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Game Design

Making a Game about Games without Sacrificing the Gameplay

Hey, I wanted to talk about the game I am making a little bit to see what people think of the idea and get some reactions. The thing is, I've been working on it for at least six months now and I haven't gotten much feedback on it, and I just want to at least vent a little bit about the process I'm working to see if anyone has anything to say, or has any criticism or even ideas as to why it could succeed famously or fail brilliantly.

The concept of my game, ExXception Draft, is, in a world much like our own, only, it is the mid 1990's and yet somehow more futuristic, the government reacts to a series of school shootings and a video-game-related bank robbery by enacting some extreme measures to ban violent media, especially violent video games. And the gameplay involves a character who then takes this as his impetus for wreaking havok on the populace in the form of games. Setting up games, aiming for broad social experiments more than sadistic 'Saw' death traps, or even 'Joker'-like savage satire, and often hounding the CIA agents on his trail reading the clues in his wake. Viewing creative expression as an important outlet and the freedom of speech as sacred are implicit to this 'gamemaker', and yet, taken a step further, by intepreting (key word) the actions of the government as telling people what they are capable (another key word) of experiencing (major key word), they are enforcing not only a way of life, but a life, not just lived a certain way... but directed a certain way. As if, you could do whatever you want, sure, they would be saying to us, but only if you follow this single file line through these serpentine corridors while you attempt to do so.

So, my "game" inevitably interprets the "philosophy of games" as a philosophy of life, and takes a stance of game = testing experience, which is a possible set up for an ideal of experimentation, a world of bold living out of possibilities, possibly, perhaps, literally utopia (no-place) where one can dream of imaginary worlds that are-not but can-be.



I'll be posting a trailer for the game soon - it's in the works

I've decided to make a trailer... not because the game is going to be released soon or anything, but more because it will help me pool resources / get a couple of scenes mapped, and give me a better idea of the thematic outline for my own benefit.
Plus then I can show it off and watch it over and over myself. So, I'll be working on the for the next couple days or so and will post it when I'm finished.

Game Design

Messing around with Mapping and Google Earth...

I’m setting up all the locations in my game with “real” locations in google earth. Don’t know if I’m going to do something especially useful with it in the game, but it’s neat to map everything out. Mainly doing it to keep track of everything. This is the paranormal investigator’s HQ, which is now located in Eureka Valley, in San Francisco, somewhere on Diamond St.


New List of Character Classes for ExXception Draft

As a detective and a paranormal investigator, on a big investigation, you are constantly learning new things, and things are always in flux. Thus, your character class will be cruising from 1-30 in the course of the game along some wicked lanes. Here's the list of character classes slated:

1. Tyro
2. Neophyte
3. Hero
4. Romantic
5. Aesthete
6. Investigator
7. Adventurer
8. Pillory
9. Holy Fool
10. Top Brahma
11. Stranger in a Strange Land
12. Walks-through-Walls
13. Vision Quester
14. Seer
15. Sage
16. Gum-Chewing-Belly-Patter
17. Chief Proffesor
18. Rebel Angel
19. Ambigue
20. Swims-with-Sharks
21. Comrade
22. Magic Boy
23. Silent Speaker
24. Chaos Dreamer
25. Heat Seeker
26. Grace Monger
27. Usurper
28. Master and Commander
29. Transcendental Signified
30. Thing with Feathers

Progress Report

Gameplay - Fire Distraction to Bypass a Bouncer

Gotta figure out how to combine items, but other than that...

I've been working on the game a lot and the story is progressing nicely. Have learned a lot of RPG Maker XP.


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