#  ** DoubleX RMVXA Unison Skills/Items v1.01d                                 |
#  * Changelog                                                                 |
#    v1.01d(GMT 0300 21-7-2015):                                               |
#    - Increased this script's effectiveness, efficiency and flexibility       |
#    v1.01c(GMT 0900 1-6-2014):                                                |
#    - Fixed unison item not invoking common event bug                         |
#    v1.01b(GMT 0030 13-2-2014):                                               |
#    - Fixed nil @input_actor and @unison_actor bug                            |
#    v1.01a(GMT 0700 7-2-2014):                                                |
#    - Added <unison param: x> notetag                                         |
#    v1.00e(GMT 0300 26-1-2014):                                               |
#    - Fixed nil, non-skill and non-item item bug                              |
#    v1.00d(GMT 0500 24-1-2014):                                               |
#    - Fixed Action Times+ Bug                                                 |
#    v1.00c(GMT 0900 16-1-2014):                                               |
#    - Unison skills and items can only be selected by their unison actors     |
#    v1.00b(GMT 1300 15-1-2014):                                               |
#    - Fixed $game_actors[actor_id] with actor_id equals nil bug               |
#    v1.00a(GMT 0600 15-1-2014):                                               |
#    - 1st version of this script finished                                     |
#  * Author                                                                    |
#    DoubleX                                                                   |
#  * Terms of use                                                              |
#    None other than not claiming this script as created by anyone except      |
#    DoubleX or his alias                                                      |
#  * Prerequisites                                                             |
#    Scripts:                                                                  |
#    - none                                                                    |
#    Knowledge:                                                                |
#    - Use of notetags                                                         |
#  * Functions                                                                 |
#    - Allows users to create unison skills or items for actors                |
#  * Manual                                                                    |
#    To use this script, open the script editor and put this script into an    |
#    open slot between ▼ Materials and ▼ Main. Save to take effect.            |
#  * Compatibility                                                             |
#    Scripts rewriting or aliasing:                                            |
#    - load_database under DataManager                                         |
#    - param, inputable? or usable? under Game_BattlerBase                     |
#    - make_damage_value or use_item under Game_Battler                        |
#    - clear_actions or next_command under Game_Actor                          |
#    - enable? under Window_ItemList                                           |
#    - display_use_item under Window_BattleLog                                 |
#    - start, next_command, prior_command or turn_start under Scene_Battle     |
#    may have compatibility issues with this script                            |
#    Place this script above those aliasing any of these methods if possible   |

($imported ||= {})["DoubleX RMVXA Unison Item"] = true

#  * Notetag <unison item: x> for skills and items:                            |
#    x is the list of id of actors needed for the skill or item. For instance: |
#    - <unison item: 1> means actor with id 1 is required to use it            |
#    - <unison item: 4, 2> means actors with id 4 and 2 are needed to use it   |
#    All actors in list x needs to be in the battle, inputable, able to use it |
#    and pay its cost. They'll all pay the cost after using it. Only actors in |
#    list x can select it.                                                     |
#  * Notetag <unison rule: x> for skills and items:                            |
#    x is the rule of setting parameters used in the damage formula of the     |
#    skill or item. Notetag setting overrides the universal UNISON_PARAM_RULE. |
#    This notetag doesn't work if <unison item: x> is absent or x is nil.      |
#  * Notetag <unison param: x> for skills and items:                           |
#    x is the list of id of actors needed for the skill or item and stat is    |
#    parameters used in its damage formula. For instance:                      |
#    - <unison atk: 1> means atk in its damage formula uses atk of actor with  |
#      id 1                                                                    |
#    - <unison mat: 4, 2> means mat in its damage formula uses mat of actors   |
#      with id 4 and 2 under unison rule specified in <unison rule: x> notetag |
#    param can be hp, mp, tp, level, mhp, mmp, atk, def, mat, mdf, agi or luk. |

#  ** You only need to edit this part as it's about what this script does      |

module DoubleX_RMVXA
  module Unison_Item

#  * SHOW_UNISON_ACTOR, default = true                                         |
#    The battlelog will show all actors involved in the unison skills or items |
#    instead of only the one invoking them if SHOW_UNISON_ACTOR is true.       |

#  * UNISON_PARAM_RULE, default = 2                                            |
#    Each parameter in the damage formula of the unison skills or items used   |
#    will be altered by one of the rules below if there's no working notetag:  |
#    0 - No changes will take place                                            |
#    1 - Its minimum among all actors involved in the unison skills or items   |
#        used will be used in their damage formulae                            |
#    2 - Its average among all actors involved in the unison skills or items   |
#        used will be used in their damage formulae                            |
#    3 - Its maximum among all actors involved in the unison skills or items   |
#        used will be used in their damage formulae                            |


