#  ** DoubleX RMVXA Constants Edit v1.02d                                      |
#  * Changelog                                                                 |
#    v1.02d(GMT 0500 27-10-2014):                                              |
#    - Improved this script's effectiveness, efficiency and robustness         |
#    v1.02c(GMT 1000 26-10-2014):                                              |
#    - Fixed leveling bug when max level > 99                                  |
#    v1.02b(GMT 0600 26-10-2014):                                              |
#    - Fixed param bug when max level > 99                                     |
#    v1.02a(GMT 0300 13-6-2014):                                               |
#    - Added some more gameplay constants                                      |
#    v1.01a(GMT 0300 30-1-2014):                                               |
#    - Added some more gameplay constants                                      |
#    v1.00a(GMT 1200 2-1-2014):                                                |
#    - 1st version of this script finished                                     |
#  * Author                                                                    |
#    DoubleX                                                                   |
#  * Terms of use                                                              |
#    None other than not claiming this script as created by anyone except      |
#    DoubleX or his alias                                                      |
#  * Prerequisites                                                             |
#    Scripts:                                                                  |
#    - none                                                                    |
#    Knowledge:                                                                |
#    - nothing special                                                         |
#  * Functions                                                                 |
#    - Lets users alters some hardcoded gameplay constants                     |
#  * Manual                                                                    |
#    To use this script, open the script editor and put this script into an    |
#    open slot between ▼ Materials and ▼ Main. Save to take effect.            |
#  * Compatibility                                                             |
#    Rewritten method:                                                         |
#    - savefile_max under module DataManager                                   |
#    - process_escape under module BattleManager                               |
#    - param_max, param_buff_rate, max_tp and tp_rate under class              |
#      Game_BattlerBase                                                        |
#    - buff_max?, debuff_max?, init_tp and charge_tp_by_damage under class     |
#      Game_Battler                                                            |
#    - param_max, steps_for_turn or basic_floor_damage under class Game_Actor  |
#    - max_battle_members, max_gold, max_item_number, rate_preemptive and      |
#      rate_surprise under class Game_Party                                    |
#    - selling_price under class Scene_Shop                                    |
#    Aliased method:                                                           |
#    - load_database under module DataManager                                  |
#    - param_base under class Game_Actor                                       |
#    Added method:                                                             |
#    - init_lv under class RPG::Actor                                          |

($imported ||= {})["DoubleX RMVXA Constants Edit"] = true

#  ** You only need to edit this part as it's about what this script does      |

module DoubleX_RMVXA
  module Constants_Edit

#  * Parameters maximum value                                                  |
  # Default = 999999, 9999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999
  Param_Max = [999999, 99999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999]

  # Parameter buff and debuff rate, default = 0.25
  Param_Buff_Rate = 0.25

  # Maximum buff and debuff level, default = 2
  Buff_Max = 2

  # Maximum level, default = 99
  # Note that if it's greater than 99, it assumes the growth type of the class parameters is average
  Lv_Max = 99

#  * TP constants                                                              |
  # TP maximum value, default = 100
  Tp_Max = 100

  # TP maximum value in initialization, default = 25
  Init_Tp_Max = 25

  # Maximum charged TP by damage(before being multiplied by tcr), default = 50
  Charge_Tp_By_Damage_Max = 50

#  * Some other battle constants                                               |
  # Increment of probability of escape after each failed attempt, default = 0.1
  Escape_Ratio = 0.1

  # Preemptive rate when party's average agi >= that of troops, default = 0.05
  Preemptive_Rate_High = 0.05

  # Preemptive rate when party's average agi < that of troops, default = 0.03
  Preemptive_Rate_Low = 0.03

  # Raise Preemptive multiplier, default = 4
  Raise_Preemptive = 4

  # Susprise rate when party's average agi < that of troops, default = 0.05
  Susprise_Rate_High = 0.05

  # Susprise rate when party's average agi >= that of troops, default = 0.03
  Susprise_Rate_Low = 0.03

#  * Some other gameplay constants                                             |
  # Maximum number of save files, default = 16
  Save_Max = 16

  # Number of steps regarded as a turn, default = 20
  Steps_For_Turn = 20

  # Basic floor damage, default = 10
  Basic_Floor_Damage = 10

  # Battle members maximum value, default = 4
  Battle_Members_Max = 4

  # Gold maximum value, default = 99999999
  Gold_Max = 99999999999

  # Maximum number per item, default = 99
  Item_Number_Max = 999

  # Selling price divisor, default = 2
  Selling_Price_Divisor = 2

  end # Constants_Edit
end # DoubleX_RMVXA


#  ** You need not edit this part as it's about how this script works          |

#  * Edit module: DataManager                                                  |

class << DataManager

  #  Rewrite method: savefile_max                                              |
  def savefile_max
    # Rewritten to alter maximum number of save files
  end # savefile_max

