#  ** Script Info                                                              |
#  * Script Name                                                               |
#    DoubleX RMVXA Basic ATB Delay                                             |
#  * Functions                                                                 |
#    Aids other scripters to learn how a basic atb system addon can be written |
#  * Terms Of Use                                                              |
#    You shall keep this script's Script Info part's contents intact           |
#    You shalln't claim that this script is written by anyone other than       |
#    DoubleX or his aliases                                                    |
#    None of the above applies to DoubleX or his aliases                       |
#  * Prerequisites                                                             |
#    Scripts:                                                                  |
#    1. DoubleX RMVXA Basic ATB                                                |
#    Abilities:                                                                |
#    1. Nothing special                                                        |
#  * Instructions                                                              |
#    1. Open the script editor and put this script into an open slot between   |
#       DoubleX RMVXA Basic ATB and Main, save to take effect.                 |
#  * Links                                                                     |
#    Script Usage 101:                                                         |
#    1. forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?/topic/32752-rmvxa-script-usage-101/  |
#    2. rpgmakervxace.net/topic/27475-rmvxa-script-usage-101/                  |
#    How to write an atb system script:                                        |
#    1. [url]http://rpgmaker.net/articles/1127/[/url]                                     |
#    This script:                                                              |
#    1. [url]http://pastebin.com/BnZZ0npB[/url]                                           |
#    Video:                                                                    |
#    1. [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EASgWfV_Nxs[/url]                            |
#    Mentioned Patreon Supporters:                                             |
#    [url]https://www.patreon.com/posts/71738797[/url]                                    |
#  * Authors                                                                   |
#    DoubleX                                                                   |
#  * Changelog                                                                 |
#    v1.00a(GMT 0400 9-8-2015):                                                |
#    1. 1st version of this script finished                                    |

($doublex_rmvxa ||= {})[:BATB_Delay] = "v1.00a"

#  ** Script Configurations                                                    |
#     You only need to edit this part as it's about what this script does      |

module DoubleX_RMVXA

  module BATB_Delay

    # Sets the scale applied to the skill/item's invocation speed
    # The sum of all inputted skills/items' invocation speeds, multiplied by
    # this scale, will be subtracted from the battler's atb value right after
    # that battler finished inputting all that battler's action slots
    # If INVOCATION_SPEED_SCALE_VAR_ID is a natural number, the value of
    # variable with id INVOCATION_SPEED_SCALE_VAR_ID will be used instead of
    # The value of variable with id INVOCATION_SPEED_SCALE_VAR_ID should remain
    # the same during the same battle to ensure proper invocation speed scaling

    # Sets the maximum atb value displayed on the atb bars
    # If the actual atb value's greater than this, the atb bar's overlaid
    # If MAX_ATB_VAL_VAR_ID is a natural number, the value of variable with id
    # MAX_ATB_VAL_VAR_ID will be used instead of using MAX_ATB_VAL
    # The value of variable with id MAX_ATB_VAL_VAR_ID should remain the same
    # during the same battle to ensure proper atb bar display
    MAX_ATB_VAL = 60000

    # Sets the atb value added when the battler's atb's reset
    # If RESET_ATB_VAL_VAR_ID is a natural number, the value of variable with id
    # RESET_ATB_VAL_VAR_ID will be used instead of using RESET_ATB_VAL
    RESET_ATB_VAL = 60000

    # Sets the maximum atb value at the start of a battle
    # If START_ATB_VAL_VAR_ID is a natural number, the value of variable with id
    # START_ATB_VAL_VAR_ID will be used instead of using START_ATB_VAL
    START_ATB_VAL = 60000

    # Sets the 1st atb bar overlay color as text color ATB_OVERLAY_COLOR1
    # It'll be used when the atb bar's overlaid
    # If ATB_OVERLAY_COLOR1_VAR_ID is a natural number, the value of variable
    # with id ATB_OVERLAY_COLOR1_VAR_ID will be used instead of using
    # The value of variable with id ATB_OVERLAY_COLOR1_VAR_ID should remain the
    # same during the same battle to ensure proper atb bar color displays

