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Final Version Changes!

  • Muffle
  • 11/02/2020 11:09 PM
The final version of 7 Minutes is now up! Below are the list of changes:

Hidden for spoilers to those who haven't played the game:

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed it where the monster will appear in the chase scene before the text box
telling you to go to your bedroom instead of after, making it harder to outrun him and awkward to see him standing still behind you.
-Fixed it where the hide & seek game cannot be activated with Penny and Megan after the first chase which also caused them to appear in the living room for the rest of the game.
-The final room is no longer dark.
-Fixed the flashlight animation when it's on the ground to not blink weirdly.
-A blood splatter in the laundry room after Ronnie's death would move after you left the first time, it now stays in the correct spot.

-I edited the scene in Sophia's death to make it look nicer and smoother, the fade out before the sprite change looked awkward. I also spaced out some of the timing before voice clips so it didn't feel rushed.
-I edited some of the wait times in certain scenes so it didn't feel too slow or too fast.
-The arrows pointing towards the hidden light switches now stay until you turn the lights off instead of disappearing when you exit the map.
-I edited the final cutscene to fit my vision more, I think it looks and feels nicer even though I cut a little bit of text out.
-Door events now work without having to move up and back down to activate it, making it easier for transition.
-Added new music for the game over screen and final cutscene.
-Changed the titlescreen to a custom menu
-You can no longer save during a chase which made it impossible to outrun the monster when you loaded it.
-Fixed many grammatical errors.

Thanks to Frogge for the suggestions of changes such as the door event.
Thanks to Coelocanth for helping me do all this quickly in time for Liberty's stream.
Thanks to Ozzy for putting in the titlescreen for me to save me time.
Thanks to all of those who reported bugs including LordBlueRogue, GourdClae and Frogge.

This game has received *amazing* reception since it's release despite some of the bugs. I'm extremely happy with how it came out myself but I didn't expect the amount of love it's getting. It really *really* means a lot to me, I am glad that the game was enjoyable and impactful. In the future I'll work to make more games just like this. Thank you to everyone who has played the game and supported me.