#  ** Script Info                                                              |
#  * Script Name                                                               |
#    DoubleX RMVXA State Counters                                              |
#  * Functions                                                                 |
#    Displays the state icons with remaining turns on their battler sprites    |
#  * Terms Of Use                                                              |
#    You shall keep this script's Script Info part's contents intact           |
#    You shalln't claim that this script is written by anyone other than       |
#    DoubleX or his aliases                                                    |
#    None of the above applies to DoubleX or his aliases                       |
#  * Prerequisites                                                             |
#    Abilities:                                                                |
#    1. Some RGSS3 scripting proficiency to fully utilize this script          |
#  * Instructions                                                              |
#    1. Open the script editor and put this script into an open slot between   |
#       Materials and Main, save to take effect.                               |
#  * Links                                                                     |
#    Script Usage 101:                                                         |
#    1. forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?/topic/32752-rmvxa-script-usage-101/  |
#    2. rpgmakervxace.net/topic/27475-rmvxa-script-usage-101/                  |
#    This script:                                                              |
#    1. [url]http://pastebin.com/pPvJCrmx[/url]                                           |
#    Mentioned Patreon Supporters:                                             |
#    [url]https://www.patreon.com/posts/71738797[/url]                                    |
#  * Authors                                                                   |
#    DoubleX                                                                   |
#  * Changelog                                                                 |
#    v1.00e(GMT 1300 19-9-2015):                                               |
#    1. Fixed lacking the spriteset viewport reader and iconset loader bug     |
#    2. Further increased this script's compatibility                          |
#    v1.00d(GMT 0800 16-9-2015):                                               |
#    1. Fixed duplicate actor sprite creations at the start of battles bug     |
#    2. Increased this script's compatibility and readability                  |
#    v1.00c(GMT 1500 14-4-2015):                                               |
#    1. Improved this script's robustness                                      |
#    v1.00b(GMT 1100 11-4-2015):                                               |
#    1. Fixed the state remaining turn display bug when a state's reapplied    |
#    v1.00a(GMT 0900 11-4-2015):                                               |
#    1. 1st version of this script finished                                    |

($doublex_rmvxa ||= {})[:State_Counters] = "v1.00e"

#  ** Script Configurations                                                    |
#     You only need to edit this part as it's about what this script does      |

module DoubleX_RMVXA

  module State_Counters

      # Sets if this script needs to create the actor sprites at the start of
      # battles
      # This script won't display the actor sprites by itself
      # It should be set as false if other custom scripts already do that
      # It can't be changed once set
      # Example: To use this script to create the actor sprites at the start of
      #          battles, set this as true

      # Sets if the state icons are displayed for actor sprites as well
      # It only works with scripts supporting actor sprite displays in battles
      # It's used at:
      # 1. Game_Battler
      #    - return nil unless enemy? || #{ACTOR_SPRITE} in
      #      state_counters_battler_sprite
      # 2. Sprite_Battler
      #    - @state_counters = {} if @battler && (@battler.enemy? || 
      #      #{ACTOR_SPRITE}) in initialize
      #    - return unless @battler && (@battler.enemy? || #{ACTOR_SPRITE}) in
      #      create_state_counter
      # Example: To display the state icon for actor sprites as well, set this
      #          as "true"
      ACTOR_SPRITE = "false"

      # Sets the state icon xy offsets from its battler sprite
      # It's used at:
      # 1. State_Counter_Sprite
      #    - xy_offset = #{XY_OFFSET} in update_pos
      # The state priority index can be referneced by @index
      # It must return an array of real numbers and should return an array of
      # integers
      # Example: To set the state icon xy offsets as the value of
      #          variables with id a and b respectively, set this as
      #          "[$game_variables[a], $game_variables[b]]"
      XY_OFFSET = "[24 * (@index % 2 - 0.5), -24 * (@index / 2) - 20]"

      # Sets the state icon z position
      # It's used at:
      # 1. State_Counter_Sprite
      #    - z_pos = #{Z} in update_pos
      # It must return a non-negative real number and should return a
      # non-negative integer
      # Example: To set the state icon z position as the value of variable
      #          with id x, set this as "$game_variables[x]"
      Z = "125"

      # Sets the state remaining turn text color
      # It's used at:
      # 1. State_Counter_Sprite
      #    - color = #{TEXT_COLOR} in update_text_font
      # It must return a color
      # Example: To set the state remaining turn text color's rgba values as r, 
      #          g, b and a, set this as "Color.new(r, g, b, a)"
      TEXT_COLOR = "Color.new(0, 0, 0, 255)"

      # Sets the state remaining turn text size
      # It's used at:
      # 1. State_Counter_Sprite
      #    - size = #{TEXT_SIZE} in update_text_font
      # It must return a positive real number and should return a natural number
      # Example: To set the state remaining turn text size as the value of
      #          variable with id x, set this as "$game_variables[x]"
      TEXT_SIZE = "16"

