#  ** DoubleX RMVXA Targeting AI v1.01c                                        |
#  * Changelog                                                                 |
#    v1.01c(GMT 1500 14-7-2015):                                               |
#    - Increased this script's efficiency and readability                      |
#    v1.01b(GMT 0200 23-3-2014):                                               |
#    - Compatible with DoubleX RMVXA Confusion Edit v1.02b+                    |
#    v1.01a(GMT 0600 13-3-2014):                                               |
#    - Added resisting notetags                                                |
#    - Changed the hierarchy of different types of notetags                    |
#    - Changed the definition of the avoid filtering notetags                  |
#    v1.00a(GMT 1100 12-3-2014):                                               |
#    - 1st version of this script finished                                     |
#  * Author                                                                    |
#    DoubleX                                                                   |
#  * Terms of use                                                              |
#    None other than not claiming this script as created by anyone except      |
#    DoubleX or his alias                                                      |
#  * Prerequisites                                                             |
#    Scripts:                                                                  |
#    - none                                                                    |
#    Knowledge:                                                                |
#    - Use of notetags with boolean logic                                      |
#    - Some scripting knowledge to use this script to its full potential       |
#  * Functions                                                                 |
#    Allows users to have greater control on single non random target          |
#    selections of skills used by enemies or autobattle or confused actors     |
#  * Manual                                                                    |
#    To use this script, open the script editor and put this script into an    |
#    open slot between ▼ Materials and ▼ Main. Save to take effect.            |
#  * Compatibility                                                             |
#    Scripts aliasing method:                                                  |
#    - self.load_database under module DataManager                             |
#    - targets_for_opponents or targets_for_friends under class Game_Action    |
#    may have compatibility issues with this script                            |
#    Place this script above those aliasing any of these methods if possible   |

($imported ||= {})["DoubleX RMVXA Targeting AI"] = true

#  ** Resisting notetags for skills                                            |
#  * Note                                                                      |
#    - Resisting notetags work on all targets and are checked first            |
#    - If there's any of these notetags, working targets not included by any of|
#      them will be excluded                                                   |
#    - If all working targets are excluded, those excluded by this check will  |
#      be included back                                                        |
#  * Notetag <resist state: a1, a2, a3, ..., an>                               |
#    Includes targets not resisting any state with respective id in this       |
#    notetag                                                                   |
#  * Notetag <resist debuff: param, param, param, ..., param>                  |
#    Includes targets not resisting any debuff with respective param in this   |
#    notetag                                                                   |
#  ** Filtering notetags for skills                                            |
#  * Note                                                                      |
#    - Filtering notetags only work on non-excluded targets and are checked    |
#      second                                                                  |
#    - If there's any of these notetags, working targets not included by any of|
#      them will be excluded                                                   |
#    - If all working targets are excluded, those excluded by this check will  |
#      be included back                                                        |
#  * Notetag <target state: a1, a2, a3, ..., an>                               |
#    Includes targets having all states with respective id in this notetag     |
#  * Notetag <avoid state: a1, a2, a3, ..., an>                                |
#    Includes targets not having any state with respective id in this notetag  |
#  * Notetag <target buff: param, lv, param, lv, param, lv, ..., param, lv>    |
#    Includes targets having all buffs with respective param and level(or      |
#    above) in this notetag                                                    |
#  * Notetag <avoid buff: param, lv, param, lv, param, lv, ..., param, lv>     |
#    Includes targets not having any buff with respective param and level(or   |
#    above) in this notetag                                                    |
#  * Notetag <target debuff: param, lv, param, lv, param, lv, ..., param, lv>  |
#    Includes targets having all debuffs with respective param and level(or    |
#    above) in this notetag                                                    |
#  * Notetag <avoid debuff: param, lv, param, lv, param, lv, ..., param, lv>   |
#    Includes targets not having any debuff with respective param and level(or |
#    above) in this notetag                                                    |
#  ** Sorting notetags for skills                                              |
#  * Note                                                                      |
#    - Sorting notetags only work on non-excluded targets and are checked last |
#    - If there's any of these notetags, working targets not included by any of|
#      them will be excluded                                                   |
#    - If all working targets are excluded, those excluded by this check will  |
#      be included back                                                        |
#  * Notetag <sort param: param, ord, param, ord, param, ord, ..., param, ord> |
#    - param can be Parameter, Ex-Parameter, Sp-Parameter, hp, mp, tp, level,  |
#      hp_rate, mp_rate, tp_rate, element_rate(element_id),                    |
#      debuff_rate(param_id) or state_rate(state_id)                           |
#    - (Needs scripting knowledge)param can also be some other methods under   |
#      class Game_BattlerBase, Game_Battler, Game_Actor or Game_Enemy          |
#      These methods need to be comparable                                     |
#    - ord can be high or low(pick the highest or lowest param respectively)   |

