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Critical! Dodge! Miss!

These are all words we associate with the common RPG battle. But do they create fun for the player, or do they reduce every boss battle to the player's prayers for a string of lucky crits? Numbers generated by the system are unpredictable and completely disassociated with the player's skill. Does this reduce the game's fun?

While RPGs probably rely more on RNG than any other game, randomness can be found in any genre. Anyone who's played Tetris knows the feeling of praying for the point-giving "I" tetronimo. If you've played Call of Duty, you may notice the rare instance when your bullets spread everywhere except for where you meant to hit.

Critical hits were created in tabletop RPGs to recreate an accidental lucky strike in combat (like hitting the weak spot in an opponent's armor). Rolling a 20 on the die rewarded the player with extra damage.

But how is that a reward? What did the player do to earn that 20? It's like putting a 20 dollar bill in one of several cupcakes and handing them out - it's fun and nice and exciting if you get it, but it's sure as hell not because of anything the player did. And what about the other 19 times you roll the die? Does that mean you are punished for not rolling a 20? God forbid we allow the enemies to get 20s too!

What if you take two friends and put them up against a typical RPG boss? One uses deductive reasoning to figure out that he's weak to Fire, and the other just dies over and over again until he gets a few critical hits on his special attacks and wins. The first friend's intelligent strategy was as successful as dumb luck was. While this is representative of real life (where the possibility that one friend earned his millions and the other friend won the lottery) do we really want to reproduce it in video games?

My point is that random elements like Critical Hits detract from a game as a whole. They are a cheap and easy way to give a player a good feeling based on good luck - but the feeling created by the success of hard work and intelligence is deeper and more satisfying.

How do people feel about RNG (Random Number Generation) in games?
Critical are awesome because it's the equivalent to finding a hundred dollar bill in between your couch.

Everything doesn't have to be measured exactly. Variety, luck, and unexpected outcomes is the spice of life. What are you, a robot? Why does luck and skill have to be mutually exclusive?
I admittedly took a hardline approach to the topic, but I wanted to get the point across. You are right, it is always a nice feeling to see some huge numbers once in a while (especially in dire situations).

Maybe it's just because I have a fondness for online games - when you play against other people and not AI, it sucks to feel like you got cheated by the computer :/
amusing tassadar, your taste in companionship grows ever more inexplicable
well, I guess it depends.
As Feldschlacht pointed out, the luck factor is cool.

Personally, what made it even cooler for me about criticals in some games is the "flashy and spectacular" associated with them. I specifically remember Fire Emblem 4 for the SNES and how awesome the battle animations for the critical hits were just plain awesome (a trend that continues in the series).

Also, unless I'm mistaken, in that game there were skills and weapons that influenced the probability of critical strikes, so... there was some strategy to them, albeit limited.

So, in theory, there could be ways to tie critical hits and RNG-affected stuff with player actions to some degree.

EDIT: What I was thinking as I wrote this is: yeah, default RPG Maker "Critical Hits" in the DBS are probably boring... some sprucing them up certainly can't cause any harm.
can't make a bad game if you don't finish any games
Just saying: Nothing is stopping the player from manipulating random chance. Pushing, say, your critical hit rate to 50% or better suddenly makes it more than random bullcrap hits. Likewise, having 1 HP and endless evasion can make mundane enemies require different tactics (such as unavoidable damage or ailments, assuming your player has access to this - and why wouldn't they, in the presence of such enemies).

I remember when I asked myself this; it's a pretty easy question to answer for yourself.
Personally I look at random chances like this as warnings signs to check for undeveloped features or unnecessary clutter.

A 5 to 10% chance for random double-damage criticals? This is a cry for an interesting mechanic that can give players some real "choices" in your game.

Take those random calls and turn them into a player option - for example keep criticals, but only have them do 50% damage and make them an inherent and high chance on certain weapons or during certain conditions. Some examples:

1. Making Critical Hits ignore dodge/miss/evasion - instead of increased damage criticals introduce a new counter for player tactics to utilize, increasing depth and lowering unnecessary redundant mechanics.

2. Weapons: Daggers give a person a 50% crit rate + a bonus based on their DEX score - rolling your thief into a high DEX stat and using daggers versus swords or a bow makes them play differently and fill a different role.

