#  ** DoubleX RMVXA Bug Fix v1.05b to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB         |
#  * Changelog                                                                 |
#    v1.05b(GMT 1200 26-2-2015):                                               |
#    - Improved the efficiency of the Party member change bug fix              |
#    v1.05a(GMT 0800 21-1-2015):                                               |
#    - Tried to fix buffs/debuffs not removing when reaching 0 remaining turns |
#    v1.04c(GMT 0500 24-11-2014):                                              |
#    - Tried to fix more issues on dying enemy selection bug                   |
#    v1.04b(GMT 0900 14-11-2014):                                              |
#    - Tried to fix more issues on dying enemy selection bug                   |
#    v1.04a(GMT 0800 12-11-2014):                                              |
#    - Tried to fix windows not closing upon victory nor defeat bug            |
#    v1.03a(GMT 0200 20-8-2014):                                               |
#    - Tried to fix battler escape bug                                         |
#    v1.02d(GMT 1000 30-6-2014):                                               |
#    - Tried to improve the action times+ bug fix                              |
#    v1.02c(GMT 0500 22-3-2014):                                               |
#    - Tried to fix more bugs caused by the fixes on collapse check bug        |
#    v1.02b(GMT 2330 7-3-2014):                                                |
#    - Tried to fix bugs caused by the fixes on collapse check bug             |
#    v1.02a(GMT 0600 7-3-2014):                                                |
#    - Tried to fix collapse check bug                                         |
#    v1.01g(GMT 0500 13-2-2014):                                               |
#    - Tried to fix more issues of command window bug                          |
#    v1.01f(GMT 0000 27-1-2014):                                               |
#    - Tried to fix bugs caused by the fixes on on turn end bug                |
#    v1.01e(GMT 1500 26-1-2014):                                               |
#    - Tried to fix bugs caused by the fixes on action times+ bug              |
#    v1.01d(GMT 0600 22-1-2014):                                               |
#    - Tried to fix more issues of command window bug                          |
#    v1.01c(GMT 0300 22-1-2014):                                               |
#    - Tried to fix bugs caused by the fixes on autobattle flag and confusion  |
#      bug and left arrow output bug                                           |
#    v1.01b(GMT 1200 21-1-2014):                                               |
#    - Tried to fix bugs caused by the fixes on on turn end bug                |
#    v1.01a(GMT 0000 13-1-2014):                                               |
#    - Tried to fix on turn end bug                                            |
#    v1.00a(GMT 1200 9-1-2014):                                                |
#    - 1st version of this script finished                                     |
#  * Authors                                                                   |
#    DoubleX:                                                                  |
#    - This script                                                             |
#    Yami:                                                                     |
#    - YSA Battle System: Classical ATB                                        |
#  * Terms of use                                                              |
#    Same as that of YSA Battle System: Classical ATB except that you must also|
#    give Yami credit(you should do this anyway) if you give DoubleX or his    |
#    alias credit                                                              |
#  * Prerequisites                                                             |
#    Scripts:                                                                  |
#    - YSA Battle System: Classical ATB                                        |
#    Knowledge:                                                                |
#    - That of using the script YSA Battle System: Classical ATB               |
#  * Functions                                                                 |
#    - Tries to fix bugs I've found in YSA Battle System: Classical ATB        |
#    - Fixing compatibility issues isn't this script's aim                     |
#  * Manual                                                                    |
#    To use this script, open the script editor and put this script into an    |
#    open slot between the script YSA Battle System: Classical ATB and ▼ Main. |
#    Save to take effect.                                                      |
#    Suggested Complete CATB Scripts Order(Excluding Dhoom Manipulate State):  |
#    1.  Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Core Engine                                   |
#    2.  Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Battle Engine                                 |
#    3.  YSA Battle System: Classical ATB                                      |
#    4.  YSA Battle Add-on: Lunatic CATB Rate                                  |
#    5.  YSA Battle Add-on: Lunatic CATB Reset                                 |
#    6.  YSA Battle Add-on: Lunatic CATB Start                                 |
#    7.  DoubleX RMVXA Bug Fix to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB             |
#    8.  DoubleX RMVXA Compatibility Fix to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB   |
#    9. DoubleX RMVXA Action Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB         |
#    10. DoubleX RMVXA ATB Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB           |
#    11. DoubleX RMVXA Cancel Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB        |
#    12. DoubleX RMVXA Clear Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB         |
#    13. DoubleX RMVXA CATB Clear Addon Compatibility Fix                      |
#    14. DoubleX RMVXA Cooldown Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB      |
#    15. DoubleX RMVXA Charge Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB        |
#    16. DoubleX RMVXA Countdown Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB     |
#    17. DoubleX RMVXA Countdown Addon Compatibility Fix                       |
#    18. DoubleX RMVXA Escape Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB        |
#    19. DoubleX RMVXA Percentage Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB    |
#    20. DoubleX RMVXA Reset Addon to YSA Battle Add-on: Lunatic CATB Reset    |
#    21. DoubleX RMVXA SE Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB            |
#    22. DoubleX RMVXA Tick Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB          |
#    23. DoubleX RMVXA Turn Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB          |
#    24. DoubleX RMVXA Unison Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB        |
#    25. DoubleX RMVXA Update Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB        |
#    26. DoubleX RMVXA Wait Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB          |
#  * Compatibility                                                             |
#    - Same as that of YSA Battle System: Classical ATB                        |

