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Still Looking for the Diary

  • pianotm
  • 04/05/2018 05:02 AM
Name: Elf's Diary

Developer: Starmage

Story: Follow the exploits of Faint! Half-elf, half-fairy, all dip! Faint has started a fighters guild to defend the town from monsters. In addition to defending the town, he and his friends have to deal with bullies. Likewise, he has to contend with classic stereotypes.

Yo momma so poor, your dresser is the top of a chest clipped through the floor!

Writing: There are a few narrative issues here. Faint is supposed to be a budding warrior starting a warrior's guild with the full support of his parents, yet his existence is so horrifically sheltered, the basic idea is too absurd to be believable. His adoptive brother spends his time getting high, yet Faint has no idea what "high" means. Faint is being portrayed as an absolute innocent, and we're supposed to believe that he's able to simply step into this lifestyle where he doesn't even recognize the toxic behavior of his brother, and yet, he can identify a present threat to the town. I think I get what the writer is trying to do, but the main character's disconnect from basic reality is so extreme, believability is simply unsustainable.

Worse, the game perpetuates some very archaic, misleading, and false stereotypes specifically identifying purity as good and anything else as evil. I'd rather not discuss religion, but it's unavoidable here. Again, we see a narrative trying to teach piety but instead misusing its religious subtext and becoming preachy, though I will say that it isn't done nearly as bad as in most games I've reviewed. This one almost gets it right, except it does on occasion preach at instead of to its audience. It would be fine if it weren't for this game's need to lump everyone that isn't "pure" in with "bad" people. It's a story with no middle ground: you're either pious and pure, or you're a sinful debaucher. The only people who are actually normal and who probably live in the middle aren't important enough for the narrative to care about.

Making a game that preaches to the player is a sure way to burn them! If you want to teach a moral lesson, creating a rigid metric that places the "pure" on top and other people beneath them is the exact opposite of how you want to do it.

Gameplay: The gameplay is interesting, to say the least. It's a standard turn-based RPG except you get turn points instead of basic timed combat. That is to say, you may have four or five members in your party, but if you want, you can have one or two party members take all four or five of those turns, which is really great if you've got an ability you want to spam against enemies. The balance is terrible, but it somehow works. My guess, the dev is going for the big numbers approach, but the game starts out easy, and only two fights in becomes ridiculously hard!

Seriosly, the monsters are nowhere near as scary as RTP uncanny valley.

It doesn't get unbeatable, but without knowing exactly how your character abilities work, you're not going to advance. The dev definitely needs to work on his difficulty curve. This game goes from 0 to 11 way too fast and way too hard. Do this in steps, not one huge leap.

Graphics: Enemy battlers look like Milano Cat to me. I always have and always will love those battlers. The windows display, I don't recognize but it's quite pretty and fitting for the game and its theme. The rest is RTP with a few things here and there from resource packs.

Admittedly, this is a very pretty system window and user interface.

Music: There are a few RTP tracks, but most of it, I don't recognize. The game sounds like the standard of what one would expect of a JRPG. The music is disproportionately cheerful throughout.

This game is the distant cousin that Epic Elf doesn't like to talk about...

Glitches: Doors will replay the open animation if you hit enter while facing them after passing through.

Conclusion: This game has a ton of potential. The narrative lacks subtlety: it's possible to make an innocent hero who isn't so disconnected from reality that realistically, he'd be unable to function. In reality, Faint would not be able to function in the situation you've placed him in due to how oblivious you've portrayed him as being. Also, you try to keep your religious subtext in the background, but every time you bring it up, it's a similar effect to beaning your audience in the head with a sledgehammer. There's no need or reason to be this overt. The gameplay is good; better than you usually see in an indie. Now, it's time to fix your balance. It's really skewed. While I do have some obvious issues with this game, it's not bad, and I really quite enjoyed it.


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Hello pianotm and wow! Thank you so much for this indeed very helpful and detailed review for Elf's Diary! :D I really appreciate it so! :)

As for the gameplay, I understand that some people, especially casual gamers will find it too hard in the difficulty level xD But as you said too, I did try going around with bigger numbers to compensate for the game's shortness. :) It's more like a mini-hard RPG game. But yeah, I am indeed still learning to balance my games, and still am. ;) Also, the game gives the players abundant exp and gold in every fight on purpose, as another form of compensation for any difficulty the players may encounter. ^_^

I actually get exactly what you mean by the story and the stereotypes being shown. xD I'm sorry if they may come off as offensive, but it really wasn't my intention. :) Most of these characters are based on Real Life friends and relatives who wanted me to put them in the game xDD Of course, they directed me themselves on how I should characterize them and how they should act in this game. (Even the descriptions of the characters xD). Faint was already decided to be an innocent hero before I decided to have all my peers butt in with their self-inserts, so conflicts are to be expected. xDD

I haven't got around to balancing it enough though, since this game is made under a week for the RPG maker bday event as some sort of short-adventure tribute. :)

I am still very thankful that you pointed them out, pianotm. Again, hopefully, I did not offend anybody in anyway on my narrative. x(( I am sorry if I did, and it is not my intention. :(

As for the Christian references, please, pay them no mind. ^_^ It is my personal offering to my God and it is not meant to condemn anyone who does not believe. :) I personally respect anyone under any religion or none, if that is their choice. :)
The TM is for Totally Magical.
Well, as long as you understand the issues and work to correct them.

About the Christian symbolism:
It's not the fact that there are Christian references. I think you can understand that with the overall tone of the game, it can feel like it's preaching to the player. All of the elements: Faint's innocence, his brother's narcissism and debauchery, the bullies, this clear divide between pure and virtuous Faint and friends and the rest of the world portrayed. All of this came together to send a message that at times felt a bit heavy-handed.
Hmm, I understand your point of view, pianotm, and I really appreciate you sharing them. :)

But yeah, it was never my intention to create some sort of division between who's pure and who's evil (people). The NPCs and the other characters are the way they are mainly because they were (again) self-inserts from my friends and relatives. xD So it was their choice and with their consent to be portrayed in a very stereotypical manner, but never was it my intention to create some sort of division to alienate people who are categorized in the middle of purity and mischief as purely evil. :( X(

Still, this game is meant to be a short, goofy and sweet game meant to be taken lightly with child-like perceptions (just as how innocent Faint is.). Imagine a cartoon network superhero series, like power-puff-girls, where the girls are very innocent, but not necessarily oblivious to the evil that surrounds Townsville. In powerpuff girls, there are obviously adult themes being subtly shown, but that doesn't mean that the main characters (the girls) actually know all about these. :) It's kinda like that, with what I am aiming for. :)

So again, I hope that the game is not giving you that very idea of creating boundaries between pure and evil completely, as it was never my intention. :( X(

This game is purely meant to be a funny fun-filled adventure of an innocent fairy-elf boy who happens to be surrounded by the self-inserted characters of my real life circle. ^_^ I assure you that there are no messages nor intentions in this game to create dispute between any kinds of people. :)
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