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Working on bugs for v1.3 (Hero's Realm)

  • kentona
  • 04/28/2009 06:53 PM
So, after that terrible terrible EXP bug was pointed out to me after the release of v1.2, I've had it in my head that I should start working on a fix.

Well, in all these weeks I never did find a cause. I have to chalk it up to RM2k3 being retarded in some retarded way.

As a result, I've coded a "patch" for it - in a parallel process I constantly check everyone's EXP. If the game detects a dramatic drop, it goes "Whoa! Your EXP dropped a whole bunch! Lemme fix that for ya!" and restores the lost EXP automatically. Not ideal, but it'll work.

Incidentally, now if you want to "hack" the game, press F9, look for variables 381 to 412, and modify the "char EXP Previous" values. Basically, by doing that, you will be able to modify everyone's EXP. Honest people can use it to fix the effects of the EXP bug (pre-v1.3), while dishonest people (or people who hate grinding) can use it to artificially increase EXP. Only in Ch. 5, though.

Anywho, I mention that I'm working on v1.3 because I hope to clean up other missed bugs and loose ends.

Here is the list of bugs I've identified or had reported to me:

POST EPIC battle vs. Shelob wasn't being set....FIXED
Transform = OFF with Darmon...FIXED
Kafka damage too high...FIXED
Expel not in spell list...FIXED
Better directions in Chapter 5 and Ch. 1...FIXED
-White Elfstone
-Teleportal/Tower "Rover came through here and said balh blah tower"
Corpse Explosion not doing damage...NO IDEA WHY
Gem Tarot card not giving gold? NOPE IT ISN'T, BUT TOO MUCH WORK TO CHANGE
Joker class --> elite?...ADDED
Channeler/elite skills showing weird transparency...FIXED
Erase picture for class upgrades...FIXED
Skills page transparency issues...FIXED
Templar faceset when upgrading to a Templar as a male was wrong...FIXED
Port Kells docks wider...FIXED
Okasa song...FIXED
Horn imp not fighting...FIXED
Sailing no monsters in Ch. 3...FIXED
In the Cave of Truth, the is a save point that is completely useless, since you can save absolutely everywhere....FIXED
When you use Magicombo or Pummel, and then choose what the other partners will do, you have to wait until it's the hero's turn again before the others can do anything....THIS IS AN RM2k3 STUPID ISSUE
I was able to jump onto the Phantom Ship and sail with it. I had 2 gameovers (my whole party numbed) but was able to reach the Temple of Class Change even before I got any of the Sacred Artifacts....FIXED
Temple of class change. You put the wrong picture (or none at all?) for the elite class (and masters perhaps) stats and skill. The result is well, I have to open the picture folder (or your website) to see the stats/skills.....FIXED
Spinidel : death by ladykiller (he doesn't even get a move; well, maybe once). Dunno if this is intended (no death immunity).....FIXED
PYRAMID : Warp whistle takes you to Chapter 1's Bathalas' castle (is that the name) ; i.e. the last dungeon for Holdana in the 1st chapter. ....FIXED
Shelob Respawn? I seem to be able to fight them a 2nd time....FIXED
EXP After battle test msg...REMOVED

Walk speed Dow Jones?
In Shelob' Marsh, my charas walked faster and faster. I ended up moving at insane speed...I wonder why? Maybe because I went in and out of the marsh several times? Once when I got out, I was walking very fast on the world map. When I was done with the monster, I exited the zone for good, used the 5 key that didn't work before, and fortunately all was back to normal.

Any one else have bugs/balancing issues to report?


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I still think its giving a player negative levels that's causing the exp loss :(
I'm playing it right now and..I'm thinking wow..that's alot of bugs.

Though personally I liked Darmon changing and the horned imps not attacking..;)
I think it has to do with the Afterbattle common event that distributes 50% of the EXP earned in a battle to the non-active party members. I never checked for negative values in my code, so if somehow maybe the EXP to be "added" to everyone was negative, everyone's EXP would drop. Thus I added a condition of If EXP_TO_BE_ADDED > 0, just in case.
Quote from: Izazie on Today at 01:39:42 PM
About the exp bug again...
I took back the last save I did before the bug happened, and kept a close eyes to the character's exp points amount.
The bug happened just after the colossus fought an enemy.
So I send you two saves, one just before the bug, the other one just after.
And by the way...there is no need for rush, you know. It's not a matter of life or dead!

Ha! That's it!

Stupid flawed logic.

In Chapter 5, I implemented a system that would distrubute 50% of EXP earned in a battle to all the party members (so that non-active members would get EXP). The system was based on the leader's EXP before and after a battle. HOWEVER, when you are fighting as the Colossus, the EXP_after_battle is 0 (since there are no leaders in the party) BUT the EXP_before_battle isn't reset, so in my math to calculate the 50% of EXP earned, EXP_after_battle - EXP_before_battle = 0 - (A leader's previous EXP) = (a huge negative number). Then I took 50% of that and "added" the negative number to all characters. Thus the result is a huge EXP drop for everyone!

Fixed by added a simple < 0 check. Durrr.

Thanks Izazie!
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