All sections are working. I just need to implent menu from test project where I created it to main project.

I have been working on new menus, rewritten them from scratch. tho I had one already working. When you create UIs you nearly go nuts, literally. Or maybe just me, I was losing patience. But after 3 weeks of grind I have em done. All sections are working. I just need to implent menu from test project where I created it to main project.

I fell you... Menus are so hard to get right. It always feels like you can add that one feature that will fix everything if you just remake them one last time. By the way, the font used on "Sky Tear x 1" and the numbers looks really nice, did you make it?
It's edit of RPG maker font :o) I just outlined it.
i'm working on my first game as part of a trilogy, since this is my first game i am forcing myself to only use the basic RTP resources on MV, then in the sequel i can use community made resources on top of the RTP and finally on the third game i can use plugins along with everything else.

also i'm thinking of creating a remake of the trilogy along with a 4th game and sell the special edition on steam, with achieves and other goodies.
Engineering to infinity!

Polished the battle system UI a bit.
Finally, after 2 months of constant LPing, I'm back to work on my game. And...not understanding why the timer isn't working. Everything ELSE for the puzzle works fine, but the timer itself refuses to actually start at all. 2K3, is there something I'm doing wrong or something?!
Well, figured out why it wasn't working. Silly me! Not very good at coding things right (or rather, didn't set the Conditional Branch to more than 0:00 oops!)

So, I'm working on the mini-dungeon for now until I can think of how to spruce up the actual dungeon (see below for that). I'm trying to implement switches into this mini-dungeon since that's in the main dungeon, and since the mini-dungeon isn't supposed to be TOO long, I'm trying to think of how to set this up. However, since the main dungeon is SUPER short, probably one of the shortest in beta5, maybe can get away with this one being a bit longer?

For those wondering, there's only going to be 6 switches: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Light Blue. In the map above, the upper left has the Orange blocks. However, there's only ONE Orange switch in the entire dungeon, reason being that's the way BACK from the other side of the dungeon. Once you get through, you can't go back the way you came from, so you have to do another set of puzzles to get through the dungeon backwards (not to mention, there's goodies on that path). Anyone got any good ideas on the setup for this dungeon? I know it doesn't look pretty or anything, but not worried about that atm.

Courtesy of LockeZ's help. This is for the actual dungeon. Might be hard to understand what's going on though, so here, have his map design!

The "Star Orbs" here are the two switches you see in the screenshot. Once you activate one of them, a 15 second timer will begin, meaning the player must get to the other one and then get through the entrance (one screen back) before time runs out, otherwise those switches reset and the spike barrier is raised again. However, since it's super easy to just go back, press the buttons, and get through there, I feel like sprucing it up a bit. Perhaps having one of the "Star Orbs" in the right room, increasing the timer a bit more, and then switching the puzzle up a bit more. Or could even have a third Star Orb. In addition, I'm thinking of adding in fake switches that summon enemies if you activate them, as well as this:

Having switches that you can step on on either side of the ! blocks, which will flip the blocks of those color to their opposite position (or, in most cases, the ON position). Not sure if this is a good idea, but as this dungeon is literally 5 rooms long, 2 of them being these puzzles, 1 being the very small main hallway, one being the boss room, and one being the main hub to 4 rooms that don't matter to the player this time around...yeeeeeah...

Also, taking forever to map this mini-dungeon. Hate mapping soooo much, so tedious, yet I need to do it VERY soon for the last 5 dungeons of the game. Greeeeeat...anyone willing to do mapping? No?? Thought I'd ask. T-T
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
I had been using a bunch of ripped tiles as placeholders. I'm going through and creating custom tiles to replace some of them. Not all of them at once - I'd go mad - but I don't want to leave them all for later either.

The custom tiles are not pixel art; they use photorealistic textures. So in some cases I'm just taking a concrete or steel texture and darkening some bits of it to simulate depth and edges and lighting until it looks similar to the ripped placeholder tiles. In other cases I'm finding more complete, specific photos of the object or texture and using those. The result looks something like this:

Ripped rooftop graphics from PSX games on the right, my new replacement graphics on the left. I'm not crazy about this photo texture style, but at least I'm capable of doing it. I'm definitely not capable of making (or affording) good pixel art.
Looks pretty good. Kind of reminds me of Theo's tilesets.
Got all goals for this month done, didn't mention that I was also working on my battle system. The basics are done, some advanced custom skills too. (There are still many special skills to implement and icons to be drawn, but its a start)