Story Synopsis
Millions of years after a devastating incident in a world similar to ours, humanity strives for survival against the planet's own evolution. Explore the dimensions and the continuums of time and space in this hybrid of fantasy and sci-fi.
Fight with magic, swords and knowledge. Explore and understand, discover the real face of the world.
Byte-sized benefits
Millions of years after a devastating incident in a world similar to ours, humanity strives for survival against the planet's own evolution. Explore the dimensions and the continuums of time and space in this hybrid of fantasy and sci-fi.
Fight with magic, swords and knowledge. Explore and understand, discover the real face of the world.
Byte-sized benefits
Epic adventure and story | Vast world to explore | SNES/GBA styled low-res graphics |
Tactical battles against hordes of enemies | Lively towns and places where time passes | Deep characters |
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- RPG Maker XP
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