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Sacred Reviews: Hazel's Summoning Ritual

"Hazel's Summoning Ritual" is a short collect-a-thon game developed by jewelswithwings using WOLF RPG Editor. And I really do mean it when I say this game is short. Since it would probably take a maximum of twenty minutes or so for someone to beat this game on their first playthrough. This is because barely any of the objects you need to collect are hidden by trick rooms like "witch2.rpg" or require you to collect and trade a bunch of items in a long chain of events in order to get an item you truly need to achieve your goal. For the most part the items your looking for are just laying out in the open just waiting for you to pick them up.

And the few that aren't like that are pretty easy to stumble into since the game only contains nine rooms. Admittedly you need to do a little extra work to get to two of them, but that extra bit of work is changing the time on a nearby clock.

A task that doesn't even require the player to find any sort of key item to use it. You can simply walk up to the clock and change it as you please. And this is probably the most secretive part of this game. Which is rather disappointing after playing "witch2.rpg" where you had to where certain outfits in order to access certain rooms, learn secrets, or enter secret rooms.

As a byproduct the hunt for materials in this game is so straight-forward for the most part that the game is sort of boring. Though, I suppose this does mean the game doesn't get a chance to make me feel frustrated like "Spyro the Dragon" did when I was younger and trying to find the last few gems and dragon eggs I was missing.

Though I suppose the short nature of this game saves it from this being a major issue. After all, the main reason to play this game are the visuals which are definitely eye candy.

Albeit I'm a lot less impressed by the game's soundtrack which features a rendition of "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. A song that while whimsical is something I've heard way more times than I care for.

As an overall package this does make for a decent experience, but your definitely playing this one for the visuals since the gameplay itself is underwhelming. Though, I suppose the plot line might bring a smile to your face considering your playing as someone who summons the devil for tea and cookies. And at least the devil wants to be there since your tea and cooks are actually good. Unlike Big Mom's whose tea tastes like week old bath water and don't even get me started on how awful her prune cookies are. But even so the devil still can't say no since Big Mom is more dangerous than even the demons that hide in the darkest depths of hell as they revel in blood and gore.

Scan from a page in the One Piece manga though I'm not sure which chapter this comes from anymore.