3. Conditional Criticals - sleeping or stunned or other status effects allow critical hits instead of random chance. Maybe even an enemy going "off balance" if they miss a character, similar to the SMT series.

You can mix these together as well, making criticals always hit, but making only some weapons allow criticals, and make it easy for them to customize the character to hit crits almost every time but at the cost of of another advantage like high STR or HP.

Mix these theories with all the "random" elements - dodging might only be possible for some classes or special armors that are otherwise weak; or based on enemy condition or status.

Another example: Maybe everyone has "Stances" they use to decide if they try to dodge attacks or just lower the damage and take the hit - here you can pick which enemies should be tackled by which build, enemies using a dodge stance can be dealt with by the dagger user and the other who's just absorbing blows can be handled by the character based on normal damage.

Specialize some casters as a class that allow you to mess with enemies - instead of having a team prepared to specialize with each foe you can use that method to control them and your other characters can focus in more normal areas (and you get away from mages just being glass cannons and instead being tactical weapons.)

Staying consistent is important! One of my most annoyed moments ever was in Persona 3 - I had been playing heavily underleveled, using elemental strengths/weaknesses and defenses to handle bosses in Tartarus, then they introduced a new mechanic that became standard-fare afterwards - Almighty damage.

They built me up into using these elemental mechanics, and then took everything away by giving enemies an attack that hits all party members, does massive damage, and can't be reduced by elemental values.

I was left with only a couple options instead of the usual much more broad array - twice I nearly beat the boss with my underleveled party, each time by going completely offensive and getting those 'lucky rolls' - but to no avail, as it got close to death it'd just spam that attack for several turns and we'd all die.

Finally I was forced to level up enough to get the second level group healing spell and just spam-heal through the fight to win - was pathetically easy and boring like that and really left me disappointed.
Personally, I feel like Miss is a frustrating mechanic. I've gotten rid of it in all my recent game projects because it's just annoying. Paper Mario is a fantastic game in terms of non-RNG. It's all about predicting how the enemy will react and using the appropriate abilities which do a set amount of damage (as long as you can pull of the action command.)

As far as crits go, if you stick with the old school style of crits where each character just has a random, small chance to land one, they aren't very interesting and they're so unpredictable that you absolutely can't rely on them and just have to be satisfied when they hit.

If you treat crits as a separate game mechanic, they become more interesting. Create a character who relies on them! This character doesn't cause as much damage as another character at the baseline, but they have a 45% crit rate. You can also have cool effects that are triggered by a crit to provide another interesting spin on it.

In my current game project, each character has a 15% base crit chance, with the option of equipping gear to increase it. Spirit-focused characters have a base chance of 25%. Also, the amount of damage you do on a crit is determined by a characters Vigor. So the Spirit characters in this game are much more effective when they're critting, but this makes them a bit more of a gamble, especially when healing.

Example formula: Ability does (85% of Power) damage.

Spirit char: 176 Power, 40% Crit, 217 Vigor. Non-crit: 149 Crit: 334
Non-Spirit char: 196 Power, 25% Crit, 150 Vigor. Non-crit: 165 Crit: 294
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
I don't understand the RNG hate. Karsu and I's current battle system is heavily influenced on chaining attacks, which is influenced by your accuracy and the base stat that inherents crits for your move (Technique for physical, Focus for magical); the higher you chain, the more Burst Points you earn for your nukers to consume. Critical hits themselves deal more damage, are fairly common depending on your weapon and cause any ailments to be inflicted. Weaknesses cause you to gain +1 BP/hit, and resistances null BP generation (enhancing the power of empowering your RNG).

Complaining about RNG just makes you look like a nerd. It can be done poorly, like FF or DQ games. That said, anything can be done poorly and it is in no fault the result of RNG. Impressing girls can also be done poorly. BET YOU WISH YOU COULD HAVE ROLLED A CRITICAL SCORE ON THAT CHICK, HUH? Too bad the RNG was removed.

I've often heard that randomness is part of what makes an RPG. The argument is that since you're not playing yourself but a different character it isn't your skills that should count but those of the character. Thus the % to hit that are independent of whatever a player could manage.