#  ** Advices                                                                  |
#  * Fix some issues by following the ordering of YEA scripts:                 |
#    Check [url]http://yanflychannel.wordpress.com/rmvxa/[/url] and follow the ordering   |
#  * Fix bugs when preemptives or susprises occur in the catb battle system:   |
#    Give numbers to PREEMTIVE_ATB_ACTOR, PREEMTIVE_ATB_ENEMY,                 |
#    SURPRISE_ATB_ACTOR and SURPRISE_ATB_ENEMY                                 |
#  * Fix some compatibility issues with other scripts:                         |
#    Put this script below YSA Battle System: Classical ATB, which should be   |
#    put below Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Battle Engine                           |
#    They should be placed as nearby each other as possible                    |

#  ** Fixes                                                                    |
#  * (v1.05a+)Buff/Debuff removal bug(Fix_Buff/Debuff_Removal_Bug):            |
#    - Aliased method on_turn_end under class Game_Battler                     |
#  * (v1.04a+)Victory defeat bug(Fix_Victory_Defeat_Bug):                      |
#    - Aliased method process_victory and process_defeat under module          |
#      BattleManager                                                           |
#    - Added method catb_close_windows under class Scene_Battle                |
#  * (v1.03a+)Battler escape bug(Fix_Battler_Escape_Bug):                      |
#    - Aliased method process_escape under module BattleManager                |
#    - Added attr_accessor :catb_escape under module BattleManager             |
#    - Rewritten method                                                        |
#      draw_item under class Window_BattleStatus                               |
#      process_catb and perform_catb_action under class Scene_Battle           |
#  * (v1.02a+)Collapse check bug(Fix_Collapse_Check_Bug):                      |
#    - Rewritten method process_catb and perform_catb_action under class       |
#      Scene_Battle                                                            |
#  * (v1.01a+)On turn end bug(Fix_On_Turn_End_Bug):                            |
#    - (v1.03a+)Added attr_reader :phase under module BattleManager            |
#    - (v1.01b+)Aliased method self.input_start under module BattleManager     |
#    - Rewritten method process_catb and perform_catb_action under class       |
#      Scene_Battle                                                            |
#  * Action Times+ bug(Fix_Action_Time_Bug):                                   |
#    - Rewritten method                                                        |
#      (v1.02d+)make_catb_action under class Game_Battler                      |
#      clear_catb and make_first_catb_value under class Game_Battler           |
#      update_gauge under class Enemy_CATB_Gauge_Viewport                      |
#  * Autobattle flag and confusion bug(Fix_Autobattle_Confusion_Bug):          |
#    - (v1.02d+)Aliased method initialize under class Game_Battler             |
#    - (v1.02d+)Added attr_reader ct_catb_value under class Game_Battler       |
#    - Rewritten method                                                        |
#      confirm under class Game_Action                                         |
#      make_first_catb_value under class Game_Battler                          |
#      process_catb under class Scene_Battle                                   |
#    - Added method max_catb_value? under class Game_Battler                   |
#  * Command window bug(Fix_Command_Window_Bug):                               |
#    - (v1.01g+)Aliased method self.input_start under module BattleManager     |
#    - Rewritten method process_catb, command_attack, command_skill,           |
#      command_guard and update_message_open under class Scene_Battle          |
#  * Confirm or cancel input bug(Fix_Input_Confirm_Cancel_Bug):                |
#    - Aliased method on_enemy_ok, on_enemy_cancel, on_actor_ok,               |
#      on_actor_cancel, on_skill_ok and on_item_ok under class Scene_Battle    |
#  * Dying enemy selection bug(Fix_Die_Enemy_Select_Bug):                      |
#    - Rewritten method update under class Window_BattleEnemy                  |
#    - (v1.04c+)Aliased method on_enemy_ok under class Scene_Battle            |
#  * Enemy action picking bug(Fix_Enemy_Charge_Bug):                           |
#    - (v1.02d+)Added attr_reader ct_catb_value under class Game_Battler       |
#    - Rewritten method process_catb under class Scene_Battle                  |
#    - Added method max_catb_value? under class Game_Battler                   |
#  * Guard command bug(Fix_Guard_Bug):                                         |
#    - Rewritten method command_guard under class Scene_Battle                 |
#  * Left arrow output bug(Fix_Dir4_Bug):                                      |
#    - Rewritten method                                                        |
#      process_dir4 under class Window_ActorCommand                            |
#      process_catb, prior_f_actor and next_f_actor under class Scene_Battle   |
#  * Party member change bug(Fix_Party_List_Bug):                              |
#    - (v1.02d+)Added attr_reader :catb_value under class Game_Battler         |
#    - Rewritten method                                                        |
#      make_ct_catb_update under class Game_Battler                            |
#      process_catb, prior_f_actor and next_f_actor under class Scene_Battle   |