      # Sets the state remaining turn text x and y positions
      # It's used at:
      # 1. State_Counter_Sprite
      #    - text_xy = #{TEXT_XY} in update_turn
      # It must return an array of real numbers and should return an array of
      # integers
      # Example: To set the state remaining turn text x and y positions as the
      #          value of variables with id a and b respectively, set this as
      #          "[$game_variables[a], $game_variables[b]]"
      TEXT_XY = "[12, 0]"

#  ** Script Implementations                                                   |
#     You need not edit this part as it's about how this script works          |
#  * Script Support Info:                                                      |
#    1. Prerequisites                                                          |
#       - Some RGSS3 scripting proficiency to fully comprehend this script     |
#    2. Method documentation                                                   |
#       - The 1st part describes why this method's rewritten/aliased for       |
#         rewritten/aliased methods or what the method does for new methods    |
#       - The 2nd part describes what the arguments of the method are          |
#       - The 3rd part informs which version rewritten, aliased or created this|
#         method                                                               |
#       - The 4th part informs whether the method's rewritten or new           |
#       - The 5th part describes how this method works for new methods only,   |
#         and describes the parts added, removed or rewritten for rewritten or |
#         aliased methods only                                                 |
#       Example:                                                               |
# #--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
# #  Why rewrite/alias/What this method does                                 | |
# #--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
# # *argv: What these variables are                                            |
# # &argb: What this block is                                                  |
# def def_name(*argv, &argb) # Version X+; Rewrite/New                         |
#   # Added/Removed/Rewritten to do something/How this method works            |
#   def_name_code                                                              |
#   #                                                                          |
# end # def_name                                                               |

  def state_counters_battler_sprite
    return nil unless SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle)
    return nil unless SceneManager.scene.spriteset
    return nil unless enemy? || #{ACTOR_SPRITE}
    SceneManager.scene.spriteset.battler_sprites.find { |s| s.battler == self }

  alias initialize_state_counters initialize
  def initialize(viewport, battler = nil, &argb)
    initialize_state_counters(viewport, battler, &argb)
    @state_counters = {}

  def create_state_counter(state, turn)
    return unless @battler && (@battler.enemy? || #{ACTOR_SPRITE})
    return if !@state_counters || @state_counters[state]
    @state_counters[state] = State_Counter_Sprite.new(@battler, state, turn)

  def update_pos
    z_pos = #{Z}
    self.z = z_pos if z != z_pos
    dx = @battler.screen_x
    dy = @battler.screen_y
    xy_offset = #{XY_OFFSET}
    return if @last_x == dx && @last_y == dy && @last_xy_offest == xy_offset
    @last_x = dx
    @last_y = dy
    @last_xy_offest = xy_offset
    self.x = dx + xy_offset[0]
    self.y = dy + xy_offset[1]

  def update_turn(turn)
    return if disposed? || bitmap.disposed? || !@bw || !@bh
    return unless visible
    icon_index = @state.icon_index
    @rect ||= Rect.new(icon_index % 16 * 24, icon_index / 16 * 24, 24, 24)
    bitmap.blt(24 + @bw / 2 - 36, (@bh - 24) / 2, Cache.system("Iconset"), 
    @rect, 255)
    return if turn <= 0 || @state.auto_removal_timing <= 0
    text_xy = #{TEXT_XY}
    bitmap.draw_text(text_xy[0], text_xy[1], @bw - 24, @bh, turn.to_s, 1)

  def update_text_font
    color = #{TEXT_COLOR}
    bitmap.font.out_color.set(color) if bitmap.font.out_color != color
    size = #{TEXT_SIZE}
    bitmap.font.size = size if bitmap.font.size != size

  end # State_Counters

end # DoubleX_RMVXA

class Game_BattlerBase # Edit

  alias erase_state_counters erase_state
  def erase_state(state_id, &argb)
    remove_state_counter(state_id) if @states.include?(state_id) # Added
    erase_state_counters(state_id, &argb)
  end # erase_state

  #  Removes the state icons and repositions those having larger indices       |
  def remove_state_counter(state_id) # New
    battler_sprite = state_counters_battler_sprite
    return unless battler_sprite && battler_sprite.state_counters
    index = if battler_sprite.state_counters[$data_states[state_id]]
    reposition_state_counters(battler_sprite.state_counters, index) if index
  end # remove_state_counter

  #  Repositions all the state icons on its battler sprite                     |
  def reposition_state_counters(state_counters, index) # New
    state_counters.each_value { |sprite|
      next if sprite.index <= index
      sprite.index -= 1
      sprite.update_pos if sprite.visible
  end # reposition_state_counters

end # Game_BattlerBase

class Game_Battler < Game_BattlerBase # Edit

  alias clear_states_counters clear_states
  def clear_states(*argv, &argb)
    clear_states_counters(*argv, &argb)
    clear_state_counters # Added
  end # clear_states

  alias reset_state_counts_state_counters reset_state_counts
  def reset_state_counts(state_id, &argb)
    reset_state_counts_state_counters(state_id, &argb)
    reset_state_counter(state_id) if @states.include?(state_id) # Added
  end # reset_state_counts

  alias update_state_turns_state_counters update_state_turns
  def update_state_turns(*argv, &argb)
    update_state_turns_state_counters(*argv, &argb)
    update_state_counters # Added
  end # update_state_turns

