/*: * @plugindesc Use more than 10 animated state overlays in sideview battle * @author Coelocanth * @help * * This plugin lets you have more than 10 state overlays. * Extend the states.png vertically to the number of states you need. * * Use this notetag in states to set the overlay: * <overlay:NNN> * * for example, <overlay:11> would select the first additional row. */ (function() { cc_esd_DataManager_onLoad = DataManager.onLoad; DataManager.onLoad = function(object) { cc_esd_DataManager_onLoad.call(this, object); if(object === $dataStates) { $dataStates.forEach(state => { if(state && state.meta.overlay) { state.overlay = parseInt(state.meta.overlay); } }); } } })();