($imported ||= {})["DoubleX RMVXA Bug Fixes to YSA-CATB"] = true

#  ** You need not edit this part as it's about how this script works          |

if $imported["YEA-BattleEngine"] && $imported["YSA-CATB"]


#  * Fixes:                                                                    |
#    - (v1.03a+)Battler escape bug                                             |
#    - (v1.01g+)Command window bug                                             |
#    - (v1.01b+)On turn end bug                                                |
class << BattleManager

  # Fixes:
  # (v1.04a+)Victory defeat bug
  #  Alias method: process_victory                                             |
  alias fix_catb_process_victory process_victory
  def process_victory
    # Added to close all windows before showing those for victory
    SceneManager.scene.catb_close_windows if SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle)
    # Fix_Victory_Defeat_Bug
  end # process_victory_ecatb

  #  Alias method: process_defeat                                              |
  alias fix_catb_process_defeat process_defeat
  def process_defeat
    # Added to close all windows before showing those for defeat
    SceneManager.scene.catb_close_windows if SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle)
    # Fix_Victory_Defeat_Bug
  end # process_defeat

  # Fixes:
  # (v1.03a+)Battler escape bug
  #  Alias method: process_escape                                              |
  alias fix_catb_process_escape process_escape
  def process_escape
    # Rewritten to disable escape if @catb_escape isn't :true
    @catb_escape ||= :true
    @catb_escape == :true && fix_catb_process_escape
    # Fix_Battler_Escape_Bug
  end # process_escape

  # Fixes:
  # (v1.03a+)Battler escape bug
  # (v1.01b+)On turn end bug
  #  (v1.03a+)New public instance variables                                    |
  attr_accessor :catb_escape
  attr_reader :phase

  # Fixes:
  # (v1.01g+)Command window bug
  # (v1.01b+)On turn end bug  
  #  Alias method: input_start                                                 |
  alias fix_catb_input_start input_start
  def input_start
    # Added to set @phase as input and @surprise as false in catb battle system
    if btype?(:catb)
      @phase = :input
      @surprise = false
    # Fix_Command_Window_Bug && Fix_On_Turn_End_Bug
  end # input_start

end # BattleManager

#  * Fixes:                                                                    |
#    - Autobattle flag and confusion bug                                       |
class Game_Action

