// Kloe's Super Simple Title Screen
// KloeSuperSimpleTitle.js
// Version: 1.0
// Date Created: Febuary 26, 2016
// Scripted By: Kloe

var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.Kloe_Super_Simple_Title = 1.0;

* @plugindesc KloeVersion 1.0 --> This is Kloe's Super Simple Super Seagull Title Screen Plugin!! Yaaaaaaaaaaay!
* @author Kloe "Super" Seagull
* @param Skip Title?
* @desc Whether the title will be show at all, 1 for the title screen to be shown, 0 for not shown!
* @default 1
* @param Font Size
* @desc The font size of the font used for the title.
* @default 72
* @param Outline Size
* @desc The size of the outline of the text.
* @default 8
* @param Outline Colour
* @desc The colour of the outline of the text. (Link to supported colours in Kloe's Plugin Thread!)
* @default black
* @param X Position
* @desc The X position of the title. (The default is 20)
* @default 20
* @help
* Hiya! Do you need help? Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!
* It is really simple, just read the plugin parameters and that should be all you need to know.
* This is meant to be an easy-to-use plugin not a fancy awesome one, so keep that in mind!
* If you need any help, ask me, Kloe!
* The list of usable colours for the outline can be found below or at my thread.
* If you need medical help just scream "HEEEEEEEEEEEEELP" or call a doctor!
* List of Colours that work --> http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_names.asp

var parameters = PluginManager.parameters('KloeSuperSimpleTitle');
var SkipTitle = Number(parameters || 1);
var fontSizekloe = Number(parameters || 72);
var outlineSizekloe = Number(parameters || 8);
var outlinecolourkloe = String(parameters || 'black');
var xpositionkloetitle = Number(parameters || 20);
if (SkipTitle == 1)

Scene_Boot.prototype.start = function() {
if (DataManager.isBattleTest()) {
} else if (DataManager.isEventTest()) {
} else {

Scene_Title.prototype.drawGameTitle = function() {
var x = xpositionkloetitle;
var y = Graphics.height / 4;
var maxWidth = Graphics.width - x * 2;
var text = $dataSystem.gameTitle;
this._gameTitleSprite.bitmap.outlineColor = outlinecolourkloe;
this._gameTitleSprite.bitmap.outlineWidth = outlineSizekloe;
this._gameTitleSprite.bitmap.fontSize = fontSizekloe;
this._gameTitleSprite.bitmap.drawText(text, x, y, maxWidth, 48, 'center');