  #  (v1.02b+)Alias method: load_database                                      |
  alias load_database_constans_edit load_database
  def load_database
    # Added to set the max level of actors and resize the param table of classes if max level is greater than 99
    $data_actors.each { |obj| obj.init_lv if obj }
  end # load_database

end # DataManager

#  * Edit class: RPG::Actor                                                    |

class RPG::Actor < RPG::BaseItem

  #  (v1.02c+)New method: init_lv                                              |
  def init_lv
    @max_level = DoubleX_RMVXA::Constants_Edit::Lv_Max
  end # init_lv

end # RPG::Actor

#  * Edit module: BattleManager                                                |

class << BattleManager

  #  Rewrite method: process_escape                                            |
  def process_escape
    $game_message.add(sprintf(Vocab::EscapeStart, $game_party.name))
    success = @preemptive || rand < @escape_ratio
    if success
      # Rewritten to alter the increment of @escape_ratio
      @escape_ratio += DoubleX_RMVXA::Constants_Edit::Escape_Ratio
      $game_message.add('\.' + Vocab::EscapeFailure)
  end # process_escape

end # BattleManager

#  * Edit class: Game_BattlerBase                                              |

class Game_BattlerBase

  #  Rewrite method: param_max                                                 |
  def param_max(param_id)
    # Rewritten to alter param_max
  end # param_max

  #  Rewrite method: param_buff_rate                                           |
  def param_buff_rate(param_id)
    # Rewritten to alter the param buff rate
    @buffs[param_id] * DoubleX_RMVXA::Constants_Edit::Param_Buff_Rate + 1.0
  end # param_buff_rate

  #  Rewrite method: max_tp                                                    |
  def max_tp
    # Rewritten to alter max_tp
    # Tp_Max
  end # max_tp

  #  Rewrite method: tp_rate                                                   |
  def tp_rate
    # Rewritten to fix issues when max_tp isn't 100
    @tp.to_f / max_tp
    # Tp_Max
  end # tp_rate

end # Game_BattlerBase

#  * Edit class: Game_Battler                                                  |

class Game_Battler < Game_BattlerBase

  #  Rewrite method: buff_max?                                                 |
  def buff_max?(param_id)
    # Rewritten to alter the buff max level
    @buffs[param_id] == DoubleX_RMVXA::Constants_Edit::Buff_Max
  end # buff_max?

  #  Rewrite method: debuff_max?                                               |
  def debuff_max?(param_id)
    # Rewritten to alter the debuff max level
    @buffs[param_id] == DoubleX_RMVXA::Constants_Edit::Buff_Max * -1
  end # debuff_max?

  #  Rewrite method: init_tp                                                   |
  def init_tp
    # Rewritten to alter init_tp
    @tp = rand * DoubleX_RMVXA::Constants_Edit::Init_Tp_Max
  end # init_tp

  #  Rewrite method: charge_tp_by_damage                                       |
  def charge_tp_by_damage(damage_rate)
    # Rewritten to alter charge_tp_by_damage
    @tp += DoubleX_RMVXA::Constants_Edit::Charge_Tp_By_Damage_Max * damage_rate * tcr
  end # charge_tp_by_damage

end # Game_Battler

#  * Edit class: Game_Actor                                                    |

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler

  #  Rewrite method: param_max                                                 |
  def param_max(param_id)
    # Rewritten to use the global param max
  end # param_max

  #  Rewrite method: steps_for_turn                                            |
  def steps_for_turn
    # Rewritten to alter the number of steps per turn
  end # steps_for_turn

  #  Rewrite method: basic_floor_damage                                        |
  def basic_floor_damage
    # Rewritten to alter the basic floor damage
  end # basic_floor_damage

  #  (v1.02c+)Alias method: param_base                                         |
  alias param_base_constants_edit param_base
  def param_base(param_id)
    # Rewritten to return class params for level 100 or above
    params = self.class.params
    @level > 99 ? params[param_id, 99] + (params[param_id, 99] - params[param_id, 98]) * (@level - 99) : param_base_constants_edit(param_id)
  end # param_base

end # Game_Actor

#  * Edit class: Game_Party                                                    |

class Game_Party < Game_Unit

  #  Rewrite method: max_battle_members                                        |
  def max_battle_members
    # Rewritten to alter the max battle members
  end # max_battle_members

  #  Rewrite method: max_gold                                                  |
  def max_gold
    # Rewritten to alter the max gold
  end # max_gold

  #  Rewrite method: max_item_number                                           |
  def max_item_number(item)
    # Rewritten to alter the max item number
  end # max_item_number

  #  Rewrite method: rate_preemptive                                           |
  def rate_preemptive(troop_agi)
    # Rewritten to alter the preemptive rate
    (agi >= troop_agi ? DoubleX_RMVXA::Constants_Edit::Preemptive_Rate_High : DoubleX_RMVXA::Constants_Edit::Preemptive_Rate_Low) * (raise_preemptive? ? DoubleX_RMVXA::Constants_Edit::Raise_Preemptive : 1)
  end # rate_preemptive

  #  Rewrite method: rate_surprise                                             |
  def rate_surprise(troop_agi)
    # Rewritten to alter the surprise rate
    cancel_surprise? ? 0 : (agi >= troop_agi ? DoubleX_RMVXA::Constants_Edit::Susprise_Rate_Low : DoubleX_RMVXA::Constants_Edit::Susprise_Rate_High)
  end # rate_surprise

end # Game_Party

#  * Edit class: Scene_Shop                                                    |

class Scene_Shop < Scene_MenuBase

  #  Rewrite method: selling_price                                             |
  def selling_price
    # Rewritten to alter the selling price
    @item.price / DoubleX_RMVXA::Constants_Edit::Selling_Price_Divisor
  end # selling_price

end # Scene_Shop
