RPG Maker MV

​Extends the functionality of what a conditional branch can check.

  • mjshi
  • 06/18/2016 05:39 PM
Conditional Branch+ (MV)
Forum Link / Get it here! / direct download

OK for use in all projects with credit.

In the past, if you wanted to see if the player has more than 10 potions in their inventory, you would have to open up a new event and do the following:
Control Variables > Variable 1 > Set > Game Data > Item "Potion" In Inventory > OK > OK > New Line > Conditional Branch > Variable 1 is > Greater than or equal to > "10" > OK

How tedious! If only there was a simpler, more efficient way...

Well. Look no further. Lazy- er, efficient people, rejoice! For the future is now, and with Conditional Branch+, you can replace that lengthy process with one that looks like this:
Conditional Branch > Script > "Check.has_more(1, 10)" > OK

- No longer do you need a bazillion nested conditional branches to check if the player has multiple items!
Check.has(list of item ids) does that for you.
- No more must you abuse the else branch to see if the player has either one item or another!
Check.has_any(list of item ids) does that for you.
- And the above apply for switches and variables as well, along with much, much more. A full list of functions can be found below and in the plugin's help file.

* How to use:
* On a conditional branch, go to the fourth tab and select the "Script" option.
* Type in desired thing to check. See below...
* ==============================================================================
* Asterisk (*) means multiple inputs are accepted.
* ==============================================================================
* Combining Checks
* Use "&&", "||", and "()" to combine several checks in a conditional branch.
* && = this AND that are true
* || = this OR that are true
* () = order of operations, check innermost parentheses first
* ! = translates to NOT. EX. !Check.has(1) checks if player DOESN'T have
* item id 1 in their inventory.
* -- EX: (Check.has(1) && Check.greater(1 , 0)) || Check.has(2)
* -- Checks if player has item 1 and variable 1 > 0, or player has item 2.
* ==============================================================================
* Possible Checks
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Items
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Check.has(*items)
* -- EX: Check.has(1, 3, 4)
* -- checks if player has items 1, 3, and 4 in inventory.
* Check.has_more(*items, number)
* -- EX: Check.has_more(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
* -- checks if player has at least five (includes 5) of items 1, 2, 3, 4.
* Check.has_less(*items, number)
* -- EX: Check.has_less(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
* -- checks if player has at most five (includes 5) of items 1, 2, 3, 4.
* Check.has_any(*items)
* -- EX: Check.has_any(1, 3, 4)
* -- checks if player has either item 1, 3, or 4 in inventory.
* Check.each_more(*)
* -- EX: Check.each_more(, )
* -- checks if there are at least 2 of item 1 and at least 4 of item 2.
* Check.each_less(*)
* -- EX: Check.each_less(, )
* -- checks if there are at most 2 of item 1 and at most 4 of item 2.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Variables
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Check.is_any(variable, *values)
* -- EX: Check.is_any(1, 3, 4, 5)
* -- checks if variable 1 is either 3, 4, or 5.
* Check.greater(*variables, value)
* -- EX: Check.greater(1, 2, 3, 5)
* -- checks if variables 1, 2, and 3 are at least 5.
* Check.lesser(*variables, value)
* -- EX: Check.lesser(1, 2, 3, 5)
* -- checks if variables 1, 2, and 3 are at most 5.
* Check.in_range(*variables, start, stop)
* -- EX: Check.in_range(1, 3, 4, 5)
* -- checks if variable 1 AND 3 are between 4 and 5, including 4 and 5.
* Check.any_inrange(*variables, start, stop)
* -- EX: Check.any_inrange(1, 3, 4, 5)
* -- checks if variable 1 OR 3 are between 4 and 5, including 4 and 5.
* Check.each_is(*)
* -- EX: Check.each_is(, )
* -- checks if variable 1 is 3, and variable 4 is 5.
* Check.each_greater(*)
* -- EX: Check.each_greater(, )
* -- checks if variable 1 is at least 3 and variable 4 is at least 5.
* Check.each_lesser(*)
* -- EX: Check.each_lesser(, )
* -- checks if variable 1 is at most 3 and variable 4 is at most 5.
* Check.each_inrange(*)
* -- EX: Check.in_range(, )
* -- checks if variable 1 is between 3 and 5, and variable 3 is between 1 and 4.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Switches
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Check.all_true(*switches)
* -- EX: Check.true(1, 2, 3)
* -- checks if switches 1, 2, 3 are true.
* Check.any_true(*switches)
* -- EX: Check.any_true(1, 2, 3)
* -- checks if either of switches 1, 2, 3 are true.
* Check.all_false(*switches)
* -- EX: Check.false(1, 2, 3)
* -- checks if switches 1, 2, 3 are false.
* Check.any_false(*switches)
* -- EX: Check.any_false(1, 2, 3)
* -- checks if either of switches 1, 2, 3 are false.
* Check.each_switch(*)
* If on, put 1. If off, put 0.
* ==============================================================================

Drag into plugin folder, enable in plugin manager. It's just a collection of logic bits, so read the help to see which functions exist.