    # Sets the 2nd atb bar overlay color as text color ATB_OVERLAY_COLOR2
    # It'll be used when the atb bar's overlaid
    # If ATB_OVERLAY_COLOR2_VAR_ID is a natural number, the value of variable
    # with id ATB_OVERLAY_COLOR2_VAR_ID will be used instead of using
    # The value of variable with id ATB_OVERLAY_COLOR2_VAR_ID should remain the
    # same during the same battle to ensure proper atb bar color displays

#  ** Script Implementations                                                   |
#     You need not edit this part as it's about how this script works          |
#  * Script Support Info:                                                      |
#    1. Prerequisites                                                          |
#       - Basic atb concept and default RMVXA battle system knowledge          |
#       - Some RGSS3 scripting proficiency to fully comprehend this script     |
#    2. Method documentation                                                   |
#       - The 1st part describes why this method's rewritten/aliased for       |
#         rewritten/aliased methods or what the method does for new methods    |
#       - The 2nd part describes what the arguments of the method are          |
#       - The 3rd part informs which version rewritten, aliased or created this|
#         method                                                               |
#       - The 4th part informs whether the method's rewritten or new           |
#       - The 5th part describes how this method works for new methods only,   |
#         and describes the parts added, removed or rewritten for rewritten or |
#         aliased methods only                                                 |
#       Example:                                                               |
# #--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
# #  Why rewrite/alias/What this method does                                 | |
# #--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
# # *argv: What these variables are                                            |
# # &argb: What this block is                                                  |
# def def_name(*argv, &argb) # Version X+; Rewrite/New                         |
#   # Added/Removed/Rewritten to do something/How this method works            |
#   def_name_code                                                              |
#   #                                                                          |
# end # def_name                                                               |

    #  Helper methods simplifying the uses of the configuration values         |

    def self.invocation_speed_scale
    end # invocation_speed_scale

    def self.max_atb_val
      MAX_ATB_VAL_VAR_ID > 0 ? $game_variables[MAX_ATB_VAL_VAR_ID] : MAX_ATB_VAL
    end # max_atb_val

    def self.reset_atb_val
      return RESET_ATB_VAL if RESET_ATB_VAL_VAR_ID <= 0
    end # reset_atb_val

    def self.start_atb_val
      return START_ATB_VAL if START_ATB_VAL_VAR_ID <= 0
    end # start_atb_val

    def self.atb_overlay_color1
    end # atb_overlay_color1

    def self.atb_overlay_color2
    end # atb_overlay_color2

  end # BATB_Delay

end # DoubleX_RMVXA

if $doublex_rmvxa[:BATB]

class << BattleManager # Edit

  #  Gets rid of the conflicting batb features                                 |
  def process_escape # Rewrite
    @batb_can_esc && process_escape_batb # Rewritten
  end # process_escape

end # BattleManager

class Game_BattlerBase # Edit

  #  Uses the atb decrement mechanics and open atb value scale instead         |
  def batb_start(start) # Rewrite
    # Rewritten
    @batb_val += DoubleX_RMVXA::BATB_Delay.start_atb_val
    return if DoubleX_RMVXA::BATB.atb_start_mode == 0
    return if start == :surprise && actor? || start == :preempt && enemy?
    @batb_val = (@batb_val * ((param_max(6) - agi) * 1.0 / param_max(6))).to_i
    make_actions if @batb_val <= 0
  end # batb_start

end # Game_BattlerBase

#  * Gets rid of the conflicting batb features and uses the batb delay ones    |
class Game_Battler < Game_BattlerBase # Edit

  #  New public instance variable                                              |
  attr_reader :last_batb_inputable # The action inputability flag

  #  Gets rid of the atb fill mode and uses the atb decrement mechanics instead|
  def batb_start(start) # Rewrite
    @batb_val_change = true
    # Rewritten
    @last_batb_inputable = false
    return @batb_val = DoubleX_RMVXA::BATB_Delay.start_atb_val unless movable?
    if start == :preempt && actor? || start == :surprise && enemy?
      @batb_val = 0
      return make_actions
  end # batb_start