I would say that randomness is what makes most games. Of course it can't rely on it too much (no player input) but it's always fun with "risk management". Take one of my favourite games ever. Blood Bowl. That's a tactical game with loads of die-rolling. It's a game where you count up probabilities and then take action based on the risk-reward thing.

A critical chance should always come with the chance of critical failure. I guess you could go and have a system where you have those different attacks (that's what RPGs do best innit). An attack that does more damage has more chance of failing.

Some people like Chess. But I like it when wacky things can happen. To take Blood Bowl again. Few things are more satisfying than being able to pick up the ball in some tackle zones, dodge, pass and go for it for a crucial touchdown on the last turn. All with a bunch of rolls (in this case maybe 5+, 3+, 4+, 3+, 2+). And sometimes it's just a great laugh when that weak goblin smashes the head in on the ogre against all odds.

well, I guess it depends.
As Feldschlacht pointed out, the luck factor is cool.

Personally, what made it even cooler for me about criticals in some games is the "flashy and spectacular" associated with them. I specifically remember Fire Emblem 4 for the SNES and how awesome the battle animations for the critical hits were just plain awesome (a trend that continues in the series).

Also, unless I'm mistaken, in that game there were skills and weapons that influenced the probability of critical strikes, so... there was some strategy to them, albeit limited.

So, in theory, there could be ways to tie critical hits and RNG-affected stuff with player actions to some degree.

EDIT: What I was thinking as I wrote this is: yeah, default RPG Maker "Critical Hits" in the DBS are probably boring... some sprucing them up certainly can't cause any harm.

Golden Sun had Weapon Unleashes, where a special animation would show and yo'd get a critical hit with a bonus effect, which was always fun.
I do like the idea of critical hits with some user control - such as a spell that raises your Crit so high that it's almost guaranteed, or a critical hit after pulling off a sweet combo.
Its not that I don't like critical hits, just that it always sucks seeing the negative side of chance. Once in a while in Pokemon or something your guy will miss 3 or 4 attacks in a row and die - but since you can save anywhere and the only "bosses" are 20 steps away from the Inn, it's not a problem. If you get to a boss in a Final Fantasy game 10 miles from a save point and his first two attacks are critical AoEs (or you just Miss! constantly) and you have to start all the way from the friggin' save point it can be a game-killer.

Mid-post I thought of an idea: The worst part of chance is the unlucky streak we all face once in a while. What if the game had a rigged number system, where it would never completely screw you over with chance? Example:
-It keeps crits fairly rare, but you'll get them once in a while on regular mobs, and if you ever get to a situation where you and a boss are extremely low, your crit chance doubles, or triples, or whatever. It wouldn't happen every time, but if you got a kill like that on occasion (maybe once a playthrough) it would feel pretty good.
-Or, maybe it just reduces the chance a boss will dodge seven attacks in a row and drop you easy.

This can be boiled down to faking chance in the eyes of the player, maintaining the good aspect (lucky crits to win fights) while downplaying the bad (unlucky dodge streaks less common). How do people feel about "cheating" the player's luck in this way? Keep in mind that this system would be completely hidden from the player - but people could possibly get together and figure out it existed.

(Oh, and when impressing girls I usually focus on their elemental weaknessess.)
I think we're too used to it in the RPG genre to see it's inherent weaknesses. I believe as genres start to require more strategy and skill, the random element is more and more removed.

If asked which game genres require the most strategy, practice, and skill, I'd reply:

1. Fighters (Smash Bros Brawl, Street Fighter, etc)
2. Real Time Strategy (StarCraft, Civ, etc)
3. Platformers (IWBTG, Super Meat Boy, Castlevania)
4. First Person Shooters (Counter Strike, etc)

All of these genres completely or almost completely ignore the "random" factor - they instead depend on better AIs and/or human input to make gameplay more interesting.

Want to know a game that eliminated a lot of the randomness? Final Fantasy Tactics.

There were lots of random rolls, Teleport, hits, status effects, etc - but you were given all that information before you acted, so you could change your tactics to make them as reliable as you felt you wanted them. I rarely if ever made an attack that wasn't a 100% chance to hit because each turn was precious. Classes that relied on random elements too much were shunned and replaced with more reliable ones (see: Oracles.)

