#  ** DoubleX RMVXA SE Addon v1.00a to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB        |
#  * Changelog                                                                 |
#    v1.00a(GMT 0500 13-2-2014):                                               |
#    - 1st version of this script finished                                     |
#  * Author                                                                    |
#    DoubleX:                                                                  |
#    - This script                                                             |
#    Yami:                                                                     |
#    - YSA Battle System: Classical ATB                                        |
#  * Terms of use                                                              |
#    Same as that of YSA Battle System: Classical ATB except that you must also|
#    give Yami credit(you should do this anyway) if you give DoubleX or his    |
#    alias credit                                                              |
#  * Prerequisites                                                             |
#    Scripts:                                                                  |
#    - DoubleX RMVXA Bug Fixes to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB             |
#    Knowledge:                                                                |
#    - That of using the script YSA Battle System: Classical ATB               |
#  * Functions                                                                 |
#    - Plays se upon full atb bar for actors                                   |
#  * Manual                                                                    |
#    To use this script, open the script editor and put this script into an    |
#    open slot between the script                                              |
#    DoubleX RMVXA Bug Fixes to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB and ▼ Main.   |
#    Save to take effect.                                                      |
#  * Compatibility                                                             |
#    - Same as that of YSA Battle System: Classical ATB                        |

$imported = {} if $imported.nil?
$imported["DoubleX RMVXA SE Addon to YSA-CATB"] = true

#  ** You only need to edit this part as it's about what this script does      |

#  * Actor Notetags:(actor notebox in the database)                            |
#    - <custom catb se: File, Volume, Pitch>                                   |
#      Sets the se to be played as File(ithout specifying its extension and    |
#      with or without specifying its path) with volume Volume and pitch Pitch |
#      when the actor's atb bar's full.                                        |
#      Volume and Pitch range from 1 to 100 and 5 to 200 respectively.         |

module DoubleX_RMVXA
  module YSA_CATB_SE_Addon

    # Sets the default se to be played as SE_FILE (without specifying its
    # extension and with or without specifying its path) with volume SE_VOLUME
    # and pitch SE_PITCH for all actors when their atb bar're full
    # SE_VOLUME and SE_PITCH range from 1 to 100 and 5 to 200 respectively
    # <custom catb se: File, Volume, Pitch> notetag overrides these settings
    # default = "Audio/SE/SE file name without extension", 80, 100
    SE_FILE = "Audio/SE/SE file name without extension"
    SE_VOLUME = 80
    SE_PITCH = 100

    # Actors lacking se notetag will also play se when their atb bar're full
    # Default = false
    ALL_PLAY_SE = false

  end # YSA_CATB_SE_Addon
end # DoubleX_RMVXA


#  ** You need not edit this part as it's about how this script works          |

if $imported["YEA-BattleEngine"] && $imported["YSA-CATB"] && $imported["DoubleX RMVXA Bug Fixes to YSA-CATB"]

module DoubleX_RMVXA
  module REGEXP
  module ACTOR

    CUSTOM_CATB_SE = /<(?:CUSTOM_CATB_SE|custom catb se):[ ](\w+(?:\s*,\s*\w+)*)>/i

  end # ACTOR
  end # REGEXP
end # DoubleX_RMVXA

module DataManager

  #  Alias method: load_database                                               |
  class <<self; alias load_database_catb_se_addon load_database; end
  def self.load_database
    # This part is added by this script to load se notetags
  end # self.load_database

  #  New method: load_notetags_catb_se_addon                                   |
  def self.load_notetags_catb_se_addon
    for obj in $data_actors
      next if obj.nil?
  end # self.load_notetags_catb_se_addon

end # DataManager

class RPG::Actor < RPG::BaseItem

  #  New public instance variables                                             |
  attr_accessor :catb_se_file

  #  New common cache: load_notetags_catb_se_addon                             |
  def load_notetags_catb_se_addon
    catb_se_file = []
    if DoubleX_RMVXA::YSA_CATB_SE_Addon::ALL_PLAY_SE
      catb_se_file[0] = DoubleX_RMVXA::YSA_CATB_SE_Addon::SE_FILE
      catb_se_file[1] = DoubleX_RMVXA::YSA_CATB_SE_Addon::SE_VOLUME
      catb_se_file[2] = DoubleX_RMVXA::YSA_CATB_SE_Addon::SE_PITCH
    self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line|
      case line
        $1.scan(/\w+/).each_with_index { |input, index|
          break if index > 2
          catb_se_file[index] = index == 0 ? input.to_s : input.to_i
    @catb_se_file = RPG::SE.new(catb_se_file[0], catb_se_file[1], catb_se_file[2]) if catb_se_file[0] && catb_se_file[1] && catb_se_file[2]
  end # load_notetags_catb_se_addon

end # RPG::Actor

class Game_Battler < Game_BattlerBase

  #  Alias method: make_catb_action                                            |
  alias make_catb_action_se_addon make_catb_action
  def make_catb_action
    # This part is added by this script to check if actor's atb bar's full
    @prior_catb_play_actor_se = self.actor? && self.catb_se_file ? BattleManager.action_list(:actor).find { |actor| actor == self } : false
    # This part is added by this script to play se when actor's atb bar's full
    @next_catb_play_actor_se = self.actor? && self.catb_se_file ? BattleManager.action_list(:actor).find { |actor| actor == self } : false
    self.catb_se_file.play if @prior_catb_play_actor_se != @next_catb_play_actor_se
  end # make_catb_action

end # Game_Battler

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler

  #  New method: catb_se_file                                                  |
  def catb_se_file
  end # catb_se_file

end # Game_Actor


end # if $imported["YEA-BattleEngine"] && $imported["YSA-CATB"] && $imported["DoubleX RMVXA Bug Fixes to YSA-CATB"]
