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Progress Report - 7/24/2014

  • Jenna
  • 07/24/2014 05:20 PM
Hello it's that time again! A Journey's End Progress Update...Sorry I don't update more often, but I do when I have enough to give a decent update, which is now!

A Boss Fight Video will be added soon, once it finishes processing... ^.^ Oh goody the games first boss fight test video with new graphics and such...

~~–|Main Progress|–~~

-Mana Vessel 1st Fight completed
-Finished Terralon Crypt Dungeon inside and out with most of the story!
-Made a few custom sfx for monsters
-Collected Music from new composer and added it to the game
-Created 2nd and most likely final costume for Tila
-Modified all codes to select proper costume for animations
-Finished Terralon Cave inside and out with most of the story.
-Modified story where you meet Kesa to be more accurate
-Lowered SFX and Music
-Bought Particle Program to make Spells with
-Created new Healing Spell animations
-Added Elfren’s Dialog
-Created Skeleton Monsters
-Collected Facesets for 3 NPCs
-Created Mana Vessel Graphics
-Obtained Cavern Tileset

~~–|Things to do|–~~

-Collect Tila’s Voice Overs
-Collect more Music
-Finish Celia Tileset
-Create Ferorn Cave
-Create/Obtain 2nd Boss graphics
-Update 2nd Boss fight to match story and roles
-Collect 2nd Boss voice overs
-Redo Spell Animations and Functions
-Create Terralon Cave Monsters
-Fix Regen on Mana Vessel Fight (it is not adding state to boss half the time)
-Collect Main Menu Scripts
-Finish the New Website for A Journey’s End

~~::Demo Coming Soon::~~
Yep a new demo will be released soon depending on how fast my resources come in for voice overs and New Menu Script. Maybe in a month or two it should be ready, I hope... The demo will cover the start of the game to the end of dungeon 2 story. Which should be about a few hours of gameplay, not 100% sure since I am still building the dungeon and story and haven't had a whole play through yet.

Once this demo is out the old version demo will be removed...It is bugged and outdated any ways so who needs it.