(Shout-out here to Mario and the Seven Stars for consistent damage and you being in control of "criticals.")

There are 2 other major things I'd ask you to consider in terms of "random" in our games:

1. How would you feel if player input was random? ie. 9 times out of 10 it worked when you hit the a key, but every once in a while it just ignored it? Imagine trying to beat Super Metroid when it randomly decides to ignore your jump to make Samus feel more "human" by making mistakes. This isn't really different, we've just accepted that it's an RPG standard and modified our mechanics to take it into account.

2. Getting "real" random numbers is beyond the scope of the engines we're using, we're all using pseudorandom number generation, so our values are predictable and run in patterns, making those "random" calls nothing more than staged-out runs. (Ever notice a string of criticals and then nothing for a long time? Or in MMOs you sometimes gain 4 or 5 skill gains on a random check and others you can run 20 or 30 with none?)

Some randomness is okay, even necessary, but the more it's used, the more it's hidden, and the less control players have over their "random" choices (see FFT) the less interactive I believe the system is and the harder it is for it to have depth.

Why I think it subverts good game design principles:

One of the core principles of game design is patterns. Creating, recognizing, and utilizing. You teach the player that when they see a giant hole, they jump over it. Then you teach them other, more complex patterns - get over the bigger hole by using these moving platforms, use the walls to get more height to get over the holes, etc.

By adding in too much of our fake "randomness" we're trying to disrupt those patterns to make something seem more complex when it's actually just out of their control.
Max McGee
with sorrow down past the fence
Critical! Dodge! Miss!

These are all words we associate with the common RPG battle. But do they create fun for the player, or do they reduce every boss battle to the player's prayers for a string of lucky crits? Numbers generated by the system are unpredictable and completely disassociated with the player's skill. Does this reduce the game's fun?

While RPGs probably rely more on RNG than any other game, randomness can be found in any genre. Anyone who's played Tetris knows the feeling of praying for the point-giving "I" tetronimo. If you've played Call of Duty, you may notice the rare instance when your bullets spread everywhere except for where you meant to hit.

Critical hits were created in tabletop RPGs to recreate an accidental lucky strike in combat (like hitting the weak spot in an opponent's armor). Rolling a 20 on the die rewarded the player with extra damage.

But how is that a reward? What did the player do to earn that 20? It's like putting a 20 dollar bill in one of several cupcakes and handing them out - it's fun and nice and exciting if you get it, but it's sure as hell not because of anything the player did. And what about the other 19 times you roll the die? Does that mean you are punished for not rolling a 20? God forbid we allow the enemies to get 20s too!

What if you take two friends and put them up against a typical RPG boss? One uses deductive reasoning to figure out that he's weak to Fire, and the other just dies over and over again until he gets a few critical hits on his special attacks and wins. The first friend's intelligent strategy was as successful as dumb luck was. While this is representative of real life (where the possibility that one friend earned his millions and the other friend won the lottery) do we really want to reproduce it in video games?

My point is that random elements like Critical Hits detract from a game as a whole. They are a cheap and easy way to give a player a good feeling based on good luck - but the feeling created by the success of hard work and intelligence is deeper and more satisfying.

How do people feel about RNG (Random Number Generation) in games?

Fuuuuuuucccckkkk thisssssss noissssssseeee son. Also Anaryu's post (sorry Anaryu).

Even the really weak sauce programming games class I took as an undergraduate imparted to me the important distinction between deterministic and probabilistic systems, and RPGs work best as a combination of both. As long as critical rate is TRANSPARENT (player can see it) and ADJUSTABLE (player can manipulate it through skills, equipment, etc.) then it ADDS TO, not subtracts from, gameplay. In fact, it adds a whole other strategic layer if you have to choose between a weapon with better damage and one with worse damage but a significantly better critical rate. It's choices like this that make D&D such a fun game: the same goes for all its endless string of derivatives, both electronic and paper.

That said, in the history of RPGs, the slider has been moving steadily from the probabilistic side of the spectrum to the deterministic side. For evidence of that, see: character creation in first edition D&D and compare to character creation in 4E D&D. And this is a change I am find with. But the removal of probabilistic elements entirely (for me) from tabletop/RM RPGs is a bridge too darn far, because at least in the medium I work with and the kinds of games I'm interested in playing, those probabilistic factors are nicely tied to extra layers of gameplay complexity.