#  ** You need not edit this part as it's about how this script works          |

module DoubleX_RMVXA
  module REGEXP
  module SKILL

    RESIST_STATE = /<(?:RESIST_STATE|resist state):[ ](\w+(?:\s*,\s*\w+)*)>/i
    RESIST_DEBUFF = /<(?:RESIST_DEBUFF|resist debuff):[ ](\w+(?:\s*,\s*\w+)*)>/i
    TARGET_STATE = /<(?:TARGET_STATE|target state):[ ](\w+(?:\s*,\s*\w+)*)>/i
    AVOID_STATE = /<(?:AVOID_STATE|avoid state):[ ](\w+(?:\s*,\s*\w+)*)>/i
    TARGET_BUFF = /<(?:TARGET_BUFF|target buff):[ ](\w+(?:\s*,\s*\w+)*)>/i
    AVOID_BUFF = /<(?:AVOID_BUFF|avoid buff):[ ](\w+(?:\s*,\s*\w+)*)>/i
    TARGET_DEBUFF = /<(?:TARGET_DEBUFF|target debuff):[ ](\w+(?:\s*,\s*\w+)*)>/i
    AVOID_DEBUFF = /<(?:AVOID_DEBUFF|avoid debuff):[ ](\w+(?:\s*,\s*\w+)*)>/i
    SORT_PARAM = /<(?:SORT_PARAM|sort param):[ ](\w+(?:\s*,\s*\w+)*)>/i

    TARGETING_AI = ["resist_state", "resist_debuff", "target_state", 
    "avoid_state", "target_buff", "avoid_buff", "target_debuff", 
    "avoid_debuff", "sort_param"]

  end # SKILL
  end # REGEXP
end # DoubleX_RMVXA

class << DataManager

  #  Alias method: load_database                                               |
  alias load_database_targeting_ai load_database
  def load_database
    # Added to load targeting ai notetags
  end # load_database

  #  New method: load_notetags_targeting_ai                                    |
  def load_notetags_targeting_ai
    $data_skills.each { |obj| obj.load_notetags_targeting_ai if obj }
  end # load_notetags_targeting_ai

end # DataManager

class RPG::Skill < RPG::UsableItem

  #  New public instance variables                                             |
  DoubleX_RMVXA::REGEXP::SKILL::TARGETING_AI.each { |note|
    eval("attr_accessor :#{note}")
    eval("attr_accessor :#{note}s")

