RPG Maker MV

Lets users change some system settings in game and save them

  • DoubleX
  • 08/15/2016 02:33 PM
Games using this plugin
None so far

* @param currencyUnit
 * @desc Sets the currency unit
 *       It corresponds to the currency in the system settings
 *       Don't include , in its value
 *       Windows showing the currency unit might need to be refreshed right
 *       after changing currencyUnit
 * @default G
 * @param equipTypes
 * @desc Sets the list of equip types
 *       It corresponds to the equipment types in the type settings
 *       Don't change this when showing equips unless you really know what
 *       you're truly doing
 *       Don't change anything other than the equip type names unless you
 *       really know what you're truly doing
 * @default , Weapon, Shield, Head, Body, Accessory
 * @param locale
 * @desc Sets the locale of the game
 *       Don't include , in its value
 *       Windows showing texts might have to be refreshed right after changing
 *       locale
 * @default en_US
 * @param magicSkills
 * @desc Sets the list of skill type ids needing chanting motions in side view
 *       It corresponds to the magic skills in the system settings
 *       Don't change this during the same battle unless you really know what
 *       you're truly doing
 * @default 1, 2
 * @param menuCommands
 * @desc Sets the enabled status of all menu commands
 *       It corresponds to the menu commands in the system settings
 *       The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th status correspond to item, skill,
 *       equip, status, formation and save
 *       Setting an enabled status as anything other than false means it's
 *       true
 *       The menu window might need to be refreshed right after changing
 *       menuCommands
 * @default true, true, true, true, true, true
 * @param optDisplayTp
 * @desc Sets whether tp will be shown
 *       It corresponds to the display tp in battle in the options of the
 *       system settings
 *       Setting it as anything other than false means it's true
 *       Don't change this when showing actors' statuses unless you really
 *       know what you're truly doing
 * @default true
 * @param optExtraExp
 * @desc Sets whether actors outside battles can gain exp from those battles
 *       It corresponds to the exp for reserve members in the options of the
 *       system settings
 *       Setting it as anything other than false means it's true
 * @default false
 * @param optFloorDeath
 * @desc Sets whether floor damages alone can directly lead to death
 *       It corresponds to the knockout by floor damage in the options of the
 *       system settings
 *       Setting it as anything other than false means it's true
 * @default true
 * @param optFollowers
 * @desc Sets whether followers of the leading party member will be shown
 *       It corresponds to the show player followers in the options of the
 *       system settings
 *       Setting it as anything other than false means it's true
 *       Don't change this from false to true when followers could be
 *       colliding with something else unless you really know what you're
 *       truly doing
 * @default true
 * @param optSideView
 * @desc Sets whether side view will be used
 *       It corresponds to the use side view battle in the options of the
 *       system settings
 *       Setting it as anything other than false means it's true
 *       Don't change this during the same battle unless you really know what
 *       you're truly doing
 * @default true
 * @param optSlipDeath
 * @desc Sets whether slip damages alone can directly lead to death
 *       It corresponds to the knockout by slip damage in the options of the
 *       system settings
 *       Setting it as anything other than false means it's true
 * @default true
 * @param skillTypes
 * @desc Sets the list of skill types
 *       It corresponds to the skill types in the type settings
 *       Don't change this when showing skill types unless you really know
 *       what you're truly doing
 *       Don't change anything other than the skill type names unless you
 *       really know what you're truly doing
 * @default , Magic, Special

Plugin Calls
*    # Configuration manipulations                                           
 *      1. $gameSystem.dynamicSettings.param                                  
 *         - Returns the value of parameters shown in the plugin manager      
 *         - E.g.: Without using the 2nd plugin call,                         
 *                 $gameSystem.dynamicSettings.menuCommands will return       
 *                 [false, false, false, false, false, false]                 
 *      2. $gameSystem.dynamicSettings.param = val                            
 *         - Sets the value of parameters shown in the plugin manager as val  
 *         - All $gameSystem.dynamicSettings.param changes will be saved      
 *         - E.g.: $gameSystem.dynamicSettings.terms.messages.substitute =    
 *                 '%1 protected %2!' will set the substitute message to be   
 *                 '%1 protected %2!'                                         [code]

[code javascript]    /* Sets the list of attack motions in side view
     * It corresponds to attack motions in the system settings
     * Don't change this during the same battle unless you really know what
     * you're doing
    attackMotions: [
            'type': 0,
            'weaponImageId': 0
        }, {
            'type': 1,
            'weaponImageId': 1
        }, {
            'type': 1,
            'weaponImageId': 2
        }, {
            'type': 1,
            'weaponImageId': 3
        }, {
            'type': 1,
            'weaponImageId': 4
        }, {
            'type': 1,
            'weaponImageId': 5
        }, {
            'type': 1,
            'weaponImageId': 6
        }, {
            'type': 2,
            'weaponImageId': 7
        }, {
            'type': 2,
            'weaponImageId': 8
        }, {
            'type': 2,
            'weaponImageId': 9
        }, {
            'type': 0,
            'weaponImageId': 10
        }, {
            'type': 0,
            'weaponImageId': 11
        }, {
            'type': 0,
            'weaponImageId': 12

