# Get Battle Info [VXA]
# Author: Mesiah A.K.A. Mako Infused
# Version: 1.04
# Contact: www.cetrastudios.com/
# ■ Short Description
# This script allows the developer get more information about the current
# battle without scripting. It allows you to retrieve information and use it
# for eventing purposes.
# ͏ Notetags - 0
# There is no notetag options for this script.
# ͏ Script Calls - 4
# CALL: battle_info_user
# HELP: This command will get the user of the current action in battle.
# CALL: battle_info_used
# HELP: This command will get the current action in battle.
# CALL: battle_info_targets
# HELP: This command will get an array of all the current targets of the
#       last skill used in battle. 
#       Array starts at 1.
# CALL: battle_info_all
# HELP: This command will get an array of all the current battlers. 
#       Array starts at 1.
# NOTE: To retrieve a single actor/enemy from an array you must append a [id]
#       to the end of the script call. Examples can be found below!
# ● Examples:
# CALL: battle_info_user.id
# HELP: This would retrieve the id of the current battler whose executing an
#       action in battle.
# CALL: battle_info_user.name
# HELP: This would retrieve the name of the current battler whose executing an
#       action in battle.
# CALL: battle_info_used.id
# HELP: This would retrieve the id of the current action that has been executed
#       in battle.
# CALL: battle_info_all[1].name
# HELP: This would retrieve the name of the first battler in the battle.
# CALL: battle_info_targets[1].name
# HELP: This would retrieve the name of the first target of the last executed
#       action in battle.
# ● Customization:
# There is no customization options for this script.
# ● Requirements:
# None
# * Terms:
# - Don't claim you made this script.
# - Credit is appreciated, but not necessary.
# ● Change Log:
# 04/10/2013 - Target retrieval is now possible, error prevention added.
# 04/09/2013 - Rewrote script and made script calls shorter.
# 04/08/2013 - Fixed a type-o, prevented misuse of the script outside of battle.
# 04/05/2013 - Started and finished script.

# [STOP] End of Edittable Area

$imported = {} if $imported.nil?
$imported["MESI-GetBattleInfo"] = true

# ** BattleManager

module BattleManager
  # * Alias Create Action Order
  class <<self; alias mesiah_gbi_make_action_orders  make_action_orders; end
  def self.make_action_orders
    $game_temp.battle_skill_all = mesiah_gbi_make_action_orders.dup

# ** Game_Temp

class Game_Temp
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :battle_skill_user
  attr_accessor :battle_skill_used
  attr_accessor :battle_skill_all
  attr_accessor :battle_skill_targets
  # * Alias Method: Initialize
  alias mesiah_gbi_initialize initialize
  def initialize
    @battle_skill_user = nil
    @battle_skill_used = nil
    @battle_skill_all = [nil]
    @battle_skill_targets = [nil]

# ** Game_Interpreter

class Game_Interpreter
  # * Get Last User
  def battle_info_user
    return if battle_only_error?
    return $game_temp.battle_skill_user
  # * Last Used Item/Skill
  def battle_info_used
    return if battle_only_error?
    return $game_temp.battle_skill_used
  # * Get Last Targets
  def battle_info_targets
    return if battle_only_error?
    return $game_temp.battle_skill_targets
  # * Get All Current Battlers
  def battle_info_all
    return if battle_only_error?
    return [nil] + $game_temp.battle_skill_all
  # * Checks if the command is valid?
  def battle_only_error?
    unless SceneManager.scene.class == Scene_Battle
      message = "This script call can only be used in battle!"
      if $imported["MESI-GetErrorInfo"]
        event_script_error(2, message)
        missing = "Install the script 'Get Error Info' for more information"
        msgbox(message + "\n" + missing)
      return true
    return false

# ** Scene_Battle

class Scene_Battle
  # * Alias Method: Use Item
  alias mesiah_gbi_use_item use_item
  def use_item
    $game_temp.battle_skill_user = @subject
    $game_temp.battle_skill_used = @subject.current_action.item
    $game_temp.battle_skill_targets = [nil]
  # * Use Skill/Item
  alias mesiah_gbi_invoke_item invoke_item
  def invoke_item(target, item)
    mesiah_gbi_invoke_item(target, item)