Some RPG genres benefit from the absence of probabilistic factors. I know that. I wrote/have run for five years a live-combat LARP and it has pretty incredibly complex rules (esp. for that genre) without ever calling for a single die roll, RPS, playing cards, etc. All numbers are static or based on attributes, nothing is ever "rolled" at any point. Similarly, I'm not saying that there aren't video game RPGs I played that benefited from the wholesale removal of random elements. It's just that all of them were also first person shooters. : )


All of these genres completely or almost completely ignore the "random" factor - they instead depend on better AIs and/or human input to make gameplay more interesting.

Yes, but all those genres include (at least for players who aren't uber-experienced) pseudo-random factors or factors that are indistinguishable from the random for most human players.

Mid-post I thought of an idea: The worst part of chance is the unlucky streak we all face once in a while. What if the game had a rigged number system, where it would never completely screw you over with chance? Example:
-It keeps crits fairly rare, but you'll get them once in a while on regular mobs, and if you ever get to a situation where you and a boss are extremely low, your crit chance doubles, or triples, or whatever. It wouldn't happen every time, but if you got a kill like that on occasion (maybe once a playthrough) it would feel pretty good.
-Or, maybe it just reduces the chance a boss will dodge seven attacks in a row and drop you easy.

This can be boiled down to faking chance in the eyes of the player, maintaining the good aspect (lucky crits to win fights) while downplaying the bad (unlucky dodge streaks less common). How do people feel about "cheating" the player's luck in this way? Keep in mind that this system would be completely hidden from the player - but people could possibly get together and figure out it existed.

As I am a tabletop GM, I do this shit all the time. As long as the player doesn't know and you use it sparingly, it's awesome. It would be tricky to simulate this in a videogame, since at the gaming table it relies on human judgement, but I think it could be done.

Just saying: Nothing is stopping the player from manipulating random chance. Pushing, say, your critical hit rate to 50% or better suddenly makes it more than random bullcrap hits. Likewise, having 1 HP and endless evasion can make mundane enemies require different tactics (such as unavoidable damage or ailments, assuming your player has access to this - and why wouldn't they, in the presence of such enemies).

Amen. My games love this crap although they don't always get far enough in development that a player can get this high up the skill chain.
Max, half your post isn't showing up and I only know cuz I tried to quote it.

Yes, but all those genres include (at least for players who aren't uber-experienced) pseudo-random factors or factors that are indistinguishable from the random for most human players.

I actually thought about bringing this up in my main post but I was already ranting too much as it is.Take a game like the original Mario Bros (or for a modern example, Super Meat Boy). You have to land on a single platform surrounded on both sides by lava. To land on it, you have to hold Right for exactly 1.45 seconds. Maybe there's ~.2 second leeway for the length of the platform, although if you've played I Wanna Be The Guy (fuck that shit) then it might not even be that much.

It's not like the average player is going to time how long he holds Right. There'd be no point anyway, since the necessary length is hidden from him (and likely the developer in this case). Instead he's going to make the jump, try to predict the length as best he can, and probably die a few times.

While this whole exercise has no random elements, it does take the average player a bit of luck to get right. Because certain information is withheld from the player, psuedo-luck becomes involved. And god forbid you sneeze. Actually, I bet you could boil down the probability of a sneeze to the exact second, but if you ask anyone on the street they'll say it's random (or that you have a cold).

Trying to think of this crap while I'm sick is screwing with my head, lol. I don't even know how this relates to the topic but it sure sounds like it does.

As I am a tabletop GM, I do this shit all the time. As long as the player doesn't know and you use it sparingly, it's awesome. It would be tricky to simulate this in a videogame, since at the gaming table it relies on human judgement, but I think it could be done.

Oh yea, I've DM'd a couple times and if the players are failing hard, giving them a quick, lucky turnaround makes the victory extremely awesome. This is usually because I didn't balance well in the first place :P It would be a lot of fun to see it in a video game though - super hard boss battles would become awesome as hell.
I don't know if Civ is a real time strategy but that game has always had randomness. Also called the "Spear vs Tank" syndrome. Where a tank would fight against a spearman and lose even though the tank had about five times the attack power compared to the spearman's defense. (It has apparently been minimized in Civ5 and the reworking of the battles)

Compare this to Advance Wars where you always know exactly how much damage an attack will do (and there's never any deviation).