  #  Rewrite method: confirm                                                   |
  def confirm
    # Rewritten to set @confirm as true if @subject.auto_battle? or @subject.confusion? is true
    @confirm ||= @subject.auto_battle? || @subject.confusion?
    # Fix_Autobattle_Confusion_Bug
  end # confirm

end # Game_Action

#  * Fixes:                                                                    |
#    - (v1.05a+)Buff/Debuff removal bug                                        |
#    - Action Times+ bug                                                       |
#    - Autobattle flag and confusion bug                                       |
#    - Enemy action picking bug                                                |
#    - Left arrow output bug                                                   |
#    - Party member change bug                                                 |
class Game_Battler < Game_BattlerBase

  # Fixes:
  # Buff/Debuff removal bug
  #  (v1.05a+)Alias method: on_turn_end                                        |
  alias fix_catb_on_turn_end on_turn_end
  def on_turn_end
    # Added to remove buffs having 0 remaining turns upon turn end
    remove_buffs_auto if BattleManager.btype?(:catb)
    # Fix_Buff/Debuff_Removal_Bug
  end # on_turn_end

  # Fixes:
  # Action Times+ bug
  #  (v1.02d+)Rewrite method: make_catb_action                                 |
  def make_catb_action
    return unless max_catb_value?
    # Added to set the action times
    @catb_action_times = catb_make_action_times if @catb_action_times <= 0
    # Fix_Action_Time_Bug
    return clear_catb unless movable?
  end # make_catb_action

  #  (v1.02d+)Alias method: initialize                                         |
  alias fix_catb_initialize initialize
  def initialize
    # Added to initialize @cd_catb_value
    @catb_action_times = 0
  end # initialize

  #  Rewrite method: clear_catb                                                |
  def clear_catb(value = 0)
    # Rewritten to not clear actor's catb if @catb_action_times > 0 && movable? is true
    @catb_action_times -= 1 if @ct_catb_value > 0
    @catb_value = value unless @catb_action_times > 0 && movable?
    @catb_action_times = 0 unless @catb_action_times <= 0 || movable?
    # Fix_Action_Time_Bug
    @ct_catb_value = 0
    BattleManager.clear_actor if actor? && BattleManager.actor == self
  end # clear_catb

  # Fixes:
  # Action Times+ bug
  # Autobattle flag and confusion bug
  #  Rewrite method: make_first_catb_value                                     |
  def make_first_catb_value(pre = 0)
    # Rewritten to fix autobattle flag bug
    auto_battle? ? clear_actions : make_actions
    # Fix_Autobattle_Confusion_Bug
    @catb_value = 0
    @catb_value = YSA::CATB::PREEMTIVE_ATB_ACTOR if actor? && pre == 1
    @catb_value = YSA::CATB::PREEMTIVE_ATB_ENEMY if enemy? && pre == 1
    @catb_value = YSA::CATB::SURPRISE_ATB_ACTOR if actor? && pre == 2
    @catb_value = YSA::CATB::SURPRISE_ATB_ENEMY if enemy? && pre == 2
    lunatic_catb_start_formula(pre) if $imported["YSA-LunaticCATBStart"]
    # Added to set the action times
    @catb_action_times = max_catb_value? ? catb_make_action_times : 0
    # Fix_Action_Time_Bug
  end # make_first_catb_value

  # Fixes:
  # Action Times+ bug
  # Autobattle flag and confusion bug
  # Enemy action picking bug
  # Party member change bug
  #  (v1.02d+)New public instance variables                                    |
  attr_reader :catb_action_times
  attr_reader :catb_value
  attr_reader :ct_catb_value

  # Fixes:
  # Autobattle flag and confusion bug
  # Enemy action picking bug
  # Left arrow output bug
  #  New method: max_catb_value?                                               |
  def max_catb_value?
    @catb_value >= MAX_CATB_VALUE
  end # max_catb_value?

  # Fixes:
  # Party member change bug
  #  Rewrite method: make_ct_catb_update                                       |
  def make_ct_catb_update
    return unless max_catb_value? && @ct_catb_value < MAX_CATB_VALUE && current_action
    # Rewritten to fix party member change bug
    return @ct_catb_value = 0 unless current_action.item
    # Fix_Party_List_Bug
    return if actor? && !current_action.confirm
    clear_catb unless movable?
    @ct_catb_value = MAX_CATB_VALUE unless current_action.item.charge_on
    value = $imported["YSA-LunaticCATBRate"] ? lunatic_catb_rate_formula : real_gain_catb
    @ct_catb_value += [value * current_action.item.charge_rate / 100, MAX_CATB_VALUE - @ct_catb_value].min
  end # make_ct_catb_update

end # Game_Battler

#  * Fixes:                                                                    |
#    - Left arrow output bug                                                   |
class Window_ActorCommand < Window_Command

