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Demo ready. Ask for a link!

  • sbester
  • 08/14/2012 06:50 PM
I admittedly didn't get around to making any graphical edits yet, so the character art is still very poor looking (for instance, lots of white specs around character profiles, Apo has awful purple hair that will be fixed and changed to black, etc). If you can forgive that for the moment, then go ahead and ask for a link.

I am sending the link to those who have asked for it right now, so they should all have it in the next 10 or so minutes. I'm hoping everything goes smoothly enough, but it's still in a very raw form atm, so please bear that in mind. I also tested it myself without the help of amerk this time, as he will be beta testing the full version instead. It is very possible that I missed something crucial.

Also, you can save anywhere in the game at this point, so hopefully that won't screw anyone over.

Time for me to get back to beta testing FH v.1.3, as I've held off too long on that.


Pages: 1
Guardian of the Description Thread
So, for this release, you're probably looking for gameplay and story feedback only?
I'll still take any criticism people have, but I am aware of the graphical failures already so mentioning them might be kinda moot.

Were you interested in the demo, Marrend? I saw you post earlier but wasn't sure if you wanted the link.
Guardian of the Description Thread
Were you interested in the demo, Marrend? I saw you post earlier but wasn't sure if you wanted the link.

I would like a copy, if you don't mind?
Pages: 1