  #  Gets rid of the atb fill mode and uses the atb decrement mechanics instead|
  def batb_update # Rewrite
    # Rewritten
    return if restriction > 3
    if @batb_val > 0
      @batb_val_change = @batb_val != @batb_val -= batb_rate
    elsif @last_batb_inputable && @actions.all? { |act| act.batb_confirm }
      @batb_val_change = @batb_val != @batb_val -= batb_speed
      @last_batb_inputable = false
    return unless @batb_val <= 0
    @batb_val = 0
    make_actions if @actions.empty?
  end # batb_update

  #  Gets rid of the atb fill mode and uses integer instead of floating points |
  def batb_rate # Rewrite
    # Rewritten
    return agi if DoubleX_RMVXA::BATB.atb_rate_code == 0
    (agi * (agi * 1.0 / BattleManager.batb_avg_agi)).to_i
  end # batb_rate

  #  Uses the atb decrement mechanics and open atb value scale instead         |
  def reset_batb_val(reset = true) # Rewrite
    # Rewritten
    if reset
      @batb_val += DoubleX_RMVXA::BATB_Delay.reset_atb_val
      @batb_val_change = true
    @last_batb_inputable = false
    BattleManager.clear_actor if actor? && BattleManager.actor == self
  end # reset_batb_val

  #  Marks that this battler becomes able to input actions as well             |
  alias make_actions_batb_delay make_actions
  def make_actions
    @last_batb_inputable = true # Added
  end # make_actions

  #  Ensures battlers added after the battle will have correct inputable flag  |
  alias on_battle_end_batb_delay on_battle_end
  def on_battle_end
    @last_batb_inputable = false # Added
  end # on_battle_end

  #  Gets rid of the party escape speed and uses the invocation speed scale    |
  alias batb_speed_delay batb_speed
  def batb_speed
    # Rewritten
    batb_speed_delay * DoubleX_RMVXA::BATB_Delay.invocation_speed_scale
  end # batb_speed

end # Game_Battler

#  * Displays the atb bars with overlay colors if they're overlaid as well     |
class Window_BattleStatus < Window_Selectable # Edit

  # rect: The atb bar's rect
  # actor: The atb bar's owner
  # display_tp: The tp bar display flag
  def draw_batb_bar(rect, actor, display_tp) # Rewrite
    display_tp ? (x, w = rect.x + 184, 36) : (x, w = rect.x + 160, 60)
    # Rewritten
    colors = set_batb_bar_colors(actor.batb_val)
    max = DoubleX_RMVXA::BATB_Delay.max_atb_val
    batb_val = actor.batb_val > max ? max : actor.batb_val
    draw_gauge(x, rect.y, w, batb_val * 1.0 / max, colors[0], colors[1])
    draw_text(x, rect.y, 30, line_height, DoubleX_RMVXA::BATB.atb_bar_text)
    actor.batb_val_change = false
  end # draw_batb_bar

  # batb_val: The atb value
  def set_batb_bar_colors(batb_val) # New
    if batb_val <= DoubleX_RMVXA::BATB_Delay.max_atb_val
      batb = DoubleX_RMVXA::BATB
      return [text_color(batb.atb_bar_color1), text_color(batb.atb_bar_color2)]
    delay = DoubleX_RMVXA::BATB_Delay
    [text_color(delay.atb_overlay_color1), text_color(delay.atb_overlay_color2)]
  end # set_batb_bar_colors

end # Window_BattleStatus

class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base # Edit

  #  Uses the atb decrement mechanics and battler action inputable flag instead|
  def process_action # Rewrite
    return if scene_changing?
    return process_batb_act(true) if @subject
    esc = BattleManager.batb_esc
    BattleManager.action_battlers.each { |battler|
      next if esc && battler.actor?
      next if battler.batb_val > 0 || battler.last_batb_inputable # Rewritten
      @subject = battler
      @subject = nil
  end # process_action

end # Scene_Battle



  # Informs users that they didn't place BATB above this script
  msgbox("To use DoubleX RMVXA Basic ATB Delay, put it below:\n" + 
         "DoubleX RMVXA Basic ATB\nbut above Main")