  #  Removes all state icons from their battler sprite                         |
  def clear_state_counters # New
    battler_sprite = state_counters_battler_sprite
    return unless battler_sprite && battler_sprite.state_counters
    battler_sprite.state_counters.each_key { |state|
  end # clear_state_counters

  #  Resets this state's icon and sort all state icons using their priorities  |
  def reset_state_counter(state_id) # New
    battler_sprite = state_counters_battler_sprite
    return unless battler_sprite && battler_sprite.state_counters
    state = $data_states[state_id]
    turn = @state_turns[state_id]
    if battler_sprite.state_counters[state]
      return battler_sprite.state_counters[state].update_turn(turn)
    battler_sprite.create_state_counter(state, turn)
  end # reset_state_counter

  #  Sort all state icons on their battler sprite using their priorities       |
  def sort_state_counters(state_counters) # New
    state_counters.each { |state, sprite|
      sprite.index = states.index(state)
      sprite.update_pos if sprite.visible
  end # sort_state_counters

  #  Updates the remaining turn of the state icons on their battler sprite     |
  def update_state_counters # New
    battler_sprite = state_counters_battler_sprite
    return unless battler_sprite && battler_sprite.state_counters
    battler_sprite.state_counters.each { |state, sprite|
  end # update_state_counters

  #  Returns the battler sprite used by this battler in battles                |
  module_eval(DoubleX_RMVXA::State_Counters::GAME_BATTLER) # New

end # Game_Battler

if DoubleX_RMVXA::State_Counters::CREATE_ACTOR_SPRITE

class Spriteset_Battle # Edit

  alias create_actors_state_counters create_actors
  def create_actors(*argv, &argb)
    create_actors_state_counters(*argv, &argb)
    # Added to insert actors into the actor sprites if it's not already done
    @actor_sprites = $game_party.members.reverse.collect { |actor|
      Sprite_Battler.new(@viewport1, actor)
  end # create_actors

end # Spriteset_Battle

end # if DoubleX_RMVXA::State_Counters::CREATE_ACTOR_SPRITE

class Sprite_Battler < Sprite_Base # Edit

  #  New public instance variable                                              |
  attr_reader :state_counters # The battler sprite state icon container

  #  Creates the battler sprite state icon container if the battler shows them |
  module_eval(DoubleX_RMVXA::State_Counters::SPRITE_BATTLER) # Alias; New

  alias dispose_state_counters dispose
  def dispose(*argv, &argb)
    dispose_state_counters(*argv, &argb)
    # Added
    return unless @state_counters
    @state_counters.each_key { |state| dispose_state_counter(state) }
  end # dispose

  alias update_state_counters update
  def update(*argv, &argb)
    update_state_counters(*argv, &argb)
    # Added
    return unless @state_counters
    @state_counters.each_value { |sprite| sprite.update }
  end # dispose

  def dispose_state_counter(state) # New
    return unless @state_counters[state]
  end # dispose_state_counter

end # Sprite_Battler

class Spriteset_Battle # v1.00e+; Edit

  #  New public instance variable                                              |
  attr_reader :viewport1 # Used by State_Counter_Sprite to read the 1st viewport

end # Spriteset_Battle

#  * Handles the state icons with remaining turns on their battler sprites     |
class State_Counter_Sprite < Sprite # New

  #  New public instance variable                                              |
  attr_accessor :index # The state index in the priority-sorted states

  #  New private instance variables                                            |
  # @battler: The battler having this sprite
  # @state: The state using this sprite

  def initialize(battler, state, turn)
    @battler = battler
    @state = state
    @index = @battler.states.index(@state)
    self.visible = @battler.alive?
  end # initialize

  def create_state_bitmap
    @bw = Graphics.width + 48
    @bh = Font.default_size * 3
    self.bitmap = Bitmap.new(@bw, @bh)
    self.ox = @bw / 2
    self.oy = @bh / 2
  end # create_state_bitmap

  #  Updates this state icon's display                                         |
  def update
    update_pos if self.visible = @battler.alive?
  end # update

  def dispose
    return if disposed?
    bitmap.dispose unless bitmap.disposed?
  end # dispose

  #  Updates the positions, state turns and text fonts                         |

end # State_Counter_Sprite

class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base # Edit

  #  New public instance variable                                              |
  attr_reader :spriteset # Used by Game_Battler to read the battler sprite set

end # Scene_Battle