  #  Rewrite method: process_dir4                                              |
  def process_dir4
    # Rewritten to set the left arrow output as switching to the prior actor
    # Fix_Dir4_Bug
  end # process_dir4

end # Window_ActorCommand

#  * Fixes:                                                                    |
#    - (v1.03a+)Battler escape bug                                             |
class Window_BattleStatus < Window_Selectable

  #  Rewrite method: draw_item                                                 |
  def draw_item(index)
    # Added to stop drawing if the actor's not exist
    return unless index
    # Fix_Battler_Escape_Bug
    actor = battle_members[index]
    rect = item_rect(index)
    # Added to stop drawing if the actor's not exist
    return unless actor
    # Fix_Battler_Escape_Bug
    draw_actor_catb(actor, rect.x + 2, line_height + gx, rect.width - 4) if BattleManager.btype?(:catb)
  end # draw_item

end # Window_BattleStatus

#  * Fixes:                                                                    |
#    - Action Times+ bug                                                       |
class Enemy_CATB_Gauge_Viewport < Viewport

  #  Rewrite method: update_gauge                                              |
  def update_gauge
    # Rewritten to keep charge guage up to date
    @gauge_width = target_gauge_width if @type == :catb && @gauge_width != target_gauge_width
    @gauge_width = target_gauge_width_ct if @type == :catbct && @gauge_width != target_gauge_width_ct
    # Fix_Action_Time_Bug
    rect.width = @gauge_width if @type != :back
  end # update_gauge

end # Enemy_CATB_Gauge_Viewport

#  * Fixes:                                                                    |
#    - Dying enemy selection bug                                               |
class Window_BattleEnemy < Window_Selectable

  #  (v1.04c+)New public instance variable                                     |
  attr_reader :data

  #  (v1.04c+)Rewrite method: enemy                                            |
  def enemy
    # Rewritten to use @index instead of index
  end # enemy

  #  Rewrite method: update                                                    |
  def update
    # Rewritten to return upon victory and always keep enemy up to date
    return if !active || $game_troop.all_dead?
    if @data.size != $game_troop.alive_members.size
      @index = [@index, @data.size - 1].min
    # Fix_Die_Enemy_Select_Bug
    select_all? ? $game_troop.alive_members.each { |enemy| enemy.sprite_effect_type = :whiten } : enemy.sprite_effect_type = :whiten
  end # update

end # Window_BattleEnemy

#  * Fixes:                                                                    |
#    - (v1.04c+)Dying enemy selection bug                                      |
#    - (v1.04a+)Victory defeat bug                                             |
#    - (v1.03a+)Battler escape bug                                             |
#    - (v1.02a+)Collapse check bug                                             |
#    - (v1.01a+)On turn end bug                                                |
#    - Autobattle flag and confusion bug                                       |
#    - Command window bug                                                      |
#    - Enemy action picking bug                                                |
#    - Confirm or cancel input bug                                             |
#    - Guard command bug                                                       |
#    - Left arrow output bug                                                   |
#    - Party member change bug                                                 |
class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base

  # Fixes:
  # (v1.04a+)Victory defeat bug
  #  New method: catb_close_windows                                            |
  def catb_close_windows
    # Closes all windows before showing those for victory or defeat
    [@actor_window, @enemy_window, @skill_window, @item_window, @status_aid_window, @actor_command_window, @party_command_window].each { |window|
    # Fix_Victory_Defeat_Bug
  end # catb_close_windows

