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Thank you very much!! >_<

Uwaaah >m< I can't believe it-- our crappy short game is featured in the Buzzing Games in the main pageeeee /moonjump/
And it's all thanks to the reviews!! thank you Gourd_Clae and pianotm ; w ;

By the way, I want to point out something small...

...This game is not a horror game. I never said so (excluding the term 'Body horror' I used in the gampage) and I never intended this game to be a horror game. But if 'Dark' means 'Horror', then... nvm. /dramatic knee falls/

And what actually 'Scatter' means...
She/he is scattered in the (rm)net now. People play her/his story and she became known. Well, that means scatter around like... tree leaves or flower petals? lol

And here's a close up art of the nameless!

Well maybe that's all from me, sorry for the bad english.
Once again, THANK YOU!
Pages: 1