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The Skill Tree, created by Deity, is how the characters gain skills to use in/outside of battle. Each character has a set amount of skills, consisting of Basic Skills, Character-Specific Skills, and Joint Skills.

You learn skills by gaining DragonPoints, or DP. You start to gain DP at a certain point in the game, when all characters are in the party at once. To gain DP, you must use a Dragon Diamond or Dragon Crystal on a certain character.
Dragon Diamond = 3 DP
Dragon Crystal = 6 DP

The Skill Trees are set into levels, where you need to learn all of the Skills in a certain level to get to the next. For example, to learn Jack's first Ars Ability, Ring Ars: Firani, you must first learn Dual Cut, Fireball, and Fire, spending a total of 83 DP for Levels 1 and 2.

Note: Level 9 Skills are the Joint Attacks. You can learn these at any time, but they cost a lot more than any other skill you have.

The characters skill trees are as follows:
Level X - Skill Name/DP Cost
Level 1 - Dual Cut/15 -- Fireball/3 -- Fire/15
Level 2 - Ring Ars: Firani/50 -- Ars Ability Rank I
Level 3 - Double Cut/20 -- Flame/15 -- Infuse/20
Level 4 - Ring Ars: Frostir/50 - Ars Ability Rank II
Level 5 - Triple Cut/40 -- Fire X/30 -- Hasten/35
Level 6 - Ring Ars: Thundrira/100 - Ars Ability Rank III
Level 7 - Null/30 -- Flame X/40 -- Dragon Flare/65 -- Quake/40 -- Slow/35
Level 8 - Ring Ars: Elementia Max/200 -- Ars Ability Rank IV
Level 9 - Dragon's Pride/250 -- Spirit of the DragonSpark/500

Level 1 - Venom Strike/15 -- Iron Claws/3 -- Fire/15
Level 2 - Draco Ars: Shred/50 -- Ars Ability Rank 1
Level 3 - Paralysis Strike/20 -- Flame/15 -- Infuse/20
Level 4 - Draco Ars: Fira Claw/50 -- Ars Ability Rank II
Level 5 - Blind Strike/40 -- Fire X/30 -- Hasten/35
Level 6 - Draco Ars: Shatter Fang/100 - Ars Ability Rank III
Level 7 - Null/30 -- Flame X/40 -- Maxis Draconis Flaria/65 -- Hell's Black/40 -- Slow/35
Level 8 - Draco Ars: Destro Maxi/200 -- Ars Ability Rank IV
Level 9 - Dragon's Pride/250 -- Spirit of the DragonSpark/500

I'll have Syra's and Vyrns up later.

This took a lot of time to set up correctly and get it to work right. If there are any errors with it, although I'm pretty sure there aren't, let me know.