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Borderline desperate is my need for a fresh point of view. My testers and I have been at the game long enough that I believe we need a new look.

Those willing, please download and test the first 10-20 minutes of my game's demo for Durance of Magic. The demo is basically the game's first chapter and there is more gameplay than 20 minutes, yet this is the crucial area for me.

The game can be downloaded here:

What I ask is this: Where, if at all, is the hook? The moment that you feel compelled to continue playing? Some of my testers, as well as myself, feel that it flows well. Though two have noted that the game hooks far too late for the average to impatient gamers.

Help on this would be greatly appreciated.

- How do I upload this file directly tot his website? I saw a "Locker" upload area, though it only suports about 10 mb of space. I've seen other games up to 40 on this site.
- How do I upload this file directly tot his website? I saw a "Locker" upload area, though it only suports about 10 mb of space. I've seen other games up to 40 on this site.

You'll want to make a gamepage, under "Submissions" at the top.
Note that you'll need 4 screenshots of your game and a decent description of your project.
That was the first thing I did, so there's a page and screenshots already up.
Once the game page has been given the thumbs up by staff, click on your name at the top of the screen, go to manage games then add a download. Easy as pie!
Thanks folks, I finally found it per Liberty's instructions. It was easy enough to find once I knew where to look. I must have skimmed over it, being distracted by the "Locker" upload area.

I've gotten some great feedback so far, so thanks to everyone who has responded. With the notes I've collected I may retool some things and then upload the revised demo properly.
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