  #  New method: load_notetags_targeting_ai                                    |
  def load_notetags_targeting_ai
    DoubleX_RMVXA::REGEXP::SKILL::TARGETING_AI.each { |note|
      eval("@#{note} = false")
      eval("@#{note}s = {}")
      eval("@#{note}s[:index] = []")
    @note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each_with_index { |line, num|
      DoubleX_RMVXA::REGEXP::SKILL::TARGETING_AI.each_with_index { |note, i|
        eval("@#{note}s[num] = []")
        case line
        when eval("DoubleX_RMVXA::REGEXP::SKILL::#{note.upcase}")
          $1.scan(/\w+/).each_with_index { |input, index|
            if i > 3 && i < 8
              next store_notetags_targeting_ai(num, 
              store_param_targeting_ai(input), note, :to_i) if index % 2 == 0
            elsif i == 1
              next store_notetags_targeting_ai(num, 
              store_param_targeting_ai(input), note, :to_i)
            elsif i < 4
              next store_notetags_targeting_ai(num, input, note, :to_i)
            store_notetags_targeting_ai(num, input, note, :to_s)
    DoubleX_RMVXA::REGEXP::SKILL::TARGETING_AI.each { |note| 
      eval("@#{note}s[:index].uniq if @#{note}")
  end # load_notetags_targeting_ai

  #  New method: store_notetags_targeting_ai                                   |
  def store_notetags_targeting_ai(num, input, note, store)
    eval("@#{note}s")[num] << input.send(store)
    eval("@#{note}s")[:index] << num
    eval("@#{note} = true")
  end # store_notetags_targeting_ai

  #  New common cache: store_param_targeting_ai                                |
  def store_param_targeting_ai(input)
    case input
    when "mhp"
    when "mmp"
    when "atk"
    when "def"
    when "mat"
    when "mdf"
    when "agi"
    when "luk"
  end # store_param_targeting_ai

end # RPG::Skill

class Game_Action

  #  Alias method: targets_for_opponents                                       |
  alias targets_for_opponents_targeting_ai targets_for_opponents
  def targets_for_opponents
  end # targets_for_opponents

  #  Alias method: targets_for_friends                                         |
  alias targets_for_friends_targeting_ai targets_for_friends
  def targets_for_friends
  end # targets_for_friends

  #  New method: targeting_ai_targets                                          |
  def targeting_ai_targets(targets)
    unless item.is_a?(RPG::Skill) && item.for_one? && (subject.enemy? || 
    subject.auto_battle? || subject.confusion?)
      return send("targets_for_#{targets}_targeting_ai".to_sym)
    if targeting_ai_dead_targets(targets).size <= 1
      return targeting_ai_dead_targets(targets)
    ai_resist_target = []
    ai_filter_target = []
    ai_sort_target = []
    DoubleX_RMVXA::REGEXP::SKILL::TARGETING_AI.each { |note|
      if (note == "resist_state" || note == "resist_debuff") && 
      item.send(note.to_sym) && send("#{note}_ai(targets)".to_sym).size > 0
      elsif note == "sort_param"
        if ai_resist_target.empty?
          ai_resist_target = targeting_ai_dead_targets(targets)
        ai_filter_target.delete_if { |t| !ai_resist_target.include?(t) }
        ai_filter_target = ai_resist_target if ai_filter_target.empty?
        next unless item.send(note.to_sym)
        ai_sort_target = sort_param_ai(ai_filter_target)
      elsif item.send(note.to_sym) && 
      send("#{note}_ai(targets)".to_sym).size > 0
    ai_sort_target = ai_filter_target if ai_sort_target.empty?
  end # targeting_ai_targets

  #  New method: targeting_ai_random_targets                                   |
  def targeting_ai_random_targets(targets)
    num = 1
    num += subject.atk_times_add.to_i if attack?
    return [targets[0]] * num if targets.size == 1
    tgr_rand = rand * targets.inject(0) {|r, mem| r + mem.tgr }
    targets.each { |target|
      tgr_rand -= target.tgr
      return [target] * num if tgr_rand < 0
    [targets[0]] * num
  end # targeting_ai_random_targets

  #  New method: targeting_ai_dead_targets                                     |
  def targeting_ai_dead_targets(targets)
    if item.for_dead_friend?
      target = friends_unit.dead_members
    elsif $imported["DoubleX RMVXA Confusion Edit"] && 
      target = opponents_unit.alive_members + friends_unit.alive_members
      target = send("#{targets}_unit".to_sym).alive_members
    if $imported["DoubleX RMVXA Confusion Edit"] && 
    subject.exclude_self?(subject.states) && target.include?(subject)
  end # targeting_ai_dead_targets