  # Fixes:
  # (v1.03a+)Battler escape bug
  # (v1.02a+)Collapse check bug
  # (v1.01d+)Command window bug
  # (v1.01a+)On turn end bug
  # Autobattle flag and confusion bug
  # Enemy action picking bug
  # Left arrow output bug
  # Party member change bug
  #  Rewrite method: process_catb                                              |
  def process_catb
    # Rewritten to fix nil actor selection and status window not opening bug
    if @status_window.index >= 0 && (!$game_party.members[@status_window.index] || $game_party.members[@status_window.index].dead? || !BattleManager.action_list(:actor).include?($game_party.members[@status_window.index]))
      $game_party.members[@status_window.index].clear_catb if $game_party.members[@status_window.index]
      if @skill_window.visible || @item_window.visible || @actor_window.visible || @enemy_window.visible
    # Fix_Battler_Escape_Bug && Fix_Command_Window_Bug
    # Rewritten to fix party command window not closing bug
    @party_command_window.deactivate.close if BattleManager.action_list(:actor).size <= 0
    # Fix_Command_Window_Bug
    return if !SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle) || scene_changing? || !BattleManager.btype?(:catb) || catb_pause?
    all_battle_members.each { |a|
      # Added to fix party member change bug
      a.clear_actions if a.catb_value == 0
      # Fix_Party_List_Bug
    # Added to update the action list
    BattleManager.action_list(:actor).each { |a| a.clear_catb unless a.index }
    # Fix_Party_List_Bug
    if $game_system.catb_turn_type == :tick
      @tick_clock ||= 0
      @tick_clock += 1
      if @tick_clock >= $game_system.catb_tick_count
        @tick_clock = 0
        # Added to set @phase as turn_end on turn end
        # Fix_On_Turn_End_Bug
        all_battle_members.each { |battler|
          # Added to perform collapse effect if the enemy can collapse
          battler.perform_collapse_effect if battler.enemy? && battler.can_collapse?
          # Fix_Collapse_Check_Bug
    # Disabled to remove redundant parts
#    BattleManager.action_list(:actor).each { |battler|
#      battler.make_actions if (battler.actor? && !battler.input)
#    }
    @f_actor_index = 0 if !@f_actor_index || @f_actor_index < 0 || @f_actor_index + 1 > BattleManager.action_list(:actor).size
    f_actor = BattleManager.action_list(:actor)[@f_actor_index]
    # Added to fix left arrow output bug
    f_actor_count = 0
    while f_actor_count < BattleManager.action_list(:actor).size && f_actor && (f_actor.input && f_actor.input.item && f_actor.input.confirm || f_actor.auto_battle? || f_actor.confusion? || !f_actor.max_catb_value? || f_actor.ct_catb_value > 0)
      f_actor_count += 1
      @f_actor_index + 1 < BattleManager.action_list(:actor).size ? @f_actor_index += 1 : @f_actor_index = 0
      f_actor = BattleManager.action_list(:actor)[@f_actor_index]
    # Fix_Dir4_Bug
    f_actor = BattleManager.action_list(:actor)[@f_actor_index]
    if f_actor && f_actor.input && !f_actor.input.confirm && (!BattleManager.actor || @status_window.index != BattleManager.actor.index) && !@actor_command_window.active && !@party_command_window.active
    BattleManager.action_list.each { |battler|
      # Rewritten to disable redundant action making and force actors to make actions if auto_battle? or confusion? is true
      battler.make_actions if (battler.enemy? || battler.input.confirm) && battler.max_catb_value? && battler.ct_catb_value <= 0
      # Fix_Autobattle_Confusion_Bug && Fix_Enemy_Charge_Bug
      perform_catb_action(battler) unless @subject
  end # process_catb

  # Fixes:
  # (v1.03a+)Battler escape bug
  # (v1.02a+)Collapse check bug
  # (v1.01a+)On turn end bug
  #  Rewrite method: perform_catb_action                                       |
  def perform_catb_action(subject, forced = false)
    return if subject && (!subject.charge_skill_done? && !forced || subject.actor? && !forced && (!subject.input || !subject.input.item || !subject.input.confirm))
    subject ? @subject = subject : return
    # Added to disable escaping while executing action
    BattleManager.catb_escape = :false
    # Fix_Battler_Escape_Bug
    if @subject.current_action
      execute_action if @subject.current_action.valid?
      reset_value = $imported["YSA-LunaticCATBReset"] ? @subject.lunatic_catb_reset_formula : 0
      while true
        break if forced || !@subject.current_action || !@subject.current_action.valid?
      if $game_system.catb_turn_type == :action
        @tick_action ||= 0
        @tick_action += 1 if !forced || YSA::CATB::FORCE_ACTION_COUNT
        if @tick_action >= $game_system.catb_after_action
          @tick_action = 0
          # Added to set @phase as turn_end on turn end but not battle end
          BattleManager.turn_end if BattleManager.phase
          # Fix_On_Turn_End_Bug
          all_battle_members.each { |battler|
            # Added to perform collapse effect if the enemy can collapse
            battler.perform_collapse_effect if BattleManager.phase && battler.enemy? && battler.can_collapse?
            # Fix_Collapse_Check_Bug
      @status_aid_window.refresh if @status_aid_window.visible
    # Added to disable escaping while executing action
    BattleManager.catb_escape = :true
    # Fix_Battler_Escape_Bug
    return if BattleManager.judge_win_loss || !@subject
    @subject.clear_catb(reset_value) if !forced || YSA::CATB::FORCE_ACTION_CLEAR_ATB 
    @status_window.draw_item(@subject.index) if @subject.actor?
    @subject = nil
  end # perform_catb_action

