#  ** DoubleX RMVXA Confusion Edit v1.02f                                      |
#  * Changelog                                                                 |
#    v1.02f(GMT 0200 6-6-2020):                                                |
#    - Fixed actions having no targets not executing bug                       |
#    v1.02e(GMT 0100 13-8-2015):                                               |
#    - Fixed some syntax errors and typos                                      |
#    v1.02d(GMT 1400 7-7-2015):                                                |
#    - Improved this script's efficiency and readability                       |
#    v1.02c(GMT 0000 2-6-2014):                                                |
#    - Fixed bugs on adding stuff other than damage in custom damage formula   |
#    v1.02b(GMT 0300 22-3-2014):                                               |
#    - Fixed bugs on <exclude self> notetag implementations                    |
#    v1.02a(GMT 0600 21-3-2014):                                               |
#    - Added <exclude self> notetag                                            |
#    v1.01b(GMT 0000 17-1-2014):                                               |
#    - Methods are aliased rather than rewritten                               |
#    v1.01a(GMT 0000 3-1-2014):                                                |
#    - Added <confusion edit> notetag to enable confusion edit for states      |
#    v1.00a(GMT 1600 1-1-2014):                                                |
#    - 1st version of this script finished                                     |
#  * Author                                                                    |
#    DoubleX                                                                   |
#  * Terms of use                                                              |
#    None other than not claiming this script as created by anyone except      |
#    DoubleX or his alias                                                      |
#  * Prerequisites                                                             |
#    Scripts:                                                                  |
#    - none                                                                    |
#    Knowledge:                                                                |
#    - Use of notetags(v1.01a+)                                                |
#  * Functions                                                                 |
#    - Alters the effect of restrictions Attack Enemy, Attack Anyone and Attack|
#      Ally to be merely reversing the identification of allies and enemies    |
#  * Manual                                                                    |
#    To use this script, open the script editor and put this script into an    |
#    open slot between ▼ Materials and ▼ Main. Save to take effect.            |
#  * Compatibility                                                             |
#    Scripts aliasing or rewriting method:                                     |
#    - evaluate_item_with_target, friends_unit, opponents_unit, prepare,       |
#      valid?, make_targets, confusion_target, targets_for_opponents or        |
#      targets_for_friends under class Game_Action                             |
#    - make_actions under class Game_Actor                                     |
#    may have compatibility issues with this script                            |
#    Place this script above those aliasing any of these methods if possible   |

($imported ||= {})["DoubleX RMVXA Confusion Edit"] = true

#  ** You only need to edit this part as it's about what this script does      |

#  * (v1.01a+)Notetag <confusion edit> for states                              |
#    To make a state with those restrictions have edited confusion effects, put|
#    the above notetag into that state's notebox in the database.              |
#  * (v1.02a+)Notetag <exclude self> for states                                |
#    To make battlers with an edited confusion state never target themselves,  |
#    put the above notetag into that state's notebox in the database.          |
#    This noteag only works on skills picking a single non-random target       |

module DoubleX_RMVXA
  module Confusion_Edit

#  * (v1.01a+)Always_Confusion_Edit, default = false                           |
#    Notetags will be ignored and all states with those restrictions will have |
#    the edited confusion effects if Always_Confusion_Edit is true             |
  Always_Confusion_Edit = false

#  * (v1.02a+)Always_Exclude_Self, default = false                             |
#    Notetags will be ignored and all states with those restrictions will stop |
#    the battlers from targeting themselves if Always_Exclude_Self is true     |
#    This setting only works on skills picking a single non-random target      |
  Always_Exclude_Self = false

  end # Confusion_Edit
end # DoubleX_RMVXA


#  ** You need not edit this part as it's about how this script works          |

class << DataManager

  #  Alias method: load_database                                               |
  alias load_database_confusion_edit load_database
  def load_database
    # Added to load confusion notetags
  end # load_database

  #  New method: load_notetags_confusion_edit                                  |
  def load_notetags_confusion_edit
    $data_states.each { |obj| obj.load_notetags_confusion_edit if obj }
  end # load_notetags_confusion_edit

end # DataManager

class RPG::State < RPG::BaseItem

  #  New public instance variable                                              |
  attr_accessor :confusion_edit
  attr_accessor :exclude_self

  #  New method: load_notetags_confusion_edit                                  |
  def load_notetags_confusion_edit
    @confusion_edit = @exclude_self = false
    unless (ce = DoubleX_RMVXA::Confusion_Edit) && ce::Always_Exclude_Self
      @note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line|
        case line
          when /<(?:CONFUSION_EDIT|confusion edit)>/i
            @confusion_edit = true
          when /<(?:EXCLUDE_SELF|exclude self)>/i
            @exclude_self = true
          break if @confusion_edit && @exclude_self
    @confusion_edit ||= ce::Always_Confusion_Edit
    @exclude_self ||= ce::Always_Exclude_Self
  end # load_notetags_confusion_edit

end # RPG::State

class Game_Action

  #  (v1.02c+)Rewrite method: evaluate_item_with_target                        |
  def evaluate_item_with_target(target)
    # Rewritten to prevent executing any custom damage formula stuff
    eval_target = Marshal.load( Marshal.dump(target) )
    eval_subject = Marshal.load( Marshal.dump(subject) )
    eval_target.make_damage_value(eval_subject, item)
    if item.for_opponent?
      return eval_target.result.hp_damage.to_f / [eval_target.hp, 1].max
    recovery = [-eval_target.result.hp_damage, 
    eval_target.mhp - eval_target.hp].min.to_f / eval_target.mhp
  end # evaluate_item_with_target

  #  (v1.02d+)Alias method: initialize                                         |
  alias initialize_confusion_edit initialize
  def initialize(subject, forcing = false)
    initialize_confusion_edit(subject, forcing)
    # Added to initializes the array storing all targets selected by this script
    @targets_confusion_edit = []
  end # initialize

