Seiki Utsunomiya, or protagonist, is a 17 year old boy who embarks on a journey. At a young age, Seiki's father left, due to Seiki and his brother's mental disorder. Soon after, Seiki's mother started getting sick all the time and suffered from paranoia, forcing Seiki's older brother to look after him. Seeing it was hard for him to do, because of his ADHD, Seiki's mother sent him away to get help leaving Seiki and his mother to be the only ones remaining. Eventually, sickness caught up to Seiki's mother and she passed away. After losing his family to various things, he is taken to Ena's mansion who is seeking to cure him of his disassociation. He meets Kaiya, and Kaiya convinces him to take them out; leading to them finding an old building full of horrors.
(This game is a psychological horror imitation jrpg game)
for more information go to our Tumblr page!:
Seiki Utsunomiya- A 17 year old boy who calls himself cursed
Kaiya Ikeda- Seiki's partner through the journey, a 15 year old
Seiichi Utsunomiya- Seiki's older brother who is now 20.
Ena Ikeda- Kaiyas mother,who prefers to be called "Queen" by all but her child
Miss Scary- A deadly ghost
Shinichi- A male arachnid who is way too obsessed with looking good
Jun- A living doll who doesn't seem worried
Selena Anges- A Siren who stops at nothing to consume her victims
Momo Ellis- A Nurse Loli trying to look young
Yuu Delany- A depressed teen, with no confirmed gender
Abercrombie- The lazy butler who works for the Ikedas
(This game is a psychological horror imitation jrpg game)
for more information go to our Tumblr page!:
Seiki Utsunomiya- A 17 year old boy who calls himself cursed
Kaiya Ikeda- Seiki's partner through the journey, a 15 year old
Seiichi Utsunomiya- Seiki's older brother who is now 20.
Ena Ikeda- Kaiyas mother,who prefers to be called "Queen" by all but her child
Miss Scary- A deadly ghost
Shinichi- A male arachnid who is way too obsessed with looking good
Jun- A living doll who doesn't seem worried
Selena Anges- A Siren who stops at nothing to consume her victims
Momo Ellis- A Nurse Loli trying to look young
Yuu Delany- A depressed teen, with no confirmed gender
Abercrombie- The lazy butler who works for the Ikedas
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