Looks Mighty Grim, Indeed...

- A Grim Tale -

The creator of this game said that they had to rush things a little to make the demo work for RS!D. I must admit, that's how most of the game felt while played: rushed. The game starts by introducing a lot of important elements (such as relevant items, history, and the villains), but all of it goes by so quickly that the player could be left wondering "what?"

I didn't get far with the game itself, as the broken caterpillar system trapped me in a corner, so I can't say much about the gameplay. I can say this, though...the game looks like it's in its early phases, and it has a long way to go. Based on what I played, it needs to be paced better, and some things (especially conversations) need to be fleshed out more.

It's not all bad, but it needs a lot of spiffing up. My advice to the maker would be to keep practicing and improving. As you create the game, step back every now and then and ask yourself "how might I make this work better?" Do your best not to neglect any area of the game too much, and the finished product will be significantly improved. To those who would play it, well...I'd recommend either waiting for a later version or giving advice as best you can. It needs a lot of work, but it could be great with enough effort put in.