  # Fixes:
  # Left arrow output bug
  # Party member change bug
  #  Rewrite method: prior_f_actor                                             |
  def prior_f_actor
    return if !@f_actor_index || BattleManager.action_list(:actor).empty?
    # Rewritten to point @f_actor_index to the prior actor
    actor_list = {}
    BattleManager.action_list(:actor).each_with_index { |actor, index| actor_list[index] = actor.index unless actor.auto_battle? || actor.confusion? || actor.ct_catb_value > 0.0 }
    while true
      @f_actor_index -= 1
      @f_actor_index %= $game_party.members.size
      f_actor_index = actor_list.index(@f_actor_index)
      break if f_actor_index
    f_actor = BattleManager.action_list(:actor)[f_actor_index]
    # Fix_Dir4_Bug && Fix_Party_List_Bug
    return unless f_actor
  end # prior_f_actor

  #  Rewrite method: next_f_actor                                              |
  def next_f_actor
    return if !@f_actor_index || BattleManager.action_list(:actor).empty?
    # Rewritten to point @f_actor_index to the next actor
    actor_list = {}
    BattleManager.action_list(:actor).each_with_index { |actor, index| actor_list[index] = actor.index unless actor.auto_battle? || actor.confusion? || actor.ct_catb_value > 0.0 }
    while true
      @f_actor_index += 1
      @f_actor_index %= $game_party.members.size
      f_actor_index = actor_list.index(@f_actor_index)
      break if f_actor_index
    f_actor = BattleManager.action_list(:actor)[f_actor_index]
    # Fix_Dir4_Bug && Fix_Party_List_Bug
    return unless f_actor
  end # next_f_actor

  # Fixes:
  # (v1.01d+)Command window bug
  #  Alias method: command_attack                                              |
  alias fix_catb_command_attack command_attack
  def command_attack
    # Rewritten to fix the bug when BattleManager.actor is nil
    fix_catb_command_attack if BattleManager.actor
    # Fix_Command_Window_Bug
  end # command_attack

  #  Alias method: command_skill                                               |
  alias fix_catb_command_skill command_skill
  def command_skill
    # Rewritten to fix the bug when BattleManager.actor is nil
    fix_catb_command_skill if BattleManager.actor
    # Fix_Command_Window_Bug
  end # command_skill

  # Fixes:
  # (v1.01d+)Command window bug
  # Guard command bug
  #  Rewrite method: command_guard                                             |
  def command_guard
    # Rewritten to fix the bug when BattleManager.actor is nil
    return if !BattleManager.actor
    # Fix_Command_Window_Bug
    BattleManager.actor.input.confirm = true
    # Rewritten to fix the bug when BattleManager.actor is nil
    @status_window.draw_item(BattleManager.actor.index) if BattleManager.actor
    # Fix_Guard_Bug
  end # command_guard

  # Fixes:
  # (v1.04c+)Dying enemy selection bug
  # Confirm or cancel input bug
  #  Alias method: on_enemy_ok                                                 |
  alias fix_catb_on_enemy_ok on_enemy_ok
  def on_enemy_ok
    # Added to return upon victory and always keep enemy up to date
    return if $game_troop.all_dead?
    if @enemy_window.data.size != $game_troop.alive_members.size
      @enemy_window.index = [@enemy_window.index, @enemy_window.data.size - 1].min
    # Fix_Die_Enemy_Select_Bug
    # Rewritten to fix the bug when BattleManager.actor is nil
    return fix_catb_on_enemy_ok if BattleManager.actor
    $game_temp.battle_aid = nil
    # Fix_Input_Confirm_Cancel_Bug
  end # on_enemy_ok