  #  Alias method: friends_unit                                                |
  alias friends_unit_confusion_edit friends_unit
  def friends_unit
    # Rewritten to use confusion edit if subject.confusion_edit is true
    friends_opponents_unit("friends", "opponents")
  end # friends_unit

  #  Alias method: opponents_unit                                              |
  alias opponents_unit_confusion_edit opponents_unit
  def opponents_unit
    # Rewritten to use confusion edit if subject.confusion_edit is true
    friends_opponents_unit("opponents", "friends")
  end # opponents_unit

  #  Alias method: prepare                                                     |
  alias prepare_confusion_edit prepare
  def prepare
    # Rewritten to use confusion edit if subject.confusion_edit is true
    prepare_confusion_edit unless subject.confusion_edit?(subject.states)
  end # prepare

  #  (v1.02a+)Alias method: valid?                                             |
  alias valid_confusion_edit? valid?
  def valid?
    # Rewritten to use confusion edit if subject.confusion_edit is true
    @targets_confusion_edit = []
    return false unless valid_confusion_edit?
    !item.for_opponent? && !item.for_friend? || !make_targets.empty?
  end # valid?

  #  Alias method: make_targets                                                |
  alias make_targets_confusion_edit make_targets
  def make_targets
    # Rewritten to use confusion edit if subject.confusion_edit is true
    return @targets_confusion_edit unless @targets_confusion_edit.empty?
    if subject.confusion_edit?(subject.states)
      return targets_for_opponents if item.for_opponent?
      return targets_for_friends if item.for_friend?
      return []
    unless forcing || subject.confusion_level != 3 || 
    friends_unit.alive_members.size > 1
      return []
  end # make_targets

  #  (v1.02b+)Alias method: confusion_target                                   |
  alias confusion_target_confusion_edit confusion_target
  def confusion_target
    # Rewritten to exclude self if there's exclude self notetag
    target = confusion_target_confusion_edit
    unless subject.exclude_self?(subject.states) && target == subject
      return target
    target = confusion_target_confusion_edit while target == subject
  end # confusion_target

  #  (v1.02a+)Alias method: targets_for_opponents                              |
  alias targets_for_opponents_confusion_edit targets_for_opponents
  def targets_for_opponents
    # Rewritten to exclude self if there's exclude self notetag
  end # targets_for_opponents

  #  (v1.02a+)Alias method: targets_for_friends                                |
  alias targets_for_friends_confusion_edit targets_for_friends
  def targets_for_friends
    # Rewritten to exclude self if there's exclude self notetag
  end # targets_for_friends

  #  (v1.02a+)New method: targets_for_friends_opponents                        |
  def targets_for_friends_opponents
    num = 1
    num+ subject.atk_times_add.to_i if attack? && !item.for_friend?
    return [friends_unit.random_target] * num if rand(2) == 0
    [opponents_unit.random_target] * num
  end # targets_for_friends_opponents

  #  (v1.02a+)New method: confusion_edit_targets                               |
  def confusion_edit_targets(targets)
    return [] if item.for_user? && subject.exclude_self?(subject.states)
    return @targets_confusion_edit unless @targets_confusion_edit.empty?
    return @targets_confusion_edit if item.for_dead_friend?
    if subject.confusion_level == 1 && item.for_friend? && 
    freinds_unit.alive_members.size <= 1
      return @targets_confusion_edit
    if subject.confusion_level == 3 && item.for_opponent? && 
    opponents_unit.alive_members.size <= 1
      return @targets_confusion_edit
  end # confusion_edit_targets

  #  (v1.02d+)New method: init_confusion_edit_targets                          |
  def init_confusion_edit_targets(targets)
    if subject.confusion_level == 2 && item.for_one? && !item.for_dead_friend?
      @targets_confusion_edit = targets_for_friends_opponents
      @targets_confusion_edit = 
    return unless item.for_one? && subject.exclude_self?(subject.states)
    return unless @targets_confusion_edit.include?(subject)    
  end # init_confusion_edit_targets

  #  (v1.02d+)New method: loop_confusion_edit_targets                          |
  def loop_confusion_edit_targets(targets)
      @target_index = -1
      if subject.confusion_level == 2
        @targets_confusion_edit = targets_for_friends_opponents
        @targets_confusion_edit = 
      next unless @targets_confusion_edit.include?(subject)
    end while @targets_confusion_edit.empty?
  end # loop_confusion_edit_targets

  #  (v1.02a+)New method: friends_opponents_unit                               |
  def friends_opponents_unit(friends, opponents)
    if !forcing && subject.confusion_edit?(subject.states)
      case subject.confusion_level
      when 1
        return send("#{friends}_unit_confusion_edit".to_sym)
      when 2
        return send("#{friends}_unit_confusion_edit".to_sym) if rand(2) == 0
        return send("#{opponents}_unit_confusion_edit".to_sym)
  end # friends_opponents_unit

end # Game_Action

class Game_BattlerBase

  #  New method: confusion_edit?                                               |
  def confusion_edit?(state)
    return false unless confusion? && state
    state.each { |s| return true if s.confusion_edit }
  end # confusion_edit?

  #  (v1.02a+)New method: exclude_self?                                        |
  def exclude_self?(state)
    return false unless confusion? && state
    state.each { |s| return true if s.exclude_self }
  end # exclude_self?

end # Game_BattlerBase

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler

  #  Alias method: make_actions                                                |
  alias make_actions_confusion_edit make_actions
  def make_actions
    # Rewritten to use confusion edit if subject.confusion_edit is true
    return make_actions_confusion_edit unless confusion_edit?(states)
  end # make_actions

end # Game_Actor
