# ** TDS Battle Random BGM
#    Ver: 1.0
#  * Description:
#  This script allows you to set random BGM to play when the battle starts.
#  * Features: 
#  Enabling and Disabling Battle Random BGM's.
#  Setting random BGM's.
#  * Instructions:
#  To enable or disable the battle random BGM's used the following in a script
#  call:
#    disable_battle_random_bgm 
#    enable_battle_random_bgm
#    (When disabled it will use the default battle BGM)
#  To add a BGM to play randomly when a battle starts use this in a script 
#  call from an event:
#    add_random_battle_bgm(Name, Volume, Pitch)
#    Name   = BGM Filename (Just the name not the directory)
#    Volume = BGM Volume (0 to 100)  (Optional, default is 100)
#    Pitch  = BGM Pitch  (50 to 150) (Optional, default is 100)
#    Example:
#    add_random_battle_bgm("Battle3") or add_random_battle_bgm("Battle3", 80, 50)
#  To remove a BGM from the list of random BGM to play when the battle starts,
#  use this in a script call from an event:
#    remove_random_battle_bgm(Name)
#    Name = BGM Filename (Just the name not the directory)
#    Example:   
#    remove_random_battle_bgm("Battle3")
#  * Notes:
#  None.
# Do not release, distribute or change my work without my expressed written 
# consent, doing so violates the terms of use of this work.
# If you really want to share my work please just post a link to the original
# site.
# * Not Knowing English or understanding these terms will not excuse you in any
#   way from the consequenses.
# * Import to Global Hash *
($imported ||= {})[:TDS_Battle_Random_BGM] = true

# ** TDS
#  A module containing TDS data structures, mostly script settings.

module TDS
  # ** Battle_Random_BGM_Settings
  #  This Module contains battle random BGM settings.
  module Battle_Random_BGM_Settings
    # * Constants (Settings)
    # Initial list of random battle BGM's (Name, Volume, Pitch)
    Start_List = [
      RPG::BGM.new("Battle7", 100, 50),
      RPG::BGM.new("Battle8", 100, 150),
    # If true it will disable random battle BGM's when the game starts
    Disable_On_Start = false    
    # If true it will allow you to add duplicates to the random battle BGM list
    Allow_Duplicates = false

# ** Game_System
#  This class handles system data. It saves the disable state of saving and 
# menus. Instances of this class are referenced by $game_system.

class Game_System
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :battle_random_bgm_disabled  # Battle Random BGM Flag
  attr_accessor :battle_random_bgm_list      # Battle Random BGM list
  # * Alias Listing
  alias tds_battle_random_bgm_game_system_initialize               initialize  
  alias tds_battle_random_bgm_game_system_battle_bgm               battle_bgm
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize(*args, &block)
    # Run Original Method
    tds_battle_random_bgm_game_system_initialize(*args, &block)
    # Set Battle Random BGM Flag
    @battle_random_bgm_disabled = TDS::Battle_Random_BGM_Settings::Disable_On_Start
    # Set Battle Random BGM List
    @battle_random_bgm_list = TDS::Battle_Random_BGM_Settings::Start_List.dup
  # * Get Battle BGM
  def battle_bgm(*args, &block)
    # If Using Battle Random BGM
    return @battle_random_bgm_list.sample if use_battle_random_bgm?
    # Run Original Method
    tds_battle_random_bgm_game_system_battle_bgm(*args, &block)
  # * Determine if Battle Random BGM's should be used
  def use_battle_random_bgm? ; !@battle_random_bgm_disabled and !@battle_random_bgm_list.empty? end
  # * Enable or Disable Battle Random BGM
  def enable_battle_random_bgm  ; @battle_random_bgm_disabled = false end  
  def disable_battle_random_bgm ; @battle_random_bgm_disabled = true end
  # * Remove Random Battle BGM
  #     name : BGM name
  def remove_random_battle_bgm(name) ;  @battle_random_bgm_list.delete_if {|a| a.name == name} end    
  # * Add Random Battle BGM
  #     name : BGM name
  def add_random_battle_bgm(name, vol = 100, pitch = 100)
    # If Duplicates are not allowed in the random BGM list
    if !TDS::Battle_Random_BGM_Settings::Allow_Duplicates 
      # Return if BGM name is already in list
      return if @battle_random_bgm_list.any? {|a| a.name == name}
    # Add BGM to battle random BGM list
    @battle_random_bgm_list << RPG::BGM.new(name, vol, pitch)    

# ** Game_Interpreter
#  An interpreter for executing event commands. This class is used within the
# Game_Map, Game_Troop, and Game_Event classes.

class Game_Interpreter
  # * Enable or Disable Battle Random BGM
  def enable_battle_random_bgm  ; $game_system.battle_random_bgm_disabled = false end  
  def disable_battle_random_bgm ; $game_system.battle_random_bgm_disabled = true end
  # * Remove Random Battle BGM
  #     name : BGM name
  def remove_random_battle_bgm(name) ; $game_system.remove_random_battle_bgm(name) end    
  # * Add Random Battle BGM
  #     name : BGM name
  def add_random_battle_bgm(name, vol = 100, pitch = 100) ; $game_system.add_random_battle_bgm(name, vol, pitch) end