#  ** You need not edit this part as it's about how this script works          |

    UNISON_PARAM_0 = /<(?:UNISON_PARAM_0|unison mhp):[ ](\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
    UNISON_PARAM_1 = /<(?:UNISON_PARAM_1|unison mmp):[ ](\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
    UNISON_PARAM_2 = /<(?:UNISON_PARAM_2|unison atk):[ ](\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
    UNISON_PARAM_3 = /<(?:UNISON_PARAM_3|unison def):[ ](\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
    UNISON_PARAM_4 = /<(?:UNISON_PARAM_4|unison mat):[ ](\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
    UNISON_PARAM_5 = /<(?:UNISON_PARAM_5|unison mdf):[ ](\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
    UNISON_PARAM_6 = /<(?:UNISON_PARAM_6|unison agi):[ ](\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
    UNISON_PARAM_7 = /<(?:UNISON_PARAM_7|unison luk):[ ](\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
    UNISON_PARAM_hp = /<(?:UNISON_PARAM_hp|unison hp):[ ](\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
    UNISON_PARAM_mp = /<(?:UNISON_PARAM_mp|unison mp):[ ](\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
    UNISON_PARAM_tp = /<(?:UNISON_PARAM_tp|unison tp):[ ](\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
    UNISON_PARAM_level = /<(?:UNISON_PARAM_level|unison level):[ ](\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i

  end # Unison_Item
end # DoubleX_RMVXA

#  * Edit module: DataManager                                                  |

class << DataManager

  #  Alias method: load_database                                               |
  alias load_database_unison_item load_database
  def load_database
    # Added to load unison notetags
  end # load_database

  #  New method: load_notetags_unison_item                                     |
  def load_notetags_unison_item
    [$data_skills, $data_items].each { |data|
      data.each { |obj| obj.load_notetags_unison_item if obj }
  end # load_notetags_unison_item

end # DataManager

#  * Edit class: RPG::UsableItem                                               |

class RPG::UsableItem < RPG::BaseItem

  #  New public instance variables                                             |
  attr_accessor :unison_item
  attr_accessor :unison_actor_id
  attr_accessor :unison_rule
  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, "hp", "mp", "tp", "level"].each { |param|
    eval("attr_accessor :unison_param_#{param = param.to_s}")
    eval("attr_accessor :unison_param_#{param}_id")

  #  New method: load_notetags_unison_item                                     |
  def load_notetags_unison_item
    @unison_item = false
    @unison_actor_id = []
    @unison_rule = (ui = DoubleX_RMVXA::Unison_Item)::UNISON_PARAM_RULE
    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, "hp", "mp", "tp", "level"].each { |param|
      eval("@unison_param_#{param = param.to_s} = false")
      eval("@unison_param_#{param}_id = []")
    @note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line|
      case line
      when /<(?:UNISON_ITEM|unison item):[ ](\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
        $1.scan(/\d+/).each { |n| @unison_actor_id << n.to_i if n.to_i > 0 }
        @unison_item ||= @unison_actor_id.size > 0
      when /<(?:UNISON_RULE|unison rule):[ ]*(\d+)>/i
        @unison_rule = $1.to_i if @unison_item
        [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, "hp", "mp", "tp", "level"].each { |param|
          case line
          when eval("ui::UNISON_PARAM_#{param = param.to_s}")
            $1.scan(/\d+/).each { |num|
              eval("@unison_param_#{param}_id.push(num.to_i)") if num.to_i > 0
            eval("@unison_param_#{param} = true") if 
            eval("@unison_param_#{param}_id.size > 0")
  end # load_notetags_unison_item

end # RPG::UsableItem

#  * Edit class: Game_BattlerBase                                              |

class Game_BattlerBase

  #  Alias method: param                                                       |
  alias param_unison_item param
  def param(param_id)
    # Rewritten to return unison param when it's set
    @unison_param_set ? @unison_param[param_id] : param_unison_item(param_id)
  end # param

  #  Alias method: inputable?                                                  |
  alias inputable_unison_item? inputable?
  def inputable?
    # Rewritten to check if at least 1 action slot isn't reserved
    return false unless inputable_unison_item?
    return true unless SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle) && actor?
    @unison_inputs < @actions.size
  end # inputable?

  #  Alias method: usable?                                                     |
  alias usable_unison_item? usable?
  def usable?(item)
    # Rewritten to check if all unison actors can use the unison skill/item
    unless actor? && item && item.is_a?(RPG::UsableItem) && item.unison_item
      return usable_unison_item?(item)
    return false unless item.unison_actor_id.include?(id)
    return false unless usable_unison_item?(item)
    return unison_skill_usable?(item) if item.is_a?(RPG::Skill)
    return unison_item_usable?(item) if item.is_a?(RPG::Item)
  end # usable?

