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Seiki Utsunomiya, or protagonist, is a 17 year old boy who embarks on a journey. At a young age, Seiki's father left, due to Seiki and his brother's mental disorder. Soon after, Seiki's mother started getting sick all the time and suffered from paranoia, forcing Seiki's older brother to look after him. Seeing it was hard for him to do, because of his ADHD, Seiki's mother sent him away to get help leaving Seiki and his mother to be the only ones remaining. Eventually, sickness caught up to Seiki's mother and she passed away. After losing his family to various things, he is taken to Ena's mansion who is seeking to cure him of his disassociation. He meets Kaiya, and Kaiya convinces him to take them out; leading to them finding an old building full of horrors.
(This game is a psychological horror imitation jrpg game)

for more information go to our Tumblr page!: http://dapc-project.tumblr.com/

Seiki Utsunomiya- A 17 year old boy who calls himself cursed

Kaiya Ikeda- Seiki's partner through the journey, a 15 year old

Seiichi Utsunomiya- Seiki's older brother who is now 20.

Ena Ikeda- Kaiyas mother,who prefers to be called "Queen" by all but her child

Miss Scary- A deadly ghost

Shinichi- A male arachnid who is way too obsessed with looking good

Jun- A living doll who doesn't seem worried

Selena Anges- A Siren who stops at nothing to consume her victims

Momo Ellis- A Nurse Loli trying to look young

Yuu Delany- A depressed teen, with no confirmed gender

Abercrombie- The lazy butler who works for the Ikedas

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We're still alive!

We were really busy with DAPC2 back in November but we've been busy with other interests for awhile so it'll probably take us a bit to get back into developing it, I'd estimate it might be done around summer time.


Pages: 1
Looks like it is Death by Pastel Colors again.

Your characters are super cute, I really like how small they are in comparison to your tile sets. Will you be updating your picture gallery when your characters have a conversation so that people can see the face sets, or busts or whatever you have planned for that.

That would be cool, I would like to see them, I bet others would as well. :D

For some reason, I was expecting little chibi portraits. :p
Also for your text you could do something like Seiki,\|
who's that?
Instead all the text just being one color.

I just want to get myself a Fancy Cup and live the good life.
They have really torn up the room, yet the room looks perfectly fine. :)
I'm not really sure when to update, but I was planning on adding in some pictures from time to time. I can put in some pictures of conversations if you'd like.
When you forget to make an account on here for your own game. Uh. Hi! I'm the game's idea developer! ^U^ I'm working on the game currently with Sweater. We switch off making the story and maps. C:
Things I noticed.

Your tint at the beginning must have been an "Autorun Event" as it did not play the second I got into the game you should change this to a "Parallel Process." Also because your tint is still on, the picture you showed is also tinted it would be nice if you turned tint off then turned it back on after the picture.

During gameplay you can turn on the lamp and off by going out of the room.

I was confused where to go and only made it into the bathroom as I did not see any other doors to explore.

As a demo I suggest not including all your assets, Rpg maker MV takes out unused assets in the filesize however vx ace does not. For this you can just make a new rpg file and copy your assets from your game and erase unused ones. Many people are put off by the large file size especially if the game is just a demo.

Your character is offset when moved, I suggest using a program like Gimp or Photoshop that actually have a graph, instead of something that does not like Sai.

Your tiles look nice however you might want to fiddle with them a bit more as the character has a hard time moving about, you might have to make them into events for more flexibility.

Have a good day! :)
Okay I fixed the tint at the beginning so it's more natural.
Yeah, I used an already written script for that one. Point is once the lamp is on there's no reason to mess with it any longer so. Not sure how to fix that event without messing it up.
That is the point, the bathroom is where you're supposed to go. There's a puzzle in there, just click around enough and the prompt should reveal itself.
I'll have sweater remove them and replace the file then.
Seiki's sprite is a little wonky but hardly noticeable unless you pace, I tried to fix it but for some reason I can't really get it right, I do use photoshop.
As for the tiles, yeah it's the first room, it's not the greatest in design but this is all fixed past the first room essentially.
Thank you though.
Just finished exploring Ena's mansion here:


I gotta say your game has a bad start. You should give more hint about what to do inside Seiki's room, like "It is too dark to see anything, I should turn the light on" or just make the room bright in the first place.

Other than that, things are going fine. Looking forward to what the game has for me :)
@WhitemouseRPG :o Oh wow you do let's plays! Well thank you for trying it out! Yeah the beginning is pretty bad, it's our first rpg game so we were trying things out in the beginning. I apologize but it gets better as the story progresses! Seiki does say "It's too dark I should turn a light on" but for some reason when we were putting everything together, that dialogue got overwritten and I just noticed it ^^; I apologize! Thank you for trying our game out though and recording it! That makes me really happy and excited!! ^U^
Hey I have been having trouble with this glitch. I can't advance due to it. Here is a link of it:
@Tenroujade Oh hey, developer here! Uh, that's odd to be honest. I've never seen that problem before. I'll run it by my programmer and we'll try to see what's going on. Thank you for bringing it to our attention. I'll contact you once we have an answer as to what the issue is.
@Tenroujade I was informed of the issue. From what it seems to be the first glitch (the part where you block his path) is unfix-able unless I were to redo the whole room itself. The second one seems to be that Aber ran into another event and wasn't able to move forward to actually leave. I could try to fix that, but I've been informed by Lolita that it seems to only happen in your version of the game. If this is true, you should probably re-install the game, it might've been updated since the last time you got it. If the same problem persists, please just ignore it. If enough people have this problem, I will look into a better fix for this bug.
@Tenroujade I was informed of the issue. From what it seems to be the first glitch (the part where you block his path) is unfix-able unless I were to redo the whole room itself. The second one seems to be that Aber ran into another event and wasn't able to move forward to actually leave. I could try to fix that, but I've been informed by Lolita that it seems to only happen in your version of the game. If this is true, you should probably re-install the game, it might've been updated since the last time you got it. If the same problem persists, please just ignore it. If enough people have this problem, I will look into a better fix for this bug.

Hey, so I'm having the same bug as @Tenroujade had the second time and I believe I have the most updated version. Is there another site I could use to download the game?
@Tenroujade @music_life19
Okay, I fixed the bug. Just try redownloading the game. It shouuld be fixed now, but if it isn't just tell me and I'll try to fix it again.
Hey, long time huh? I unfortunately do not have the admin rights to this game page since I trusted Sweater with that long ago. Unfortunately we are no longer friends and so I don't have access to this at all. But for anyone that does find this and is wanting an update, the game is not having a sequel but rather for its 5th anniversary the game was entirely remade. I will be uploading it on my other account Laevangel so please go check it out there. Thank you so much again for your support!
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