# ** Vocab

module Vocab

# Frases de loja
ShopBuy = "Buy"
ShopSell = "Sell"
ShopCancel = "Exit"
Possession = "Owned:"

# Frases de Estado
ExpTotal = "Experience Total"
ExpNext = "EXP Next: %s"

# Frases de salvar/carregar
SaveMessage = "Save into this quest?"
LoadMessage = "Load from this quest?"
File = "Quest"

# Nome do grupo de personagens
PartyName = "%s"

# Mensagens iniciais de batalha
Emerge = "%s appears!"
Preemptive = "%s attacks first!"
Surprise = "%s came as a surprise!"
EscapeStart = "% flees!"
EscapeFailure = "But is stopped!"

# Mensagens finais de batalha
Victory = "Your party is victorious!"
Defeat = "Your party is defeated..."
ObtainExp = "%s EXP gained!"
ObtainGold = "You have recieved %s!"
ObtainItem = "You have obtained %s!"
LevelUp = "%s gained to %s %s!"
ObtainSkill = "%s has learned %s!"

# Mensagens de batalha
UseItem = "%s uses %s!"

# Danos críticos
CriticalToEnemy = "A critical hit!"
CriticalToActor = "A painful blow!"

# Resultados de ações (herói)
ActorDamage = "%s recieved %s damage!"
ActorRecovery = "%s recovered %s%s!"
ActorGain = "%s won %s%s!"
ActorLoss = "%s lost %s%s!"
ActorDrain = "%s had %s%s drained."
ActorNoDamage = "%s recieved no damage!"
ActorNoHit = "Miss! %s recieved no damage!"

# Resultados de ações (inimigo)
EnemyDamage = "%s recieved %s damage!"
EnemyRecovery = "%s recovered %s%s!"
EnemyGain = "%s won %s%s!"
EnemyLoss = "%s lost %s%s!"
EnemyDrain = "%s had %s%s drained."
EnemyNoDamage = "%s recieved no damage!"
EnemyNoHit = "Miss! %s recieved no damage!"

# Reflexão / Evasão
Evasion = "%s evaded the attack!"
MagicEvasion = "%s evaded the spell!"
MagicReflection = "%s reflected the spell!"
CounterAttack = "%s counterattacks!"
Substitute = "%s transforms to %s!"

# Enfraquecimento / Fortalecimento
BuffAdd = "%s has the buff %s!"
DebuffAdd = "%s has the debuff %s!"
BuffRemove = "%s no longer has %s!"

# Caso não haja efeito do item
ActionFailure = "%s has no effect!"

# Mensagem de erro
PlayerPosError = "You did not set the starting the position of the player."
EventOverflow = "You have exceeded the limit for calling common events."

# Termos Básicos
def self.basic(basic_id)

# Parâmetros
def self.param(param_id)

# Tipo de Equipamento
def self.etype(etype_id)

# Comandos
def self.command(command_id)

# Moeda
def self.currency_unit

def self.level; basic(0); end # Nível
def self.level_a; basic(1); end # Nível (abreviação)
def self.hp; basic(2); end # HP
def self.hp_a; basic(3); end # HP (abreviação)
def self.mp; basic(4); end # MP
def self.mp_a; basic(5); end # MP (abreviação)
def self.tp; basic(6); end # TP
def self.tp_a; basic(7); end # TP (abreviação)
def self.fight; command(0); end # Lutar
def self.escape; command(1); end # Fugir
def self.attack; command(2); end # Atacar
def self.guard; command(3); end # Defender
def self.item; command(4); end # Item
def self.skill; command(5); end # Habilidade
def self.equip; command(6); end # Equipamento
def self.status; command(7); end # Estado
def self.formation; command(8); end # Formação
def self.save; command(9); end # Salvar
def self.game_end; command(10); end # Sair
def self.weapon; command(12); end # Arma
def self.armor; command(13); end # Armadura
def self.key_item; command(14); end # Item Importante
def self.equip2; command(15); end # Mudar equipamento
def self.optimize; command(16); end # Otimizar
def self.clear; command(17); end # Remover
def self.new_game; command(18); end # Novo Jogo
def self.continue; command(19); end # Continuar
def self.shutdown; command(20); end # Sair
def self.to_title; command(21); end # Tela de Título
def self.cancel; command(22); end # Cancelar