Best Storytelling and Direction Entries Votes
The project you think is most effective at telling its story. Think in terms of its presentation, writing, clarity, cutscene direction, and originality.
April was a Fool 17
Luxaren Allure 16
Final Fantasy: Legend of Balance 11
Free Spirits 11
Brave Hero Yuusha 9
Best Characters Entries Votes
Vote for your favorite heroes or villains! Choose the project whose characters are the most effective in terms of presentation and writing.
Luxaren Allure 17
April was a Fool 13
Free Spirits 12
Final Fantasy: Legend of Balance 7
Final Fantasy Blackmoon Prophecy II 5
Brave Hero Yuusha 5
Qui Domi 4
Wild Rage Christmas Battle 4
You and I. 1
Best Game Title Entries Votes
The most clever, original, witty, or cool game title of the year.
April was a Fool 25
Brave Hero Yuusha 19
Wheels and the Leg Girl! 12
Wild Rage Christmas Battle 7
Best Setting Entries Votes
The game you feel had the most clever, inventive, interesting and immersive setting/world for the game to take place in.
Free Spirits 23
Final Fantasy: Legend of Balance 10
Brave Hero Yuusha 8
Born Under the Rain 8
Qui Domi 6
Girl, her brother and his lamp 4
April was a Fool 4
Super Pokemon Eevee Edition 1
Best Atmosphere Entries Votes
The game you feel did the best at delivering an experience. This would include such factors as presentation, graphics, music and sounds, and style.
Free Spirits 13
Final Fantasy: Legend of Balance 13
Resonate ~call out my angel~ 9
Brave Hero Yuusha 9
Chelsea 7
April was a Fool 6
Wild Rage Christmas Battle 4
Girl, her brother and his lamp 2
Blank Dream 2
Heresies of Discord 1
Best Graphics & Artwork Entries Votes
Vote for the project you feel has the best graphics. (In general, this category should favor original artwork over ripped or commercial graphics)
April was a Fool 17
Free Spirits 14
Luxaren Allure 14
Resonate ~call out my angel~ 8
Qui Domi 4
Wild Rage Christmas Battle 4
Brave Hero Yuusha 3
Nocturne: Rebirth (English) 2
Champs of the Bocca 1
Parallels 1
"Lawsuit Waiting To Happen" Award Entries Votes
The most non-chalant use of rips in a game.
Final Fantasy: Legend of Balance 28
The Last King of Hyrule 17
Pokémon Dawn 12
Most RTP Game Award Entries Votes
Vote for the game that best uses the default or RTP (run-time package) resources.
Sellsword 23
Starship TsukuruNova 20003 19
Best Sound & Music Entries Votes
The project you think has the best soundtrack and creative use of sound! (In general, this category should favor original compositions over ripped or commercial music)
Born Under the Rain 24
Grist of Flies 10
Nocturne: Rebirth (English) 9
Chelsea 8
Most Technical Prowess Entries Votes
The project you feel got the most out of is engine! This might include well-made battle systems or other custom systems or engines.
Final Fantasy: Legend of Balance 21
Nocturne: Rebirth (English) 13
divergence 13
Red Syndrome 4
Best Level/Dungeon/Puzzle Design Entries Votes
The game you think has the best stages, levels, or dungeons. Voting should be based on layout, aesthetics, interactivity, and other related factors.
Red Syndrome 17
Final Fantasy: Legend of Balance 15
Account Mu 14
Brave Hero Yuusha 12
Nocturne: Rebirth (English) 3
Best Gameplay Mechanics Entries Votes
The game with the best gameplay idea(s) and implementation. Or, more simply, the game you think is the most fun to play!
Final Fantasy: Legend of Balance 19
Grist of Flies 18
Nocturne: Rebirth (English) 8
Super Pokemon Eevee Edition 1
Best Interface Design Entries Votes
Interaction with the game's systems, custom menu graphics, responsiveness of menus, clear display of elements like fonts, headers, etc.
Final Fantasy: Legend of Balance 16
Nocturne: Rebirth (English) 11
April was a Fool 9
Brave Hero Yuusha 8
Red Syndrome 7
divergence 3
Most Promising Demo Entries Votes
Vote for the demo released this year you think has the most potential.
Final Fantasy Blackmoon Prophecy II 16
Qui Domi 16
Prayer of the Faithless 11
Erayu 9
Super Battle Kiddo Experience! 7
Super Pokemon Eevee Edition 2
Best Game You Can Beat Under An Hour Entries Votes
This is only for very short games. Choose the best game that can deliver its experience and can be finished in less than an hour.
April was a Fool 15
Resonate ~call out my angel~ 13
Red Syndrome 10
Wild Rage Christmas Battle 7
Girl, her brother and his lamp 5
Most Humourous Game Entries Votes
Comedic game of the year. Pick the funniest game you played this year, with the best humour and/or the best/worst puns.
April was a Fool 16
Wild Rage Christmas Battle 11
Brave Hero Yuusha 10
Final Fantasy: Legend of Balance 9
Craig 7
A Traitor's Hold 3
Most Horrific Game Entries Votes
Horror game of the year. This game is the scariest or grimdark or emotionally intense game you played. Survival is optional.
Blank Dream 27
Virtual Grappi 15
April was a Fool 10
Most Puzzling Game Entries Votes
Puzzle game of the year. This game has the best puzzles, minigames, mystery, or very complex plotlines.
Red Syndrome 39
Most Adventurous Game Entries Votes
Action/Adventure game of the year. Choose the best game from the action, adventure, platformer, arcade, or strategy genres you played this year.
Brave Hero Yuusha 18
Final Fantasy: Legend of Balance 17
Sellsword 6
Best RPG Entries Votes
Role-playing game of the year. Vote for the best traditional RPG you played this year. This is RPG Maker Network after all.
Luxaren Allure 19
Final Fantasy: Legend of Balance 16
Brave Hero Yuusha 16
Resonate ~call out my angel~ 5
Nocturne: Rebirth (English) 5
Wild Rage Christmas Battle 4
Free Spirits 4
Sellsword 1
Game of the Year Entries Votes
The absolute best game you played from RMN for the current year (any genre).
Luxaren Allure 17
April was a Fool 15
Final Fantasy: Legend of Balance 14
Brave Hero Yuusha 10
Wild Rage Christmas Battle 5
Nocturne: Rebirth (English) 4
Blank Dream 4