  #  New method: unison_skill_usable?                                          |
  def unison_skill_usable?(item)
    battle = SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle)
    (item.unison_actor_id - [id]).each { |actor_id|
      actor = $game_actors[actor_id]
      return false unless actor.battle_member? && actor.inputable?
      return false if battle && actor.actions.select { |a| a.item }.size >= 
      actor.actions.size - actor.unison_inputs
      return false unless actor.skill_conditions_met?(item)
      return false unless actor.skills.any? { |s| s == $data_skills[item.id] }
  end # unison_skill_usable?

  #  New method: unison_item_usable?                                           |
  def unison_item_usable?(item)
    return false unless item_conditions_met?(item)
    (item.unison_actor_id - [id]).each { |actor_id|
      actor = $game_actors[actor_id]
      return false unless actor.battle_member? && actor.inputable?
  end # unison_item_usable?

  #  New method: unison_param_set                                              |
  def unison_param_set(item)
    @unison_param = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, "hp", "mp", "tp", "level"].each_with_index { |param_id, i|
      if item.send("unison_param_#{param_id.to_s}".to_sym)
        unison_param_actor = item.send("unison_param_#{param_id.to_s}_id".to_sym)
        unison_param_actor = item.unison_actor_id
      unison_param_rule(item, param_id, i, unison_param_actor)
    @unison_level = @unison_param[11]
    @unison_param_set = true
  end # unison_param_set

  #  New method: unison_param_rule                                             |
  def unison_param_rule(item, param_id, i, unison_param_actor)
    case item.unison_rule
    when 1
      if param_id.is_a?(Numeric)
        @unison_param[i] = param_max(param_id)
      elsif param_id == "hp"
        @unison_param[8] = param_max(0)
      elsif param_id == "mp"
        @unison_param[9] = param_max(1)
      elsif param_id == "tp"
        @unison_param[10] = max_tp
        @unison_param[11] = max_level
      unison_param_min_max(param_id, i, unison_param_actor, :min)
    when 2
      unison_param_actor.each { |actor_id|
        if param_id.is_a?(Numeric)
          @unison_param[i] += $game_actors[actor_id].param(i)
          @unison_param[i] += $game_actors[actor_id].send(param_id.to_s.to_sym)
      @unison_param[i] /= unison_param_actor.size
    when 3
      unison_param_min_max(param_id, i, unison_param_actor, :max)
      return unison_param_clear
  end # unison_param_rule

  #  New method: unison_param_min_max                                          |
  def unison_param_min_max(param_id, i, unison_param_actor, sym)
    unison_param_actor.each { |actor_id|
      if param_id.is_a?(Numeric)
        @unison_param[i] = [@unison_param[i], $game_actors[actor_id].param(i)].send(sym)
        @unison_param[i] = [@unison_param[i], 
  end # unison_param_min_max

  #  New method: unison_param_clear                                            |
  def unison_param_clear
    @unison_level = nil
    @unison_param_set = false
  end # unison_param_clear

  #  (v1.01a+)New method: hp                                                   |
  def hp
    @unison_param_set ? @unison_param[8] : @hp
  end # hp

  #  (v1.01a+)New method: mp                                                   |
  def mp
    @unison_param_set ? @unison_param[9] : @mp
  end # mp

  #  (v1.01a+)New method: tp                                                   |
  def tp
    @unison_param_set ? @unison_param[10] : @tp
  end # tp

end # Game_BattlerBase

#  * Edit class: Game_Battler                                                  |

class Game_Battler < Game_BattlerBase

  #  Alias method: make_damage_value                                           |
  alias make_damage_value_unison_item make_damage_value
  def make_damage_value(user, item)
    # Added to set the params of the user as the unison version
    unison = user.actor? && item.unison_item && item.unison_rule > 0
    user.unison_param_set(item) if unison
    make_damage_value_unison_item(user, item)
    # Added to reset the params of the user to the default
    user.unison_param_clear if unison
  end # make_damage_value

  #  Alias method: use_item                                                    |
  alias use_item_unison_item use_item
  def use_item(item)
    # Rewritten to pay unison skill cost
    unless item.is_a?(RPG::Skill) && item.unison_item
      return use_item_unison_item(item)
    item.unison_actor_id.each { |a_id| $game_actors[a_id].pay_skill_cost(item) }
    item.effects.each { |effect| item_global_effect_apply(effect) }
  end # use_item

end # Game_Battler

#  * Edit class: Game_Actor                                                    |

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler

  #  New public instance variables                                             |
  attr_accessor :unison_inputs
  attr_writer :unison_level

