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Still working on the game but progress is going admittedly super slow as I'm balancing work-life with free-time. Conversion to MV is almost done, but until I can find a decent light script, the game may take on a much-lighter tone both story wise and over-all looks, probably a good thing though. I'm currently converting the character sprites and loving the MV bases, you can add a lot more detail to the sprites. :3

Have a peak!


Pages: 1
Goes inactive at least every 2 weeks
It's great that this project is still alive!

However if you're converting it to MV, you should remove the VX Ace images.
Also, you should post a image of the MV battle system for your game.

Good luck with the rest of your project!
RPG Maker 2k/2k3 for life, baby!!
Those new sprites look really nice!
Thank you! Yeah, the battle system is still WIP but when I'm happy with the looks, I'll certainly get some more screens posted. :)
Pages: 1