# Yanfly Engine Melody - Party Influenced Music
# Last Date Updated: 2010.06.24
# Level: Normal
# Ported to Ace by Adon237
# No matter how good an RPG's battle music is, players are going to get sick and
# tired of listening to it for the zillionth time. This script won't rid RPG's
# of that problem, but will hopefully stall the process by playing randomized
# music dependent on who the player has in the active party at the start of any
# normal battle.
# Updates
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# o 2010.06.24 - Started Script and Finished.
# Instructions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# To install this script, open up your script editor and copy/paste this script
# to an open slot below ▼ Materials but above ▼ Main. Remember to save.
# To use this script, modify the module down below to create the arrays of
# music themes used by each actor. Depending on who is present in the battle,
# a random piece of music will play gathered from the music pool.
# To force a theme to play, just set the battle theme to something else other
# than the default battle theme. It will always choose the selected theme over
# the random themes. Once the battle theme is changed back to the default battle
# theme, then random battle themes will trigger once again.

$imported = {} if $imported == nil
$imported = true

module YEM

# This hash adjusts the random battle themes that may be played depending
# on whether or not the party member is present in the battle when the music
# loads up. Each array contains possible themes that may play for battle.
# Actor 0 is the common pool. Inside of that array contains all of the
# battle themes that can bebe played regardless of who's in the party.
ACTOR_MUSIC ={ # ActorID 0 must exist.
# ActorID =>
0 => , # End Common
1 => , # End Actor1
2 => , # End Actor2
3 => , # End Actor3
} # Do not remove this.

end # YEM

# Editting anything past this point may potentially result in causing computer
# damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma, death, and/or halitosis.
# Therefore, edit at your own risk.

# Game_System

class Game_System

# overwrite method: battle_bgm
def battle_bgm
return @battle_bgm if @battle_bgm != nil
former_in_battle = $game_party.in_battle
$game_party.in_battle == true
for member in $game_party.battle_members
next unless YEM::BATTLE_THEMES::ACTOR_MUSIC.include?(member.id)
if result.is_a?(Array)
music_list |= result
elsif result.is_a?(RPG::BGM)
$game_party.in_battle == former_in_battle
return music_list

# overwrite method: battle_bgm=
def battle_bgm=(battle_bgm)
@battle_bgm = battle_bgm
@battle_bgm = nil if @battle_bgm == $data_system.battle_bgm

end # Game_System
