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Raizen is a God for creating this. It will be included in the next demo, for sure.
  • WCouillard
  • Added: 01/13/2014 04:13 PM
  • Last updated: 04/25/2024 03:18 PM


Pages: 1
Damn...Reeve is a pretty powerful as a card. ;P
Character cards usually are.
*Ditches Goblins* *Gets 5 Reeve cards* d=(^o^) Cool, I admit I liked Tetra Master more from FFIX(even if I "still" don't understand what the numbers on those card meant), but...hey, here's to having FFVIII's card game for everyone to addict themselves to for so many hours~ ;D
Man u weren't playin about that Triple Triad being implemented. Are there any special differences from the original game that you would like to implement?
No differences so far, it uses the same rules as FFVIII.

And obviously you can only get one Reeve card. :P
Damn, the script is out already?!
Damn, the script is out already?!

I told you, Raizen was working fast. :D
Damn, the script is out already?!
I told you, Raizen was working fast. :D

Cool! I can probably implement this in time for Liberty's 48 hour Release Something event. I watched his video of the completed script last night and was wondering, can you set it to work like in FF8? You'll be given cards from an NPC and then progression and acquiring new cards comes strictly from winning? Or is that card shop that I saw in the video necessary? Also, where is the card data stored, like how many of each card you have? Is it all variable based or something?
You don't need the card shop, because the games award cards when you win. You can use script calls to award initial cards, I believe. The cards are stored via script but can be ties to variables as well, I think. Haven't messed with that yet.
Ah, cool. Looking forward to tinkering with it! I can't think of a single fangame maker who hasn't been dying to have a card game in their project, so this is just dandy.
Thank goodness you chose TT instead of TM. TM sucks.
Pages: 1