RPG Maker MV

Allows you to link specific edges of specific maps to other maps, even when map sizes are different. (And without ANY events!)

  • bentelk
  • 01/02/2017 03:51 AM
This plugin lets you link maps to other maps via their edges.

  • Do not need to create ANY events.

  • Only maps which have been given MapLink tag(s) will link; only those edges which you specify will be auto-linked. This is a "pro" because sometimes you don't want all your map edges linked all the time (see why this is also a "con", below).

  • Can link to and from maps of differing sizes. (It's up to you to make sure that the math works; see picture below.)

  • Coded to minimize plugin conflicts.

  • Only maps which have been given MapLink tag(s) will link; only those edges which you specify will be auto-linked. This is a "con" because if you want EVERY map to auto-link on EVERY edge, this plugin is making you do too much work. You should find another auto-edge-linking plugin. (They do exist!)

  • If you are linking maps of different sizes, you will need to block off some area on the map with the longer edge... for example: if you have a map with height 20, and a map with height 15, then the edge of the map of height 20 must have the top or bottom 5 tiles be inaccessible to the player (or some combination of top and/or bottom which add up to 5). I realize this is weird to explain. See pictures below.

  • If you link edges such that the player can get trapped somewhere, you'll have made some players very sad. Test all your edge links thoroughly!

How to Use:

Add MapLink tags to the notes of maps you wish to be linked. If you want a link to work both ways, you must set it up on both maps.

Tags take the form of:
<MapLink.DIR : MAP_ID X Y>

DIR indicates which edge of the map should be linked, and must be one of:
  • Top

  • Bottom

  • Left

  • Right

MAP_ID indicates which map the player should be taken to, when touching the edge.

X and Y have different meanings, depending on the DIR:
  • where DIR is either Top or Bottom:
    X = adjustment to be made to player's x (typically 0). for example "-3" means "shift the player left 3 tiles"
    Y = new y value to be set. for example "20" means "set the player's y to 20".

  • where DIR is either Left or Right:
    X = new x value to be set. for example "0" means "set the player's x to 0".
    Y = adjustment to be made to player's y (typically 0). for example "10" means "shift the player down 10 tiles"

A Couple Examples:

<MapLink.Bottom:9 0 1>

Link the bottom of the map to map #9. The player's X will not be adjusted; the player's new Y will be 1

<MapLink.Top:6 0 11>

Link the top of the map to map #6. The player's X will not be adjusted; the player's new Y will be 11

A Picture (Showing A More-Complex Example):

(note: in the event you have one map which is geographically adjacent to two other maps, as in the picture above where two square maps are next to a tall rectangle map, you COULD have the two smaller maps MapLink to the larger one, however the larger one can only MapLink back to one of the other two; which of the two is completely up to you, and you could still use traditional events to link to the second, if you really wanted.)