Animals to fit with the MV RTP

  • Minnow
  • 11/29/2015 03:12 PM
Terms Of Use
-For use in RPG Maker only. Must own a copy of RPG Maker MV.
-Please do not redistribute/share
-Free for non-commercial and commercial use with credit (Minnow)

Large Animals

Small Animals



Pages: 1
Really nicely made~
I currently don't own MV but would love to Attribute... still possible to use? :P
@Archeia Thank you :)

@dillybob These are frankensprites from the MV RTP so you must own MV to use them.
the world ends in whatever my makerscore currently is
These are definitely nice and unique!
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
Thank you for providing more animal graphics for this engine. Nice work!
I am only able to select a small part of the animal, am I doing something wrong?
You need to save the sprite with a '$' in front of the file name (for example "$Stag.png") as it is a single sprite rather than a sprite-sheet.

Thanks guys :) Glad people are finding them useful :)
Good job, bby! Blue Bird is my favorite. ^^
nice bunch of sprites, should be nice to have, going about downloading resources before i start my project.
others, You could make it yourself but then there are problem for some people is remember what animal does there something missing with stag little more realism where is poop? Tail should at least be swishing you need to work on that realism a bit. Unless your animals are static I kind of figure that out it could work...but walking works but deer or stag they move their heads and ears. which gives me feeling that image wouldn't work for sample or go by.

Minnow,I am no expert in sprites but I know bit about deer and body movement your animals are bit stiff. You may need add bit more tail and ear movement.
These are awesome! Is there any chance you could make these animals faces? So when you are making their text they can show their faces. Sorry for bad english, its not my first language.
Alright, i'm copying and pasting the Wolves, and paste wont work. Am i doing something wrong?
Pages: 1