  #  (v1.01d+)Alias method: setup                                              |
  alias setup_unison_item setup
  def setup(actor_id)
    # Added to initialize the number of reserved action slots
    @unison_inputs = 0
  end # setup

  #  (v1.00d+)Alias method: clear_actions                                      |
  alias clear_actions_unison_item clear_actions
  def clear_actions
    # Added to reset the number of reserved action slots
    @unison_inputs = 0
  end # clear_actions

  #  (v1.01d+)Alias method: next_command                                       |
  alias next_command_unison_item next_command
  def next_command
    # Added to return false if the next slot is reserved for unison skill/items
    return false if @action_input_index >= @actions.size - 1 - @unison_inputs
  end # next_command

  #  (v1.01a+)New method: level                                                |
  def level
    @unison_level || @level
  end # level

end # Game_Actor

#  * Edit class: Window_ItemList                                               |

class Window_ItemList < Window_Selectable

  #  (v1.00c+)Alias method: enable?                                            |
  alias enable_unison_item? enable?
  def enable?(item)
    # Rewritten to set disable unison items when unison conditions aren't met
    return enable_unison_item?(item) unless item.is_a?(RPG::Item) && 
    item.unison_item && SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle)
  end # enable?

end # Window_ItemList

#  * Edit class: Window_BattleLog                                              |

class Window_BattleLog < Window_Selectable

  #  Alias method: display_use_item                                            |
  alias display_use_item_unison_item display_use_item
  def display_use_item(subject, item)
    # Rewritten to display unison actors while using unison skills or items
    unless DoubleX_RMVXA::Unison_Item::SHOW_UNISON_ACTOR && item.unison_item
      return display_use_item_unison_item(subject, item)
  end # display_use_item

  #  New method: display_unison_item                                           |
  def display_unison_item(item)
    unless item.is_a?(RPG::Skill)
      return add_text(sprintf(Vocab::UseItem, unison_actor_names(item), item.name))
    add_text(unison_actor_names(item) + item.message1)
    return if item.message2.empty?
  end # display_unison_item

  #  New method: unison_actor_names                                            |
  def unison_actor_names(item)
    names = ""
    size = item.unison_actor_id.size
    item.unison_actor_id.each_with_index { |actor_id, index|
      if index > 0 && index < size - 1
        names += ", "
      elsif size > 1 && index == size - 1
        names += " and "
      names += $game_actors[actor_id].name
  end # unison_actor_names

end # Window_BattleLog

#  * Edit class: Scene_Battle                                                  |

class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base

  #  (v1.01d+)Alias method: start                                              |
  alias start_unison_item start
  def start
    # Added to initialize the unison action linkage hash
    @unison_actor_ids = {}
  end # start

  #  Alias method: next_command                                                |
  alias next_command_unison_item next_command
  def next_command
    # Added to set the link of the unison action slot to the unison invokees
    add_unison_actor_ids if (actor = BattleManager.actor) && actor.input && 
    actor.input.item && actor.input.item.unison_item
  end # next_command

  #  Alias method: prior_command                                               |
  alias prior_command_unison_item prior_command
  def prior_command
    # Added to clear the currently selected action before selecting the prior
    BattleManager.actor.input.clear if BattleManager.actor.input
    # Added to clear the unison action linkage and unconfirm the action
    clear_unison_actor_ids if BattleManager.actor
  end # prior_command

  #  Alias method: turn_start                                                  |
  alias turn_start_unison_item turn_start
  def turn_start
    # Added to reset the links of the unison action slots to the unison invokees
    @unison_actor_ids = {}
    $game_party.alive_members.each { |mem| mem.unison_inputs = -1 }
  end # turn_start

  #  New method: add_unison_actor_ids                                          |
  def add_unison_actor_ids
    ids = (actor = BattleManager.actor).input.item.unison_actor_id - [actor.id]
    @unison_actor_ids[[actor.index, actor.action_input_index]] = ids
    ids.each { |id| $game_actors[id].unison_inputs += 1 }
  end # add_unison_actor_ids

  #  New method: clear_unison_actor_ids                                        |
  def clear_unison_actor_ids
    a = BattleManager.actor
    return unless ids = @unison_actor_ids[[a.index, a.action_input_index]]
    @unison_actor_ids.delete([a.index, a.action_input_index])
    ids.each { |id| $game_actors[id].unison_inputs -= 1 }
  end # clear_unison_actor_ids

end # Scene_Battle