    /* Sets the list of sounds
     * It corresponds to sound in system settings
    sounds: [
            name: 'Cursor2',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Decision1',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Cancel2',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Buzzer1',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Equip1',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Save',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Load',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Battle1',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Run',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Attack3',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Damage4',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Collapse1',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Collapse2',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Collapse3',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Damage5',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Collapse4',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Recovery',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Miss',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Evasion1',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Evasion2',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Reflection',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Shop1',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Item3',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90
        }, {
            name: 'Item3',
            pan: 0,
            pitch: 100,
            volume: 90

    /* Sets the terms in the term table
     * It corresponds to the terms settings
     * Windows showing those terms might need to be refreshed right after
     * changing the relevant terms in the term table
	terms: {
		basic: [
		commands: [
		    'Game End',
		    'Key Item',
		    'New Game',
		    'To Title',
		params: [
		    'Max HP',
		    'Max MP',
		messages: {
			actionFailure: 'There was no effect on %1!',
			actorDamage: '%1 took %2 damage!',
			actorDrain: '%1 was drained of %2 %3!',
			actorGain: '%1 gained %2 %3!',
			actorLoss: '%1 lost %2 %3!',
			actorNoDamage: '%1 took no damage!',
			actorNoHit: 'Miss! %1 took no damage!',
			actorRecovery: '%1 recovered %2 %3!',
			alwaysDash: 'Always Dash',
			bgmVolume: 'BGM Volume',
			bgsVolume: 'BGS Volume',
			buffAdd: "%1's %2 went up!'",
			buffRemove: "%1's %2 returned to normal!",
			commandRemember: 'Command Remember',
			counterAttack: '%1 counterattacked!',
			criticalToActor: 'A painful blow!!',
			criticalToEnemy: 'An excellent hit!!',
			debuffAdd: "%1's %2 went down!",
			defeat: '%1 was defeated.',
			emerge: '%1 emerged!',
			enemyDamage: '%1 took %2 damage!',
			enemyDrain: '%1 was drained of %2 %3!',
			enemyGain: '%1 gained %2 %3!',
			enemyLoss: '%1 lost %2 %3!',
			enemyNoDamage: '%1 took no damage!',
			enemyNoHit: 'Miss! %1 took no damage!',
			enemyRecovery: '%1 recovered %2 %3!',
			escapeFailure: 'However, it was unable to escape!',
			escapeStart: '%1 has started to escape!',
			evasion: '%1 evaded the attack!',
			expNext: 'To Next %1',
			expTotal: 'Current %1',
			file: 'File',
			levelUp: '%1 is now %2 %3!',
			loadMessage: 'Load which file?',
			magicEvasion: '%1 nullified the magic!',
			magicReflection: '%1 reflected the magic!',
			meVolume: 'ME Volume',
			obtainExp: '%1 %2 received!',
			obtainGold: '%1\\G found!',
			obtainItem: '%1 found!',
			obtainSkill: '%1 learned!',
			partyName: "%1's Party",
			possession: 'Possession',
			preemptive: '%1 got the upper hand!',
			saveMessage: 'Save to which file?',
			seVolume: 'SE Volume',
			substitute: '%1 protected %2!',
			surprise: '%1 was surprised!',
			useItem: '%1 uses %2!',
			victory: '%1 was victorious!'

[code javascript] * attackMotions, sounds and termscan only be edited via opening this plugin
 * js file directly
 * The default plugin file name is DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Settings v100a
 * If you want to change that, you must edit the value of
 * DoubleX_RMMV.Dynamic_Settings_File, which must be done via opening this
 * plugin js file directly[/code]

1. Little RMMV plugin development proficiency for most basic usages
2. Some RMMV plugin development proficiency to fully utilize this

[b]Terms Of Use[/b]
[code javascript] *      1. Commercial use's always allowed and crediting me's always optional.
 *      2. You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact.   
 *      3. You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than 
 *         DoubleX or my aliases. I always reserve the right to deny you from 
 *         using any of my plugins anymore if you've violated this.           
 *      4. CC BY 4.0, except those conflicting with any of the above, applies 
 *         to this plugin, unless you've my permissions not needing follow so.
 *      5. I always reserve the right to deny you from using this plugin      
 *         anymore if you've violated any of the above.                       [/code]

[code javascript] *      v1.00a(GMT 1400 15-8-2016):                                           
 *      1. 1st version of this plugin finished                                [/code]