# ** TDS Scroll Screen to Origin
#    Ver: 1.0
#  * Description:
#  This script allows you to scroll or instantly set the center of the screen
#  to match the position of the player.
#  * Features: 
#  Scrolls to the center of the screen.
#  Set the center position instantly.
#  * Instructions:
#  To scroll back to the center position of the screen, use this in a script
#  call:
#    scroll_screen_to_origin(speed)
#    speed = Scrolling speed. (From 0 to 9) (0 Will set it instantly)
#    Example:
#    scroll_screen_to_origin(7)
#  * Notes:
#  None.
# Do not release, distribute or change my work without my expressed written 
# consent, doing so violates the terms of use of this work.
# If you really want to share my work please just post a link to the original
# site.
# * Not Knowing English or understanding these terms will not excuse you in any
#   way from the consequenses.
# * Import to Global Hash *
($imported ||= {})[:TDS_Scroll_Screen_To_Origin] = true

# ** Game_Interpreter
#  An interpreter for executing event commands. This class is used within the
# Game_Map, Game_Troop, and Game_Event classes.

class Game_Interpreter
  # * Scroll Screen to Origin
  #     speed : scrolling speed (1 ~ 9) (10 and up seems buggy) (0 is isntant)
  def scroll_screen_to_origin(speed = 2)
    # Instantly Center Screen if speed is 0 or less
    return $game_player.center($game_player.x, $game_player.y) if speed <= 0
    # Scroll to Screen Center
    2.times { scroll_to_screen_center(speed) ; wait(1) while $game_map.scrolling? }
  # * Scroll to Screen Center
  #     speed : scrolling speed
  def scroll_to_screen_center(speed)
    # Get Player Center Positions
    px = $game_player.x - $game_player.center_x  ; py = $game_player.y - $game_player.center_y
    # If Screen Center is Down
    return $game_map.start_scroll(2, py - $game_map.display_y, speed) if py > $game_map.display_y
    # If Screen Center is to the Left
    return $game_map.start_scroll(4, $game_map.display_x - px , speed) if px < $game_map.display_x    
    # If Screen Center is to the Right
    return $game_map.start_scroll(6, px - $game_map.display_x , speed) if px > $game_map.display_x
    # If Screen Center is up
    return $game_map.start_scroll(8, $game_map.display_y - py, speed) if py < $game_map.display_y