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Solid Strategy-RPG

  • Tyranos
  • 01/31/2009 07:09 PM
Tactics Blade Episode 1 by LizardBite

Gameplay: 4/10
Good game that suffers from a lack of patch ups.

Gameplay is very solid and reminds me of Fire Emblem. However there are many shortcomings. One bug is that most of the time the text seems to go off the bubble leaving you only knowing half of a sentence.

Another shortcoming is that you cannot use an item on yourself. So if you have no other characters then your healing potions are worthless.

Another shortcoming I noticed was the fact that to use magic you had to buy a 250 gold book and it only had one use...you only gain 10-25 gold an enemy when it first appears.

I don't know if these have been fixed in the second game but those are some issues in the first one.

However it's a well balanced game besides a few things like that. No errors while playing or imbalanced combat.

Graphics: 2/10

Very bland and run of the mill even for a strategy game. Also it's used very badly allowing you to have the upper hand in almost every engagement. It almost takes all the fun out of the game.

Storyline: 3/10
It would seem a well written story is lacked but at least what is there works for what it's supposed to work for. And it seems to pick up towards the end. I will be playing the second episode to see where it goes and hopefully a third release will follow.

Characters: 2/10
Last but not least I need to cover characters. While they don't leave a lasting impression on you they do seem to have some personality I hope to see this improved upon as the trilogy moves onward. I would really like to feel like my team is important and that they are people.

Music and Sounds: 1/10

Okay lets face it, what little audio is in here is very out of place. It felt like it belonged in the original releases of Star Wars.

Overall: 12/50

Not bad for a strategy-rpg made in an old maker but it suffers from a few setbacks and really could use some touching up. You should give it a try before deciding whether or not you like it yourself.

1 out of 5


Pages: 1
Good review, just some corrections/left outs: You can use items on yourself, you just need the Healing potion II (the 1st healing potion is only for use on other). The AI needs some major tuning, too. Enemies go for the weaker units, which is ok, but they go as far as to LOSE TURNS just moving and not attacking to do so, which is NOT ok. If you cut off their path with stronger units, they just sit there and wait to die, or until the road to the weak units is clear. The english need a little polish, too, I understand that you are not a native speaker, so try and find someone with a good level of english to help you with the dialogs to buff up the story element a bit. And last, but not least, the graphics are, in some cases, a joke. Females with male bodies and ape-looking imps are a no-go.
I'm a dog pirate
Let's be honest here: nothing "solid" should have 1 star. Either it's not solid or the star rating should be higher.
Pages: 1