In Civ there's the risk management issue again. "Do I send this many troops there and save these hope I make it or do I send all my troops there?" A big part of strategy is risk management. Without risk or randomness it is no longer a strategy game it's a puzzle that needs to be solved.

Speaking of puzzles one genre that doesn't have any randomness whatsoever are puzzle games (and with them adventure games). I mean genuine puzzles. Games that rely on a random drop (Tetris etc) have certain randomness to them.

In that way you could say that First Person Shooters are moving away from that. With improved AI and "sandboxy" games the games try to move away from people trying to "solve" the games from experimenting. Advanced physics models add to this and though neither AI nor physics models are random they are often so unpredictable they could just as well be.

From boardgames there are three ways to do the "random". There's perfect information (Chess, Tic-tac-toe), where you know all the rules to all the pieces and your opponent does the same. These have no randomness in them whatsoever and completely rely on outsmarting an opponent. The other perfect information is the one with randomness. Which is most wargames. You know exactly what your opponents have and all the "stats" but there's a random mechanic to resolve things. Such as a die roll or a drawing of cards.

Then there's imperfect information where some part of it all is hidden to you. There are imperfect information games without randomness. (usually each player is dealt the same deck of cards or chits to use but these are then kept hidden from the other player. Or scoring markers are kept hidden from opponents so that unless they really kept track they don't know what your score it). And then there's imperfect information with randomness. This is often in card games where players draw cards but you don't know what they have. The card draw mechanic is random and you don't know what cards the opponent has so those are hidden from you.

There's of course varying degrees of everything.

Edit: Just realized this whole post was more or less irrelevant.
Max McGee
with sorrow down past the fence
Max, half your post isn't showing up and I only know cuz I tried to quote it.

That's odd and I don't know how to do anything about it. It's all showing up for me.
Yea, it's there now, it just wasn't right away.
Minor thought, on something briefly mentioned with Max's post - letting the player manipulate the rate of crits.

In the first Breath of Fire game, there was an item called (in the Square-translated version, at least) 'Mrbl1'. I have no clue what that stood for. However, what it did was this: Whichever character you used the Mrbl1 on would automatically make a critical hit the next time they attacked. (I can't remember if these could miss or not.)

If you're so dead set against randomness with criticals, why not do something like that to offset it?
I think crits might be able to be kept out (or just be fairly insignificant), but misses are nearly crucial in balancing skills: I once played a german RPG called Mondschein (where no attack ever misses) and I stopped at a part where the enemies were insane: They had HP beyond the damage cap (not that I could do anywhere near that damage). They come in packs of three (your group size). And they have an instant-kill skill. Which is their only move. You could try multi-hit skills, but there are only two in the entire game, of which one is very weak and takes a turn to charge up (and it even cancels when you're hit while charging). And when these enemies ambush you...
That just sounds like terrible game design in my opinion.

I feel like one of the most rewarding parts of an RPG's battles is you using good strategy. Missing simply throws a wrench in your plans, though I know that's the point. The idea is to mix up the combat just a little. Missing isn't always bad, but I feel like a game can be easily balanced around not missing. Though take a game like Final Fantasy Tactics where missing was a crucial element to the battles. You had to plan your strategy around it. Something like that would work for missing.

Another thought about missing: You could make it so that a 'miss' caused partial damage instead. Like a reverse critical; you could land a 'glancing blow' which would do half damage instead 0.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
Meh, I think people are pansies and should accept that axes miss more.

How do people feel about "cheating" the player's luck in this way?Keep in mind that this system would be completely hidden from the player - but people could possibly get together and figure out it existed.

I made a topic about this once. I think this is a good use of the Luck stat - actual luck. In general, people thought that this was stupid and cheating and bad design and stupid and bad and stuff. Did not go over well.

If the player can control it, however (a passive you can purchase that raises evasion by 40% when HP is <50%, for instance), it's more acceptable. It's a choice instead of a fluke that cheats you out of a HARD-EARNED VICTORY.

mashing spacebar is serious business
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