  #  New method: ai_target_uniq                                                |
  def ai_target_uniq(targets)
    targets.uniq if targets.size > 1
  end # ai_target_uniq

  #  New method: notetag_targeting_ai                                          |
  def notetag_targeting_ai(targets, notetag)
    notetags = [:target_buffs, :avoid_buffs, :target_debuffs, :avoid_debuffs]
    ai_target = []
    item_index = item.send(notetag)[:index]
    item_index.each { |index|
      index_item = item.send(notetag)[index]
      target = targeting_ai_dead_targets(targets)
      param_id = nil if include = notetags.include?(notetag)
      index_item.each_with_index { |note, num|
        next param_id = note if include && num % 2 == 0
        target.delete_if { |t| yield(param_id, note, t) }
        break if target.empty?
      ai_target.concat(target) unless target.empty?
  end # notetag_targeting_ai

  #  New method: resist_state_ai                                               |
  def resist_state_ai(targets)
    notetag_targeting_ai(targets, :resist_states) { |p, n, t| 
    t.state_resist?(n) || t.state_rate(n) * t.luk_effect_rate(subject) <= 0 }
  end # resist_state_ai

  #  New method: resist_debuff_ai                                              |
  def resist_debuff_ai(targets)
    notetag_targeting_ai(targets, :resist_debuffs) { |p, n, t| 
    t.debuff_rate(n) * t.luk_effect_rate(subject) <= 0 }
  end # resist_state_ai

  #  New method: target_state_ai                                               |
  def target_state_ai(targets)
    notetag_targeting_ai(targets, :target_states) { |p, n, t| !t.state?(n) }
  end # target_state_ai

  #  New method: avoid_state_ai                                                |
  def avoid_state_ai(targets)
    notetag_targeting_ai(targets, :avoid_states) { |p, n, t| t.state?(n) }
  end # avoid_state_ai

  #  New method: target_buff_ai                                                |
  def target_buff_ai(targets)
    notetag_targeting_ai(targets, :target_buffs) { |p, n, t| t.buffs[p] < n }
  end # target_buff_ai

  #  New method: avoid_buff_ai                                                 |
  def avoid_buff_ai(targets)
    notetag_targeting_ai(targets, :avoid_buffs) { |p, n, t| t.buffs[p] >= n }
  end # avoid_buff_ai

  #  New method: target_debuff_ai                                              |
  def target_debuff_ai(targets)
    notetag_targeting_ai(targets, :target_debuffs) { |p, n, t| t.buffs[p] > -n }
  end # target_debuff_ai

  #  New method: avoid_debuff_ai                                               |
  def avoid_debuff_ai(targets)
    notetag_targeting_ai(targets, :avoid_debuffs) { |p, n, t| t.buffs[p] <= -n }
  end # avoid_debuff_ai

  #  New method: sort_param_ai                                                 |
  def sort_param_ai(ai_target)
    targets = []
    item.sort_params[:index].each { |index|
      target = []
      param = nil
      item.sort_params[index].each_with_index { |note, num|
        next param = note if num % 2 == 0
        param = param.to_sym
        case note
        when "high"
          t = ai_target.sort { |a, b| b.send(param) <=> a.send(param) }
          target << t[0]
        when "low"
          t = ai_target.sort { |a, b| a.send(param) <=> b.send(param) }
          target << t[0]
        target.uniq if target.size > 1
        break if target.size > 1
      targets.concat(target) if target.size == 1
  end # sort_param_ai

end # Game_Action

class Game_Battler < Game_BattlerBase

  #  (v1.01c+)New public instance_variable                                     |
  attr_reader :buffs

end # Game_Battler