  # Fixes:
  # Confirm or cancel input bug
  #  Alias method: on_enemy_cancel                                             |
  alias fix_catb_on_enemy_cancel on_enemy_cancel
  def on_enemy_cancel
    # Rewritten to fix the bug when BattleManager.actor is nil
    return fix_catb_on_enemy_cancel if BattleManager.actor
    $game_temp.battle_aid = nil
    @skill_window.visible || @item_window.visible ? @help_window.show : @help_window.hide
    # Fix_Input_Confirm_Cancel_Bug
  end # on_enemy_cancel

  #  Alias method: on_actor_ok                                                 |
  alias fix_catb_on_actor_ok on_actor_ok
  def on_actor_ok
    # Rewritten to fix the bug when BattleManager.actor is nil
    return fix_catb_on_actor_ok if BattleManager.actor
    $game_temp.battle_aid = nil
    $imported["YEA-BattleCommandList"] && @confirm_command_window ? @actor_command_window.visible = !@confirm_command_window.visible : @actor_command_window.show
    # Fix_Input_Confirm_Cancel_Bug
  end # on_actor_ok

  #  Alias method: on_actor_cancel                                             |
  alias fix_catb_on_actor_cancel on_actor_cancel
  def on_actor_cancel
    # Rewritten to fix the bug when BattleManager.actor is nil
    return fix_catb_on_actor_cancel if BattleManager.actor
    $game_temp.battle_aid = nil
    return @skill_window.show if @actor_command_window.current_symbol == :skill
    @item_window.show if @actor_command_window.current_symbol == :item
    # Fix_Input_Confirm_Cancel_Bug
  end # on_actor_cancel

  #  Alias method: on_skill_ok                                                 |
  alias fix_catb_on_skill_ok on_skill_ok
  def on_skill_ok
    # Rewritten to fix the bug when BattleManager.actor is nil
    return fix_catb_on_skill_ok if BattleManager.actor
    $game_temp.battle_aid = @skill = @skill_window.item
    return select_enemy_selection if @skill.for_opponent?
    return select_actor_selection if @skill.for_friend?
    $game_temp.battle_aid = nil
    # Fix_Input_Confirm_Cancel_Bug
  end # on_skill_ok

  #  Alias method: on_item_ok                                                  |
  alias fix_catb_on_item_ok on_item_ok
  def on_item_ok
    # Rewritten to fix the bug when BattleManager.actor is nil
    return fix_catb_on_item_ok if BattleManager.actor
    $game_party.last_item.object = $game_temp.battle_aid = @item = @item_window.item
    return select_enemy_selection if @item.for_opponent?
    return select_actor_selection if @item.for_friend?
    $game_temp.battle_aid = nil
    # Fix_Input_Confirm_Cancel_Bug
  end # on_item_ok

  # Fixes:
  # Command window bug
  #  Rewrite method: update_message_open                                       |
  def update_message_open
    return if $game_message.busy? || !@status_window.close? || $game_troop.all_dead? || $game_party.all_dead?
    # Added to open actor and party command windows when appropriate
    @actor_command_window.open if @actor_command_window.active || @skill_window.active || @item_window.active || @actor_window.active || @enemy_window.active
    @party_command_window.open if @party_command_window.active || $imported["YEA-CombatLogDisplay"] && @combatlog_window && @combatlog_window.visible
    # Fix_Command_Window_Bug
  end # update_message_open

end # Scene_Battle


  msgbox("To use DoubleX RMVXA Bug Fix to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB, " +
         "put it below:\nYanfly Engine Ace - Ace Battle Engine\n" +
         "but above Main") unless $imported["YEA-BattleEngine"]
  msgbox("To use DoubleX RMVXA Bug Fix to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB, " +
         "put it below:\nYSA Battle System: Classical ATB\n " +
         "but above Main") unless $imported["YSA-CATB"]
end # if $imported["YEA-BattleEngine"] && $imported["YSA-CATB"]
